I Will Kill You

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"Would you like to go get butter-beer with me?" Draco walks up to me as I am sitting outside under a whomping willow, for some odd reason they don't attack when I am around. "Why?" I look up at him, he looks down at me, his hands in his pockets. He is so fucking handsome. He has his white button-up shirt rolled up past his elbows and he clearly missed hair day because he doesn't have it slicked back, it's messier than ever. "Because I said. Plus I think you need to enjoy yourself again. Wear the dress I got you" I look away, shit I forgot I wanted to wear that for the special surprise for him "Uhm, can I wear the black one you first got me?" I give a smile to make him not ask again "But why not the white one?" I stand up "Because I want to save that for something special" I grab his hands "Like what? a wedding" I laugh and lower my head, he lifts my head with his hand "I do want to marry you, Rhiannon" he cups my cheek with his hand, I feel so loved, so cared for. I am scared it will vanish. "But we are only 18, we are too young" he chuckles and rubs his thumb across my pink cheek "Never too young when I feel this love for you. If I asked you now what would you?" he takes his hand off my cheek and grabs my waist, pulling me to him. I take a deep breath "I don't know, You just have to ask me and you will find out" I smile "Oh really? Do I now?" he bites his lip and tilts his head "Yes Malfoy. You will never know unless you ask" he slowly kisses me, feeling his tongue lightly graze my lip, he smells of mint and vanilla, his clothes are dirty, every inch I notice of him floods through my brain, what if he does ask me the question, being his wife. If he does ever ask, I will say yes. "So, about the butterbeer, do you want to go?" he asks after pulling away from the kiss "Yes, I do"


"Goyle, have you noticed anything odd about Draco that you haven't told me?" I sit down in front of Goyle, crossing my legs "No Pansy, I have not" he doesn't make eye contact "What about that mud blood girl, anything with her?" Goyle seems nervous because of my questions, I start to get angry with his lies "You do remember that I have some of that poison left, right" I smile and he looks up at me "Pansy I can't keep doing this, Draco is my best friend and I shouldn't be feared into telling his business" he raises his voice "You are really annoying, plus he will never know you told me. Well, you don't have a choice, If you don't tell me I will do what I have to do" I reassure him with my gaze "Now, I will ask again, do you know anything about either of them? and don't bother to lie, I will know" Goyle gulps "They are dating" My heart never stops hurting from those words "I knew it" and that's all that leaves my mouth. "There I said it, now stop" I look back up at Goyle "I will stop when that mud blood girl dies, she has taken everything from me" My eyes start to tear up "Pansy you realize if you try to kill her she will kill you first. Have you not been listening to the others? She is the one"
"You really underestimate me Goyle, it's insulting you know"
"Just, don't punish her because Draco doesn't love you. You can't force something that isn't supposed to be" his words stab me like a dagger, how could he not know how much me and Draco have in common, I was his first girlfriend, I know him more than anyone and she has to have him under a love spell or something, he does not like mud bloods.


"Thank you" Draco put down the glass of butter beer on the table in front of me, he sits down across from me and sips his glass "I want you to enjoy yourself" I sip my butter beer then wipe the foam off my top lip "I do enjoy myself, especially when you are around" I smile "I certainly enjoy myself when I am with you. I love you, Rhiannon" Draco's eyes glance's down at his lap "I love you too, Draco. Everything okay?" I sip my butter beer again"Yeah, just happy I get to sit here in peace with you. Again" he leans back in his chair "Im kind of hungry," I say "Here take this, go get something to eat" he passes me a small stack of money and I stand up, I walk to the counter and order some food. "Rhiannon?" I hear a boy's voice next to me that sounds familiar, I look over and see Cormac standing next to me "Cormac" I look him up and down "It is good to see you, how are you?" he asks "Im fine, thanks for asking" I look away "Rhiannon, I do want t to apologize about stuff, ever since I was pulled from the school I just regret stuff" I roll my eyes and chuckle "Stuff? you mean bullying and lying right? yeah I dont want your pity" he steps closer, forcing me to look back to him "Listen here, I never lied and you know what, I, not sorry, you clearly haven't changed" I squint my eyes, shocked with his words "Are you kidding me? you are still the dick I remember" he looks me up and down "Do your hands still glow? like some glow stick" he shouts "Cormac stop" I whisper "Or what? will you glow and lift me in the air again, you crazy women" I start to feel scared, I look around and people are staring and whispering to other people "Cormac please stop" he smiles "You won't do anything about it" I start to feel relief, a smirk appears on my lips "I won't because I don't need to"
"Why not, scared?" I laugh again "No, quite the opposite. Maybe turn around and you'll know" Cormac turns his head and there is my relief, Draco towering over Cormac, with his hands in his pockets "Cormac" Draco clenches his jaw and angers his gaze "Draco, hey! I was just catching up with Black here" he nervously laughs "Why lie? you are really dumb. I was standing here far longer than you think clearly. I heard everything" I smile to myself and look away "Hey, it was just jokes, I don't mean it" Draco walks closer to him and grabs his collar, lifting him up "Then I suggest you leave. If I ever see you disrespect her again, I will kill you" Draco's face goes dark, his eyes lowered in rage "But I-" Cormac tries to talk "Go" Draco demands then lets go of his collar, Cormac glares at me then walks out the door "Are you okay," Draco asks me "Yes, you didn't need to threaten him you know" I chuckle grabbing my food "I know, its fun though" we walk back over our table. "So what you told me earlier about asking me to marry you...do you really think about it?" he leans into the table, resting his elbows on the table "Yes I do, do you?" I do think about it but I just get scared "Yes I do" Draco raises his eyebrow "Why do you ask? did it bother you that I said I would marry you?" I look up at him chewing my food "No" I try to not spit food out of my mouth "Good" he says sipping his drink "Rhiannon I want you to know that I take this seriously, I wouldn't have told you that to work up your feelings. I want you for as long as I live" I smile as I swallow my food "Oh I know, I can see it. Me and you growing old, raising a family. It is my dream to be a mother and raise my child as my mother raised me, but I would tell the child they are a witch or wizard" I take another bite of food, Draco doesn't respond to that, he just sits there and admires me, even when I'm shoving my face full of food. "I can see you staring you know" he circles his fingers on the table "That's the point, I stare at what's mine, am I not allowed to stare at what's mine?"
"Oh stop it" I start to feel flustered and my cheeks turn red. I sit here and admire his features, I look at his neck, watching the veins twitch as he turns his head, my eyes lower down to the collar of his shirt, which is slightly unbuttoned. My stomach starts to flutter and my chest starts to get hot, I cross my legs to squeeze the sensation between my legs and I struggle to sit still from how much just looking at him is turning me on. "Something wrong?" shit he just totally say me to do that, I look up and straighten my back "No, Im okay" That was obviously a lie, I am desperate for him. "You really don't think I know what's wrong, I can read body language you know" he places his glass on the table and then encloses his fingers together, placing them on the table as he leans in "I can clearly tell you are desperate for me, I know you want me to touch you" he whispers with a smirk "And how do you know that?" my breath quickens and my leg crosses the other "I could show you how I know, would you like that?"
"I don't know" I chuckle nervously "Meet me in the lavatory" he stands up and walks to the lavatory, I sit here in shock, my stomach turns at the thought of what will happen when I walk into the lavatory, well I know it will be fun but what if we get caught? I slowly stand up and look around, making sure no one is looking before I walk into the lavatory, the door slams and locks from behind me and without a second to look I am being pressed up against the door "Now, I will ask again, is something wrong?"
"Yes" I breathe out "Then use your words?" his lips are so close to mine, his eyes squinted and his head tilts "I am desperate for you," I say, with a slight whimper and I try to kiss him but he grabs my neck, pushing my head away from his "Was it really that hard to tell me, but I already knew what you wanted" his grip tightens, my hand grabs his wrist "Am I aloud to touch you?" he asks as he looks down at my skirt, grazing his other hand on my thigh. "Yes" I struggle to breathe, his hand is now under my skirt and I feel his cold fingers trace the lining of my underwear "How bad do you want it?" he says with a seductive controlling tone, my skin shivers and I feel myself starting to wet my underwear with desire "I see you do want this, I barely touched you and you are already wet for me" he chuckles and slips his fingers in my underwear, forcing his fingers inside me. I let out a moan but I quickly put my hand on my mouth so no one would hear me through the door. "I want you to understand how much I care about you, every inch of my fingers that enter your body I want to remind you of this feeling and help remind you that I will be the only one to touch you" I struggle to breathe from the hand on my neck and mouth, how is he so good at this, he knows how to make every hair on my body stand up, make my knees weak and make me completely crazy. He knows the power he has over me and I love it. "Draco, I promise I won't give up what's yours" I take my hand off my mouth and use both my hands to grab his wrist "Oh I know you would never because I would kill them before they could even lay a finger on you" his lips smash into my lips, his kisses are deceitful and desperate, he licks my lips softly before planting his lips on mine again, my moans get heavy as I gasp between each kiss, he bites my bottom lip with a smile. Draco picks me up and puts me into the sink, he steps between my legs, not breaking the kiss. He starts to get more aggressive, I can hear his breathing getting heavier and his hands travel across my body until they get back under my skirt, he rips my underwear down and breaks away from the kiss, his lips are beating red from the amount our lips were making. "I want to taste you, feel how wet you are on my tongue" he slowly lowers down between my legs, I grasp his hair in my hand as I feel his mouth smother my vagina, feeling his warm lips kiss and suck on my clit, I look up at the ceiling and just think how lucky I am to have someone so desired for me, so eager to have me. The grasp I have on this icy blonde hair gets tighter, I use the other hand to grab the counter, digging my nails into the countertop. As his tongue twirls around my clit, he softly licks and kisses it, making my body twitch with each tingle he gives me. He stands back up and starts to unbuckle his pants, the heartbeat starts to travel down to my vagina and my eyes lower down to his buckle before I slowly look back up at his face, his mouth has a smirk and his eyes grow hungry. He takes his dick out and grabs my hips, I open my legs farther to tell him I want this. Draco watches my eyes roll back as he slips himself inside me, roughly pounding, it hurts so good to feel his whole length inside me.

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