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It has been three months since I have seen Draco. the past three months have been really hard, I miss Draco, I miss Severus, his funeral was beautiful, I  was asked to grow flowers for his service, I could barley go through the whole service without breaking down. I wished Draco was there, to go through it with me like he did when my parents died, Draco is so supportive of me, well he was. He was always there when I was alone, but this time he wasn't there for me, to save me from myself.
"Rhiannon are you alright?" Hermione nudges me at the table, I snap out of my thoughts "What?" I look over at Hermione "You're thinking about him again, aren't you?
"What are you on about?" I pick at my food on my plate "Draco, I know it still hurts that he is gone but, it's been three months, I'm worried about you"
I fixate my eyes at the wall in front of me "Hermione you don't understand. I love him, well I don't know if I do, it's so confusing still, but I just feel so guilty for everything, he should be here still"
"Rhiannon, I know, I told you this millions of times but it's not your fault, maybe it's best if he left since he is a death eater now, and could cause issues for the school"
"That's the thing, I want to see him as that, but I cant" I look back at my plate
"But, you can't trust death eaters, you never know with them, they can't be trusted, I understand you two shared a moment or a few moments together but you never know"
"I know" I start to overthink everything me and Draco did together, was everything real between us? did he really like me or was it just a plan to get close to me. 
Draco is different I like to tell myself that, but me and him can never be anything other than the opposite, it will never work, after all, we are now strangers, almost like we never met. After breakfast it is time for class. Me and Hermione walk to potions class, it still doesn't feel the same without Severus, I never get used to it.
Everything feels off, even though it is a normal school day."Hello students, how are we all feeling today" Professor Slughorn walks in, he is a very goofy man, he always had do giggle after everything he said "Why does he always sound like he's out of breath" Hermione whispers to me "I thought that to" I giggle and pull out my sketchbook and start to doodle. I look over to where Draco would be sitting if he were here, I stare for a few seconds, then flip the page and start drawing Draco sitting in the chair across the room, it also doesn't feel the same with him not here.
"Is that-" Hermione peeks over my shoulder, quickly I flip the page to hide the drawing "No, don't be so nosey" I snap, even though Hermione is right "I swear, I saw you drawing Draco"
"Well, I wasn't"
"Alright, jeez" she continues reading, smiling to herself. I know Hermione wants me to get over him but I just can't. I flip the page back over and finish the drawing, and then something starts glowing in the corner of my eye, I look behind me and see a peacock, but it is glowing blue, sort of an apparition of a peacock. I look around the room to see if anyone else is seeing what I am seeing, but no one does. I look back at it and it walks out of the classroom, I feel like I should follow it. I shoot my hand up "Professor, may I use the lavatory?"
"Will you be fast Miss Black?"
"Yes Professor" I am already out the door, walking out of the class and see it walk down the hall then disappears behind the corner. I quickly rush down the hall, seeing the peacock go through the front doors, I run out the doors as it leads me outside toward the forest and where me and Draco were that night it all happened, this is odd, why is it taking me here. I watch the peacock stand still in the middle of the wooded area, then vanishes in thin air, I walk up to where it was last standing and see a rose lying on the ground. I tilt my head in confusion then pick it up and smell it. When I smell it I get a vision of Draco, I see him just smiling at me, this has to be from him. I smile to myself and laugh, not being able to take the rose away form my nose. I walk back into the school and head back to class, sitting at my desk
"Hermione look"
"A rose?"
"Yes, I don't know if you will believe me but I saw an apparition of a peacock, it was all blue and glowing, it led out to the forest and I found a rose"
"A Patronus?" Hermione closes her book "What is that?"
"It is a form of advanced magic that comes from your happiest memories, it is blue and glows, just like you saw I assume"
"I think it was Draco" I smile "Draco doesn't have a Patronus, he was never able to cast it and Rhiannon it might not be from him okay"
"But when I smelled the rose I saw Draco"
"Like a vision?"
"Yes, it was him, smiling at me"
"It might be possible but I highly doubt he has any happy memories"
"I won't get my hopes up, but I'm certain it was him, do you think I could cast a Patronus?"
"Yes but you need a happy memory that sticks with you"
"Well, I do not have many but can think of a few"
"We can try after class if you want?"
"I don't know, Im kind of nervous" I pick at the scabs on my hand "Don't be, nothing bad will happen"
"Okay, I guess we can try, what is your Patronus?"
"An otter, very intelligent, loyal, and loving of nature" she stuck her chin in the air, proud of her patronus "Awe cute, I hope mine is something cute but also badass"
"Well they also are based on your personality"
"I know but still, imagine a dragon or something"
"Alright students that is the end of the lesson, we will finish the study tomorrow" Slughorn shouts to the class. I quickly gather my books and hold onto the rose so it won't get wrecked. Me and Hermione head to the forest so I could practise casting a Patronus."Hermione how exactly do I do this?"
"Well, take out your wand, close your eyes and think about a happy memory, when you got it open your eyes and say "Expecto Patronum" that is it, but make sure you say it very clearly"
"Okay" I close my eyes and hold up my wand, I think hard and deeply, the only thing that kept coming to mind was me and Draco's first kiss, I hold onto the rose in the other hand. I open my eyes "I got it"
"Okay now cast the spell, make sure you pay attention to your memory, don't lose focus or it won't work"
"Okay" I take a deep breath, replaying the kiss in my head. I also try to feel the feelings I felt toward Draco, the butterflies, the shivers he gives me when he smiles, everything he did, I thought of. "Expecto Patronum" some blue light came from the wand but it went away as I got to carried away by looking instead of focusing
"Again, focus harder" Hermione said, I play the night over in my head of the build-up of the kiss, when we danced together, then him confessing his feelings, then the kiss, the kiss is really the thing that made me feel real happiness. I grasp the rose harder."Expecto Patronum!" Blue light glows from the wand and a creature forms from the blue light, a Thestral appears.A huge smile forms on my face. I did feel a connection to those creatures. I lose focus, the patronus slowly fades away
"Wow, a Thestral, those are extremely rare, but also are very powerful, Im not surprised" Hermione hugs me and we walk deeper into the forest."Let me guess, you thought of Draco"
"No" I blush and closed my eyes "You did, hey, I won't take offence, I thought you meeting me would make you happy" she giggles "Oh stop, meeting you was a huge part"
"Yes, you showed me a real friendship"
"Awe, thank you"
"I wish I could show you a friend I met in this forest, Ezra"
"Who is that?"
"She is a Thestral I met a while ago"
"Oh, I won't be able to see her"
"I know, It would be nice, but hopefully you don't, It's pretty here when it is winter, all the snow on the trees, the water is frozen, it's peaceful"
"I agree, it is pretty, I would love to just live out here in a little house or something with my husband, have babies, live free you know"
"Who, with Ron?" I giggle "Oh stop, but hopefully yeah, I like him Rhiannon"
"Why don't you go for it"
"I don't know, I'm terrified he will say no"
"He must be dumb to say no to you, you are simply too good for him then" she lifts her chin "I think me and him are different people, he is sorta dumb and immature, but that's what makes me so attracted to him" this makes me jealous of how she can say that, they are the same person basically and at least Ron isn't a death eater who has a father who tried to kill her. I just wish all I had to worry about is Draco rejecting me.

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