The End.

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I buried Rhiannon's body where her parents were buried, it was the place where she wanted to be in the afterlife. The roses on her parent's grave were still blooming, they never died. Rhiannon's power was so strong, so unique even death was confused by her. I give my final goodbye. I stand in front of the freshly piled dirt that laid above her body, six feet under my true love lies forever. I walk away but stop when I hear a sound from behind, I turn around, tears in my eyes and they are met with red roses growing up from the fresh dirt of her grave. More tears leak down my cheeks "I love you, my beautiful red rose, my Rhiannon" I whisper then start to walk away once again, no turning back this time. After some weeks have passed after killing all the death eaters, the Dark Lord died shortly after Rhiannon did. I start to hunt Pansy down last, she has been hiding ever since she murdered Rhiannon and she has no idea I am coming for her. I scouted where she would hide, there was no place in the world far enough to escape me. I want her dead so badly, sometimes the excitement of thinking about her death makes me forget the regret and despair I am in, only for awhile. I find her eventually after a few weeks when she decided to come home to see her family, I wait until it was dark and she is asleep. I snuck into her room, black cloak and dagger in hand, the same one I used to murder the others who hurt Rhiannon, I grab her wand so she can't fight me. I want her defenceless. I sat down on the chair facing her bed across the room, tears never stopped ever since it happened. Pansy started to wake up, she must have felt my presence, she sat up and stared at the black figure sitting in the chair "Hello?" her voice is rasp and frightened. I light the lantern next to me and take down the hood, revealing my bloodshot eyes and fresh blood splattered on my face "Draco? what are you doing here? is that blood?" I giggle "You know why I am here. It's funny really, how you think you were going to get away with killing the person I worshiped, who I loved" I wipe the tears off my face and stand up "Draco, I had to do it! she had you under a spell! dont you see, I saved you, I saved us" I quickly walk over to Pansy and grab her throat, I search for her eyes and they hit her soul, my eyes weren't that beautiful grey anymore, they were black. I squeeze, a smile formed as I hear her trying to gasp for air "Us? There was never us. You destroyed me because I didn't love you. How pathetic" I tilt my head, still smiling at her discomfort and fear. "My parents will barge in here and kill you with all this noise" I laugh again and take my hand off her throat "That reminds me" I grab the back of her hair and drag her out of bed, I open the door, her screams echo the halls, screams for her parents "I want to show you something" I shove her into her parent's room and her eyes meet the dead bodies of her parents "They won't hear you" Her cries become louder and my smile grows "You feel that? That's how I felt when you killed Rhiannon. They are lucky I did it fast, you let Rhiannon suffer and you made her feel like she was alone" I push her back into her bedroom and she presses her back against her bedpost, shaking with fear "Please, I did it because I had to, the Dark Lord needed her dead, I couldn't fail him, unlike you!" I walk up to her and lift her chin with the dagger "Your Dark Lord is dead. You destroyed the last Horcrux. The only thing that kept him alive was Rhiannon and you killed her, you killed your Lord" Her jaw dropped, confusion entered her head "What? no. That can't be! hes dead?"
"You have no idea what you have done, everything you did backfired, harshly, you destroyed everything, Pansy. After I kill you that will be the end of death eaters, the end of the suffering she went through, what I went through" I glide the blade down to her stomach "This is where you stabbed her, where you hurt her beautiful body, made her bleed" I suck back tears from picturing the horrific scene of my love being tourted "Draco, please don't, I am so sorry for what I did. I just love you and I wanted us to be happy, I thought-" I stab her in the stomach, Pansy squeals as she tries to pull my hand away "I hate you, you took everything from me!" I yell as I twist the blade, I put my hand behind hers to make her look into my eyes "I want you to suffer, to pay for what you did, but even this won't fix what you have done to me"
"Draco-" her voice is quiet, scared and shivery. I pull out the blade as Pansy falls backward onto her bed, I hover over her as she struggles to breathe "This is not my revenge, this is Rhiannon's revenge. For everything she went through because of that stupid mark that you so badly wanted," I lift the dagger above her and shove it into her chest, right into her heart, I chose to stay silent, I just want to hear her struggle, hear her final breath. Pansy is now dead, I grab her arm and carve Puremud into her arm like I have done to multiple evil death eaters before her that I killed. I carved them like they carved my poor Rhiannon. I leave the house, standing in front of it and hold up my wand "Incendio" I say as flames shoot out of my want and ignite the house in front of me. I turn around and walk away into the foggy night.

............ Five Years Later............

Time went on after Rhiannon's death. It was a painful process, Hermione ended up marrying Ron and Harry met a girl named Ginny, Ron's little sister. Hermione never got over her death, she even sometimes saw Rhiannon in her dreams, she thought it's a way of Rhiannon communicating from beyond the grave. Draco also never learned to live without Rhiannon, he stopped contacting Hermione and the others a year after her death, he moved out of his parent's home and found somewhere secluded in a forest, he was never found by enforcement after he murdered over 300 death eaters. He would have nightmares every night, seeing Rhiannon's bloody corpse in his arms, he was hunted by red roses now. Draco would also see Rhiannon's spirit roam his home but she never stayed for him to say he misses her, even though she was dead, she never stopped living for them. Draco grew tired of the quietness, the nightmares and loneliness  he felt from her absence after all these years. He killed himself to be with her, he slit his wrist that had his dark mark. As he laid there with his wrist slit, he had a vision of Rhiannon, standing in a field that goes on forever, in a white dress, her long beautiful black hair. She stood there like she was waiting for him to come to her again, his eyes faded out and she turned to face him with a smile and her bright green eyes invited him back to her. He did it for her, when he died seeing that vision he knew he would be with her again, that's all he ever wanted was to be with her, the moment he saw her walk into the Great Hall the day she was sorted, the day his lips finally touched hers in that forest. Draco died of a broken heart. All he ever wanted was to be with her, forever and always.

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