He Saved Her Life

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It was early in the morning, there were some people awake but it was a Sunday, so lots of people were still sleeping from being out late, partying. She got out of bed, feeling completely drained with a headache. She slipped on the same outfit as always and made her way to the Great Hall for some breakfast, hoping there was something to help the headache. There were barely any people, she sat down and grabbed some coffee. After awhile Draco walked in and sat at the Slytherin table, grabbing some coffee as well. She watched his every move, hesitating if she should go thank him for last night, would that be a good idea to talk with him in public. She stood up and walked toward him, her breath quickened and she tucked her hair behind her ears. He hadn't noticed yet that she was approaching, she just stared at him, he looked very focused on reading the daily prophet. As she got closer he looked up at her and she felt her heart beat through her chest. "Hello Malfoy" She took a deep breath
"Can I help you?" His tone was monotone
"I just wanted to thank you for last night, If you weren't there I do not know what would have happened"
"I do" He responded, looking back at his paper "Right...I just wanted to say thanks" She swayed her arms behind her back, he just nodded his head "Well, that's all, bye" She started to walk away, but stopped and turned around "One more thing, I need the dress back" She felt stupid saying that. He looked up at her, confused with a smirk "Why so?" He tilted his head "I really hate when you give me that look but I need it for you know what" She whispered, leaning her hands on the table "Im sorry but I'm confused" He squinted his eyes "The thing you and Severus were talking about, Snape told me that night" He chugged his coffee, she looked at his bruised ripped up knuckles "Your hands" She gasped with worry "It's whatever, you're coming with me to get it," He said putting his cup on the table "Fine, can we go now then" He sighed and stood up "Let's go" He walked away and she followed behind. As they walked to his dorm, it was silent and awkward "Draco you should tend to your hands" She said quietly, looking around to make sure no one saw them together "Why do you care so much huh?" He turned his head to face her "Well, it seems like you care about the situation by the looks of your lip and hands" She snapped at him, feeling stupid for caring when it just never got appreciated "Just shut it or no dress, which I'm still confused about why you gave it back"
"And I'm confused why you gave it to me! and I would have kept it if you weren't a complete dick" She crossed her arms, feeling more flustered. Draco stepped closer to her "It doesn't help you outed me out in front of others who would tell I'm associating with mud bloods, I shouldn't even be walking with you right now" Rhiannon stepped closer to him "You could have said no, and you didn't" They face each other, faces almost touching, they just froze for a second, their breathes sharpen as they snap out of it. Draco turned around "Just stop. Pure-Blood" Draco said to the door, the door opened , he started to walk inside "Are you coming?" He asked, stopping in his tracks "Oh, I didn't think I should come in with you since I'm a mud blood" Draco twitched his head with annoyance "Do you want the dress or not Rhiannon?" She sorta liked it when he got annoyed with her. She walked inside the common room, following Draco to the boy's dorm "Just sit there and I'll grab it, alright?" Draco said, raising his eyebrow quickly, walking to the other room. She sat down on his bed, looking at his belongings on his side table. He had many things on it, photos of him as a kid, he seemed happy, she wondered where the innocent happy Draco went. She stood up and brushed her hands on his silky green sheets, his bed smelt of mint and vanilla, butterflies entered her stomach and a smile appeared on her face. Footsteps got closer so she quickly sat back down on the bed, crossing her legs, leaning back on the bed, he walked right up to her, she looked up at him, making eye contact, he looked down at her, licking his lips "here, is that all you need?"
"I suppose, thank you" She stood up, slowly grabbing the box from him, his grip tightened on the box "Listen, I don't want people knowing about last night or this dress do you understand? or any of it" He gave her a firm look, looking down at her lips "Yes Mr. Malfoy" She ripped the box out of his hands. They stared at each other for a few seconds, her cheeks were hot and her knees felt weak, looking into his eyes made her want to lose control. "Im sorry for how I treated you when you saw that vision or whatever" He looked down a his knuckles, opening and closing his fist, wincing from the pain. She didn't know how to respond, did he just apologize? "It's fine" She respond quickly, trying to defuse the tension "Do you know when this meeting will take place" She tried to change the subject "No idea" He responded, rubbing his knuckles still "Do they hurt?" She asked "A little, but I don't mind the pain" He said "Can I?" She put the box on the bed, then held her hands out, scared of his response "But you hate my guts?" He looked confused "I chose to not hate you for right now. You gave me the dress back so I'm just returning the favour" He looked at me, softening his eyes and putting his hands into hers. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

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