Her Backstory

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Severus carried me into the Hospital Wing, making sure there was no one else in here who could cause a potential threat. Severus laid me down on the bed, covering me up with a blanket. He sat down right next to my bedside, following the task he was given by Dumbledore, to watch over this girl until she awakened. He sat there wondering how could someone so young hold so much power, he had never seen someone fight off such a strong thing and survive.
"Professor, my father wants to speak to you"
Severus jolted from being startled, he stood up and turned around and saw Draco standing by the door of the Hospital Wing "Malfoy, you see I'm busy"
"My father said he needed to see you, he said it's about what happened tonight" he walked over to Draco, flipping his robe behind him
"Let me guess...you couldn't keep your mouth closed, and had to run to tell your...father, I need you to stay here....in case she wakes up, Don't leave until...I get back"


After I heard I need to stay and watch over her, I feel a sense of annoyance. As I walk over to her bedside, looking down at her with my hands in my pockets, I had no clue what to do. She had hair covering her face, I took my hand out of my pocket and moved the hair out of her face, I felt my heart starting to race, as I stare at her, I notice her features, her skin was cold and pale but soft, I found her quite beautiful. I quickly moved my hand away and sat down in the chair next to her, staring at her again, rubbing my lips with the tips of my fingers, wondering what happened to her. I never wanted to be sweet and gentle with anyone because I don't know how to be gentle, I was raised to be tough and show no emotion. My eyes became heavy, it was a struggle to keep them open, I started to fall asleep because I have been up all night thinking about how she screamed and how in pain she must have been in. I finally got to sleep, forgetting I was supposed to watch her in case she woke up.


I started to open my eyes and my entire body felt hot to the touch. I looked over and saw that blonde Slytherin boy, still not knowing his name. Why was he next to me I thought, let alone here? All I cared about right now was needing to use the lavatory, I felt like throwing up. I stood up, feeling so weak. I look over at him, studying him, he was quite handsome and his hair was something I never seen before, it was silver almost. I stumbled away from the bed to the lavatory, trying to keep myself up by grabbing onto the walls. I got inside the lavatory completely throwing up my guts, my throat was on fire, and I didn't know why, I couldn't remember a thing. After some time, Severus walked back into the Hospital Wing from talking to Draco's father, all his father wanted to know was why this girl is causing so much chaos already. Draco's father knew about Rhiannon and her powers, he knew where she came from, he also knew what was to come from her being at Hogwarts. Severus approached the bed she was in, she was gone, Draco was asleep, of course he was not following the instructions he was given. 


"Draco wake up!" Severus slapped me on the back of my head "Where is she...Draco, were you even paying attention to her?"
"Professor I'm sorry, but what are you expecting from me? I've been up all night because of this stupid girl! She shouldn't even be here if she is causing so much trouble" I stormed out of the Hospital Wing. Severus heard gagging coming from the lavatory. 


I puked one more time, I was kneeled down by the toilet, drool strung from my lips and there was blood mixed within my vomit, the sight was gory. The pain in my throat was to much to bear, tears leaked and dripped into the toilet. I got the strength and stood up and wiped my mouth. I walked out of the stall and stumbled to the sink, drinking some water from the tap, I started to gag and cough up blood into the sink, confusion is all I felt, I wanted to know what was happening to me, something like this had never happened. I was terrified of maybe I was dying or had some sickness. That man then stormed into the lavatory
"What's going on" I was still coughing up blood, he walked closer to me, looking into the sink
"Come back and lay down, and I'll explain everything" Severus helped Rhiannon to bed
"Who are you?" I looked up at him, drool dripping own my chin, my vision a blur "I am...Severus Snape, a...professor here" his voice made my skin freeze
"Oh, wait you were the man in the Great Hall. What happened to me? and who was that boy in the chair?" I wiped my mouth with my arm "I asked him to stay here as I went to go deal with something, but he fell asleep and completely ignored orders"
"Oh, What is his name?"
"Draco Malfoy, one of the most spoiled students, and...you do not want to encounter his...father, please stay away from him" Severus walked me out of the lavatory and sat me down onto the bed and gave me this tea that smelt awful
"what is in this, it stinks" I scrunch my nose
"It will help the throat"
"Can I know what is going on now?" I struggle to take a sip
"Well, what would you like to know first?"
"Everything, why Im here in this school, why I'm coughing blood, why I'm in this room and why I'm being called a witch," I sipped the tea again, feeling a cooling sensation, the pain automatically went away
"Rhiannon, what you are being told is true, you are a witch and the most powerful I have encountered"
"How so?"
"Have you ever done things others can't? like make something move without touching it, light a candle without a match? anything odd like that"
"It's hard to remember, but yes I have I suppose but I didn't think anything of it"
"Tell me what you remember," Severus sits back in his chair
"I remember this one time I was sitting on my bed, this was about three years ago, I was sitting there and I was very stressed that day and so I did some meditation and I felt myself levitating off the bed, I opened my eyes and I was so freaked out I landed back on the bed and left my room, I didn't tell anyone, I thought maybe my room was haunted or something"
"Are there any other things you did without control?"
"This one I'm not very proud of or happy with, I keep this deep down in my memories. When I was little, I was arguing with a kid at the park and it was just me and him, he took one of my toys and I wasn't very happy so I started to scream and cry as any kid would, I felt so angry like the emotions I was feeling seemed too much for a kid my age, out of nowhere I stood up and raised my hand towards him and lifted him in the air and threw him into the play structure, then I snapped out of it and ran home, I was too scared to say anything to my parents, I have no clue if I killed him or not, after that happened I never left my house to save others from me" I started to cry and worry that I was a criminal for almost or killing a child, I never wanted to be a violent person, I always see myself as a caring person, just when I got angry there was something that went off and I would lash out.
"Am I a monster?" I asked Severus, feeling terrible for what I just told him, waiting for the handcuffs "No Rhiannon, you are not a monster, you are a very emotional young witch who doesn't know how to use her powers and abilities, that is normal, and I will do my best to teach you how to use them"
"Professor, what happened tonight, why am I in here? Please don't tell me I hurt someone again"
"No, you didn't hurt anyone, you were in an incident, something took control of you, some sort of ball of light, do you remember anything?"
"I only remember walking into the Great Hall and seeing this light and it kept saying my name and I just felt the urge to touch it, something deep down told me not to but I didn't listen, and then all I felt was the most terrible pain imaginable and I couldn't see or breath, then it went all black and that's all I remember"
"That is correct I was there when it happened, I have never seen such strength in anyone, well...never mind. In the past have you ever felt electricity in your body? Like light"
"What do you mean?" I gave a confused look
"Have you ever had to fight something or you got so angry and emotional that your veins glowed like lighting?"
"I don't think so....actually yes, one time I was sleeping and woke up for some reason and my hands felt like they were on fire and I looked down and they were glowing white and my arms looked like lighting so I ran to the bathroom and went into the shower and It helped, Ive noticed water kinda relaxes when that happens" 
"Interesting, what do you feel emotionally when this happens?" 
"Scared, confused, but also powerful like I could protect the whole world"
"That's a possibility" Severus whispered
"I know this is unrelated but do you know where my parents are?" Severus stood up
"I think we should take you to Dumbledore"
"Severus where are my parents!"
"I have no idea"
"You're lying, I can tell" I step closer
"Rhiannon It's best we figure out what almost killed you" Severus grabbed my arm and took me to Dumbledore's office.

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