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All the Professors and students gathered around her and Severus, she still hasn't grasped onto reality that he was gone, Hermione walked over to her "Rhiannon, it's time to let go, please" She cried, putting her hand on Rhiannon's shoulder, kneeling down next to her, hugging her as she refused to let go."No, I can't, he's not dead" She cried out, putting her head on his forehead
"He's gone Rhiannon" Hermione cried, Dumbledore rushed over and pulled her off Severus "No stop it" She fought him off as she tried to leap back to Severus."Draco take her somewhere, please" Draco walked over
"No you stay away from me" She yelled at Draco, but Draco grabbed her. She hit him and tried to pull away, he was too strong for her. "Rhiannon please" He begged her to calm down, he picked her up and took her down the corridor, her view of Severus was fading away the farther they went. She eventually let him take her as she was to upset. Draco walked her into the prefects bathroom. He let her go and shut the door "How could you, you stay away from me Draco" She cried, screaming at him, dropping to her knees. Her scream echoed the whole room, the mirrors shook and shattered, the floor shook from under her, Draco braced himself on the wall "Rhiannon, please calm down" He yelled at her. She caught her breath and the shaking of the room went away. "I told you I had no choice, I never wanted this, I never wanted anyone to die" Draco wiped his tears "I don't believe you Draco, I should of known, I shouldn't of came back to detention, I should of left and not spoken to you, this is your fault, you made me fall for you, I am so stupid to think you could change, or that I could fix you"
"I know, but you did come back" She stood up and sat on the edge of the prefects bathtub, with her face In her palms "I really thought things were going to be different after my parents died, I thought I would be stronger, more alert, but I never thought you would become what I fear and keep something from me that I could of stopped"
"I don't want you to fear me, or hate me, all I do is make sure you are safe" He walked up to her, kneeling in front of her "I really wanted this to work, me and you, but I think it's best if we hate each other, like how it was before"
"I never hated you, yeah we fought and we live two different lives but you are different than any person I met, you brought something back inside me that I never knew I needed or had Rhiannon"
"I cant see the change, Draco I want to forget what you are but I'm terrified one day you will do his dirty work, just like your father tried to get me killed and now he killed the only parent figure I had left"
"I promise you, my father will cause no more pain for you as long as I live"
"That is hard to believe, I don't trust you didn't want this" He grabbed his arm and pulled up his sleeve "Then look closer" Rhiannon forced herself to look since she despised him for having that mark, she looked and saw scars all over his mark "What are these? scars?"
"Like I said, I didn't want this, I was terrified of becoming this, you're not the only one who fears this shit, I wanted it off my body the moment he put it on me, I tried to get it off, because I knew what it would make me look like, a fucking monster, and I never wanted you to see this on me" She pulled down his sleeve and stood up, walking away "I don't know what to do anymore Draco, I'm so lost, I've lost everything, and this, I cant handle it" She stood up, grabbing her stomach in pain from the large gash from Bellatrix's knife. "S..Shit" She slurred as blood poured out of the wound. Draco turned around, hearing her in pain, he quickly walked over "You need to get that fixed, you could bleed out" "I'll be fine, I just need to get to Hermione" She stumbled away from Draco, she was loosing a lot of blood "Rhiannon please, let me help you" Draco begged as he stood in her way "And how exactly can you do that? you realize I can do it myself"
"I know, I just want to do something good for you, so you can trust me. how do you think I healed my arm so fast, I know what to do, will you let me?" She hesitated, she wanted to trust he wouldn't hurt her but that mark said otherwise. "You're not going to hurt me, are you?" He looked into her eyes "Never". She wiped her eyes "Fine, un zip me" She turned around, moving her hair to the side, he started to un zip the dress, seeing her exposed skin, his hand was cold, she turned back around and pulled her dress down to her hips, exposing more of her skin to him. His eyes couldn't stop looking at her body, she walked to the sink and leaned her back on the sink. He snapped out of it and grabbed his wand, he places his other hand on her hip to hold her still, their bodies were so close, she could feel his breath on her chest. "Do you promise this won't hurt me" She said softly, looking at his lips, he looked back at her face "I promise" He whispered, holding his wand on her cut. As he was healing the cut, her eyes scanned his face, he was to focused on healing her that he didn't realize she was staring at him. She looked down and watched the cut slowly close up and he removed his wand away from her stomach, rubbing his finger across it "There, its healed" She didn't respond, she just stared at his face, she felt thankful but still didn't want to be near him. She couldn't help that she did want him but they can't share this moment with each other. Draco looked down at her face, confused on why she hadn't said anything or give him a thank you. They just stared into each other's eyes. He took his hand off her hip and placed it on her cheek, slowly moving his thumb to her bottom lip "You are so beautiful" He said as she fluttered her eyes "Draco..." He kissed her lips softly, she didn't pull away, he used his other hand to grab her waist and pull her closer to him, she used her hands to grab the sink behind her to stabilize herself as he did what he wanted. She was angry with herself that she was not pushing him away, how could she, it was Draco. He pulled her dress completely off her hips and kicked it away, he lifted her onto the counter, stepping between her legs. Their lips still attached, he gripped her thighs and started to kiss her neck, she let out soft moans as he went lower down her chest, lightly biting her skin. Her back was pressed up against the mirror, if he pushed her back any further the mirror would break, that was how starved he was for her, he couldn't stop kissing and biting her neck "I knew it!" They both froze, Draco looked into the mirrors reflection to see who it was, it was Pansy. "Are you fucking kidding me" She walked closer, Draco helped her off the sink "Pansy this isn't your concern, you don't need an explanation" Draco tried to hide her behind him from Pansy, in case Pansy tried to attack her. "I had a feeling you and her were a thing, but I really tried not to believe it. Draco all I do is try to be the best for you and impress you, why her, she is a fucking Mud blood whore" Rhiannon felt the rage starting to form inside her, but she couldn't do anything "We are not a thing" She grabbed her dress, quickly putting it on. Draco visibly looked hurt by her saying that, he knew they weren't together but he thought them sharing this moment would change her mind with him. "It looks like the opposite to me, If I didn't storm in here, he would probably be inside you" She yelled at Rhiannon, Draco just stood there and smirked, knowing she was probably right. "Pansy what are you even doing in here?" Draco asked her "I was there when Dumbledore told you to take Rhiannon away and I followed you guys, I noticed you two were in here for a long time so I came in, I'm glad I did, I am not letting you hook up with that" She walked closer to Pansy, getting in her face "What exactly do you mean by "that"?" Draco stepped between them "Please knock it off, both of you" She looked and Draco and stormed to the door "I cant take this" She walked out the door and Draco chased after her "Hey, wait" She shot back around to face him "Draco, I need to go, listen I had a great time with you tonight, dancing with you and the kiss, it was great but we can't be a thing or keep pretending we have a thing, we just can't. What just happened in there wasn't supposed to happen" He walked closer to her, grabbing her hand, she pulled it away "I have to go now, we have to stop this, you are better off without me and so am I" She walked away, holding her tears in, trying her hardest not to cry. She didn't want to be harsh to him, she knew she had to be firm with her words to get the message across since he was stubborn and never listened, she always had deep feelings for him, she just was doing what she thought was for the best. She rushed to the Hospital Wing hoping to see Hermione there. She entered , seeing all the students and Professors in beds, Madam Pomfrey was running back and forth. "Rhiannon over here" She saw Hermione pop out from the corner, she ran down to her, seeing Ron in the bed with a nasty look on his face "How is he?" She asked Hermione
"I'm great, thanks for asking" Ron snapped "Sorry, how are you Ron"
"Terrible, this is your fault, if you weren't so bloody important my arm wouldn't be broken"
"Ron stop" Hermione said to Ron "No, it's okay Hermione, he's right, it is my fault and I'm sorry Ron"
"Rhiannon I think it's best if you just went to your dorm, I'll meet you there later alright"
"Okay" She responded, leaving the Hospital Wing, feeling terrible about what Ron said, but he wasn't wrong. She walked down the corridor, trying to find a way to make all of this stop, she felt useless, it seemed like she just kept hurting people. "Miss Black!" She heard from behind her, it was McGonagall "There you are, Dumbledore needs to speak with you dear"
"Is it about Severus?" She looked down "I would assume so, I am sorry for your loss, I know you meant a great deal to him" She hugged Rhiannon "Thank you professor, he meant a great deal to me. Is he in his office?"
"Yes, I suggest you go quickly now"
She got too his office, she was hesitant to knock.
"Come in Rhiannon" She entered seeing Dumbledore standing by his desk, then she saw Draco's head turn to face her, this was awkward because they were just all over each other, literally. "Why is he here?" She asked, walking closer "I brought him here because his father is the one who committed the crime, which makes him equally responsible"
"How, Draco didn't do anything, if anyone it would be me"
"Rhiannon enough, just sit" Draco looked up at her, she listened, sitting down next to him, avoiding eye contact with him "Now, I need to take action before things get worse, I know what happened and Draco your father is very angry and is threatening this school, this leaves me no other choice, you are expelled from this school. You will need to leave tonight" Draco didn't have any reaction, he just accepted it, knowing now she would have her wish of staying away from each other. "Sir please, if you want to expel someone do it to me, this is my fault, Draco has no part in what his father did" She felt like Draco was responsible as well but the words coming out of her mouth were deep down the truth of how she really felt about him. Plus she couldn't tell Dumbledore about Draco being a death eater or knowing what was going to go down. "Rhiannon I can't send you away" Dumbledore paced his office "Why, because you need me? Because I'm in danger, no that's bullshit, it seems like me being here is causing more problems, get rid of me please" Draco stood up "I will go" Draco said
"Draco, I am sorry for this, it's the only way" Dumbledore showed him to the door, as Draco left, she got up and glared at Dumbledore then  chased after him "Draco!" She yelled down the corridor, he ignored her "Draco don't you dare ignore me" She used her power to stop him in his tracks "Rhiannon stop" She stopped. He turned around and walked up to her "Rhiannon just stop, I have to go okay"
"Listen, if you stay I will go, you shouldn't have to leave and go back to that place"
"I will be fine, I can handle him, just take care of yourself, okay?" He gave her a sad smile " it because I was harsh, I'm sorry, just stay here" A tear leaked down her face, Draco wiped it off with his thumb "No, thats not why, I understand what you want and ill go through with it for you okay, whatever you need, ill do....Here, take this" He took off his ring and placed it in her hand "Hopefully we meet again......stranger" His voice trembled as he walked away. She watched him slowly fade away as he walked away, it was hard seeing him leave, knowing he was going back to that house, to that man who had ruined her life and Draco's. She quickly realized she might of made a mistake of pushing him away and that she really did want him to stay and be with her, but again, he was a death eater, it was to hard for her to accept that they can never be in love.

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