Fell In Love With A Death Eater

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"Hermione I'm ready to go" I approach the front of the school where Hermione is waiting "It took you long enough, I've been waiting ages"
"Sorry, I had to get on my winter jacket, it's snowing out there, I had the most beautiful interaction with the snow in professor Sprout's class, it was weird, I was growing the roses then the window opened by itself"
"You are odd you know" Hermione giggles "I just love nature, is that a problem" I wrap my arm around Hermione's as we walk out of the school. "So do you have any colour you want your dress?" I ask Hermione "Well Ron is wearing this hideous dress robe, I have to get something better, Im thinking of a pretty purple or pink dress"
"Ooo that sounds nice, definitely pink I would say"
"What about you? any ideas"
"I was thinking of a grey type ballgown, I like vintage princess dresses, it makes me feel like one"
"You would look so pretty, I agree, something flowy, long, flowers"
"Yes!" we arrive at Hogsmeade, there are tons of students here shopping for dresses and suits. I start to get scared if there won't be something I like or if all the good dresses are sold out. we enter the dress shop, me and Hermione part ways to find something for ourselves, after a while of looking, I spot this dress on a mannequin, it's far back in the store and it's the only one I saw in the store that I am looking for "Hermione come here"
"What is it- oh my" she stood next to me "I think this is the one, it's perfect"
"I agree, you would look so beautiful"
"Should I get this one?"
"Yes please, everyone will be blown away, I love the puffer sleeves, I could never pull that off" I walk up to the clerk behind the counter "Excuse me, you see that dress on the mannequin, I'll take that one please"
"Ah, it's for the ball at Hogwarts I assume?"
"Well, I will get it packed up for you," he walks over, taking it off the mannequin
"Thank you so much"
"Hermione, now let's find your dress"
"Oh I found something over here I like" I walk over to where Hermione is "Oh Hermione it's gorgeous"
"You think?"
"Oh I know, Ron won't keep his eyes off you if you wear that"
"Well Ill be honest that's what I want"
"I know, with that dress, you will get it"
Hermione grabs the pink dress, with different sized layers, sort of like mine but mine is way bigger and had so many more layers. We got our dresses boxed up and we leave the store. "Wait we need accessories" I stop walking "I knew you would say that, I brought extra money for that, for me and you"
"Thank you Hermione" She took me to a jewelry store and shoe store
"My dress came with a flower chocker that matched the dress, so all I need is earrings"
"What about these" Hermione grabs big pearl earrings "Yes those are perfect"
"And they are on sale, that's great"
"Thank you" I hug Hermione for sharing to share her money to get me extra things for my outfit."You're welcome, you also need some gloves, I saw some over here" we look at the gloves and there are so many options "I would say grey gloves to match my dress" I open the box to try and match the gloves colour to the dress colour "These look close" Hermione grabs an elbow-length pair of grey gloves
"Yes those are pretty close, ill get those please"
"And they are also pretty cheap, do you have a price-checking power Rhiannon" she laughs "No, but that would be awesome" I laugh back. Hermione bought me the earrings and gloves, then we head shoe-shopping "Rhiannon, what shoe style would match my dress?"
"Definitely pink pumps with a little heel"
"Oh yes" she went to find her shoes and I went o find mine. I spot the most gorgeous smokey grey heels with silver flowers on the heel that branch up from the back, they are perfect for my dress. I grab  them and go to show Hermione.
"Look at these"
"Those are perfect, how do you like these" She held up a cute pink pair of flat pumps with some purple lining "I love them"
"Don't lie" she tilts her head at me "Im not, they are cute"
"Fine, I'll get them, they are cute" we throw our stuff on the counter and Hermione pays for paid for everything. We head back to the school to try everything on.


The worst part of these stupid balls are dress shopping, I hate having ti tag along while I hear the girl complain or ask me silly questions like "does this dress look good on me" or "do I look fat" I dread it. I take Pansy dress shopping and me suit shopping, I want to go with only the boys but Pansy insisted I go with her.
"Draco what suit are you getting, I want to match"
"All black, like always"
"Well Im thinking I'll get a green dress, I know your favourite colour is green" she smiles at me, I scoff her off "Im not paying for anything extra just so you knew"
"Oh but you bought a mud blood a brand new dress"
"Pansy don't start or you can go to the ball alone" I walk away and look at the suits, just picking out a white collared dress shirt, a black dress robe and black dress pants and also a white bow tie since I don't know how to tie a tie.
I grab everything and get it boxed up, I only had to pay for the bowtie since it was an extra. "Draco how is this dress?" she held up a dark green backless dress
"It's fine" I bet Rhiannon's dress will look beautiful. "I'll get it, and by the way I have money Draco, I will buy my own stuff"
"Okay?" I can't wait to see Rhiannon in her dress, hopefully, she will want to speak to me again at the ball.

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