Poor Mud Blood

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Students are hoarding the corridors, they all have the daily prophet in their hands and they all are gossiping about something interesting they see. As I walk all I can hear is the words murder and some odd word, puremud. I walk into the Great Hall and I sit next to Hermione "Rhiannon have you seen the Daily Prophet?" Hermione's voice is high pitched "No, what's in it?" she passes me the newspaper "Two men found dead in Hogsmeade motel, murdered. With the words carved onto their skin, Puremud" I skim through the article and my eyes find a photo of the two men, it's the men. The men who carved me. "Draco did this" I whisper in shock "What? Draco did this?" Hermione grabs my arm "I...I have to go, I will see you later okay" I stand up, my stomach is turning and anxiety is all I feel. I need to find Draco.


I walk down the corridor and everyone is gossiping about the daily prophet "Draco look" Blaise walks up to me, shoving the paper in my face "Wow, they must have made someone really angry" I smirk, reading the words about a crazy killer who had murdered two innocent men. Innocent? fuck off. "Yeah, they say it might be some new mass killer since they left a significant message" I push the paper away from my face "Maybe" I walk away, entering the Great Hall, bumping into something, no someone "Draco, we need to talk. Now" it is Rhiannon "Why? did I do something?" I ask "You know exactly what I mean Draco" Her eyes are tearing and her voice is raspy. " Okay, come on" we leave the Great Hall. Pansy watches Draco and Rhiannon leave together. She grows suspicious so she decides to follow them.


Draco takes me into the forest. "Okay, I need a good explanation about why there were two men found dead in the motel?" I cross my arms and tilt my head with anger and confusion. "Rhiannon, listen, I did what I had to do. I saw how scared they made you feel and I just couldn't bear that" I laugh and shake my head "Draco, I can't let you just kill people. You know how I feel about death and now you are killing people? I thought I could see you as someone not like that" Draco walks closer to me and I push him back with my hand "Hey, I don't regret a single thing I did. I killed them for you. I took their life so you could live without fearing them anymore" I start to cry "Do not realize killing the people who hurt me won't get rid of this" I pull back my sleeve and he looks away "Look at it, Draco, look at it. This won't go away, no matter how many people you kill" his head slowly turns back to my arm "I just want to make you safe. I chose to kill them. I don't care what you say, my love, I will kill any person who hurts you" he walks over to me again, he grabs my carved arm and kisses it "Draco-" he puts a finger on my lips "Shhhh, I know you're mad at me but you can't hide the fact you love me too much to stay mad at me" he slowly kisses me, grabbing my waist and pulling me onto him.


I peep my head around the tree, I see Draco and Rhainnon arguing, what does he want from her? They can't be a thing, they just can't. How is this little witch so popular, how could someone like her be the powerful one, I am way more rich and prettier. Draco wants me, not her. I just stay quiet and watch for any information. Then he kisses her. My heart sank, my eyes tear and my body felt like throwing itself in front of a killing curse. I lean my back on the tree, putting my hand on my chest and the other on my mouth to try and not scream. I need to take her down, she needs to die. "Draco, I love you" I peep my head back around the tree, waiting for his response "I love you, Rhiannon" I want to kill her now, I never once heard those words from his lips to anyone. I pull myself off the tree and run back to the school.


"Draco please dont tell anyone what you did okay, at least listen to that for me" I hold his hands "That I will listen to, I won't say a word" he kisses my forehead and I smile, hugging him tightly. "Now, you should get to class," he says "Are you not coming with me?" I ask "No, I have to come in later, remember" he forensic his gaze as he scans my face "Yeah, I know. Im happy you are alright...and thank you for what you did, I know your intention and i'm happy you helped me" I roll my eyes and smile "You are welcome my love" he smiles down at me, moving the messy black hair out of my face, scanning my emerald green eyes. "I will see you in class okay," I say, backing away and walking to Herbology. As I walk, I come up with an idea of how I want me and Draco's real first date should go. I want it to be perfect because every time we try it just gets ruined or we are alone over something serious. He does deserve it, he has been the most caring boy I have met, a boy who didn't use me or pretend to love me. The sounds of the class chatter pulled me away from my thoughts. "Rhiannon come sit" Hermione waves her hand in the air, I walk over and sit down "Where did you fun off to at breakfast?"
"I had to talk to Draco about the papers"
"And" she lowers her head to my mouth to hear my whispers "It was him, did what they are saying in the papers" Hermione's mouth flies open and her eyes scan the room to make sure no one heard me "Are you sure?"
"Shhh, yes now we will not speak of this anymore, got it?"
"Yes, got it" Draco walks into the class and sits down with the other Slytherins, the whole class Pansy was trying to talk to him and kept glaring at me like crazy. I wonder if she is planning her next murder attempt on me soon. "Hermione I was thinking about how I want mine and Draco's first date and I think I should do something he likes. He told me about a dream he had about a field of roses and me dancing in the roses, im thinking of surprising him with that" Hermione lifts her head from her book "Yes, he seems like the type to want something extreme like that. Where will you get the money for that?" I turn my body to face her "I can grow them, remember?"
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Do you need any help?"
"No, I'll be okay, it will be perfect, just like his dream" I rip a piece of parchment and grab my quill "Meet me in the forest, the place we shared our first kiss, the place where love was confessed"
"Read this, is this too cheesy" I pass Hermione the note and she starts reading it "No, this is perfect. Are you doing it tonight?"
"No, I haven't thought of a date yet but when I figure it out I'll give it to him" I fold the note and put it into my sketchbook. "Rhiannon, I know I haven't asked much but, how are you?"
"Im good"
"Are you? I don't know it's just I worry about you. That day when you just fell onto the floor from the poison, just seeing you like that really made me worry" I look up at Hermione and smile "Hermionw, I am okay. She can't hurt me anymore. I will be ready next time if she does" I look away and stare in front of me, Pansy with a grin on her face is staring back at me. What could she possibly be thinking, planning her next murder attempt? I think, rolling my eyes in her direction.


As I watch Rhiannon roll her eyes at me, I can't help but laugh. Poor mud blood, she has no idea.

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