The Room Of Requierment

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Finally bliss. No more worrying or waiting for the day I will get swept off my feet by her prince charming. I have waited so long it seems like for Draco to be back for me, it almost doesn't seem real, nothing seems real anymore, all the pain and suffering I have been through. It can't be real. These are my thoughts as I make my way to the Great Hall. it is still quite early so no one is really in here but Hermione is.
"Hermione, great you are still here" I scoot next to Hermione at the table "Yes I was waiting for you, now tell me everything, why is Draco back?" Hermione moves closer to me "Well, I fell asleep in Severus's office-"
"Why were you in Severus's office" Hermione cuts me off
"I...I was just griefing of course, anyway, I fell asleep in there and I had a dream or vision that Draco was back like I saw him walking to the school, so I woke up and ran to the doors and there he was"
"So why were you two holding hands huh" Hermione smiles 
"Well, we might if confessed our love to each other and it ended with know" Hermione drops her jaw
"You mean, you and Malfoy did it, as in "it", no way"
"I know right, Hermione it was amazing, it was a little unhygienic because we were in the dungeons but for whom I did it with, it was worth it, it was perfect"
"Well, I am proud of you, really, now it is mine and Ron's turn hopefully" Hermione laughs as she bites into a muffin
"Oh, I need you to help me take Draco some food and other stuff for him to hide in the dungeons"
"That is where you are hiding him? why not the Room Of Requirement?" Hermione says with her mouth full of food
"What's that?"
"It's a secret room in the castle that only shows itself when needed, like if you are in danger it will show itself" I then remember the room from the last night, the room that protected me from those death eaters. "There is more I need to tell you. When I was in Severus's office I found this" I drop  the diary on the desk, Hermione looks at it "Diary of Severus Snape? what about it? It's just a diary" Hermione asks, uninterested "Just read the first page" Hermione grabs it, opens the diary and starts to read, her eyes squint as she reads "No way, Severus knew way before you attended Hogwarts?!!"
"Yeah, he even knew my mother, she was just like me Hermione, she had my abilities" As Hermione is reading more, I start to grab some food, Hermione peeks over and sees blood drip from my arm"Rhiannon you're bleeding"
I shoot my head toward my arm, holding my robe sleeve against it "Oh, I must have cut my arm, it's nothing" I try to distract Hermione from asking further "Let me see your arm Rhiannon" Hermione knew it wasn't just a cut "Hermione I swear, it's nothing" I laugh it off "Then show me your arm if it is nothing, I simply don't believe you" Hermione grabs my arm, lifts my sleeve and sees the carving in my arm. I just stare at it, frozen "Rhiannon, who did this to you?"
"I told myself I wouldn't get anyone involved"
"Im not just anyone, im your best friend, tell me how this happened"
"I wasn't fully honest about how I was in Severus's office. I saw the patronus again, so I followed it. It led me to his office, I heard people inside, it was Lucius and other death eaters. I was stupid and tried to eavesdrop on what they were doing until I heard they were looking for that diary so I tried to grab it without them noticing and they noticed. That is where this came from, from them." Hermione's eyes become watery "Oh Rhiannon, I'm sorry you had to go through that, me and you will always be tortured for our blood, it simply isn't fair"
"It is fine though, I saved the diary and I came across that room you told me, it showed itself to me when I was being chased, wait do you think we could keep Draco there?"
"I suppose that could work, we could try". I make a plate for Draco. I give him exactly what he wanted, coffee, fruit, and three waffles to be exact. Hermione ruses to grab some extra blankets and pillows. we head to the dungeons where Draco is. Our hands are full of things. We walk up to the door
"Draco open up, it's me and Hermione" I shout through the door, the door swings open "That is a lot of stuff, and my food, thank god" he rolls his eyes"Draco, we have an idea, we will move you to the Room Of Requirement"
"The what?" he scrunches his nose "Just follow us, put this on" Rhiannon passed Draco a cloak to hide his hair from others.
"What are you ashamed of my beauty? is that it" Draco smirks "Draco please, I am so sorry I'm covering your beauty, I will make it up to you" I smile "Yuck, I'm right here" Hermione gags "You're just jealous Granger that Weasley doesn't have the guts to please a girl"
"Shut it Draco. Rhiannon if he acts like this I will not help"
"Im sorry...Draco please just put the cloak on and please don't be a dick"
"Yes ma'am" he smirks, putting on the cloak. We walk with Draco behind us. We try our best to avoid crowds of people, even the professors "Granger and Black, aren't you girls supposed to be in class" Professor McGonagall approaches us. My heart drops. I am terrified Draco will be caught "And who is that with you and why are you holding all this stuff?"
"Sorry, Professor, it... it's Ron, he's not feeling very well, we were all having a sleepover that's why we have all this stuff, we were just heading to class" Hermione quickly says "Well, Mr. Weasley seems taller, make sure he gets well and all three of you head to class, now" she walks away, Hermione and me gasp from almost being caught "Granger don't you ever call me Ron again, that is just disrespectful" Draco whispers from under the hood "If I didn't, you would have been caught and thrown out of the doors, so you're welcome"
"Yeah yeah, can we hurry this up to the room of whatever it was called, so I can eat and go to bed". We continue our way, we rush. The things in my hands are so heavy and tall I can barely see in front of me, then I fall to the ground. "Watch where you are going mud blood" It is Goyle, Draco steps forward and pushes Goyle away "Watch yourself man" he shouts at Goyle "Draco, is that you?" Goyle tries to peep under the hood "Yes, now be quiet, I need to talk to you" he grabs Goyle and pulls him into a corner. I stand up, the food I got for Draco is everywhere. "Are you okay Rhiannon, so much for sassy pants eating his food" Hermione giggles "Hermione, he is blowing his cover right now, what could he possibly be saying to Goyle that is so important to get caught"
"Rhiannon, I don't think he cares if it comes to you by the looks of things"
"He should care, Goyle is an idiot, he will definitely tell people Draco is back" I watch as Draco has Goyle pushed up to the wall. I try to see if they are arguing but it looks like Goyle is nodding his head like he is understanding something or agreeing with what Draco is telling him. As me and Hermione stand here, anxiously waiting for Draco, Goyle and Draco finally walk back over, Goyle stands in front of me
"Listen, I am sorry for all the times I bullied you, Draco brought it to my attention that you two are now a thing and I am obligated to be kind to you now" I can't believe what he is saying, I look over at Draco, he has a smirk on his face, the look on his face is a look of damn right you better respect my girl. Draco knows the control he has over people but he never would try and control me. He has respect for me. That is why he told Goyle because he knows Goyle respects him and would do what Draco says, he knows he could trust Goyle. "Well, I suppose I accept your apology Goyle, thank you" Goyle raises his hand for me to shake, I look up at Draco for approval that if it is okay and safe for me to. He nods is head. I slowly grab his hand and shake it "Great, I will make sure no one else finds out Draco is back" Goyle firmly shakes my hand and pull it away "Okay, we should get going, I need sleep" Draco fixes his hood so it is covering his face "But what about this mess, your food is all over the ground"
"It is fine, Goyle will clean it since he wasn't watching where he was going" Goyle just nods his head "Alright, thank you, Goyle". We finally reach the empty stone wall, it starts to bring back memories from last night. I stand in front of the wall, scared and playing the night over and over. I slowly look down at the ground and see dry blood was dripped all over the floor, my breathing becomes heavy "Are you alright my love" Draco walks up to me, I snap back into reality and look up at him "Yes, sorry, I was just thinking"
"Alright Draco, the door is forming, we need to get you inside" Hermione walks over after I manifest for the door to appear, creating a bedroom on the other side for Draco to stay in for the time being. All three of us walk in, revealing a huge beautiful bedroom, with dark green walls, black wood flooring, a huge bed with dark brown bedposts with green drapes and it has only a fireplace to light up the room "Oh my, it is gorgeous in here, I guess you won't be needing these" I step in, placing the pillows and blankets on the sofa as I admire the whole room "Well, I tried imagining something up to Malfoy standards, seems like I was on the right path" Hermione crosses her arms "It is my style of the room, way better than at home that is for sure"
"Glad to help Draco, you're welcome" Hermione hints for a thank you "Thank you, Granger, I need to speak with Rhiannon here alone, can you give us a few minutes then she is all yours" Hermione looks over at me "I swear if you do not come to class I will not help you with your lover boy"
"Yes Hermione, I will only be a few minutes, I will see you in potions" Hermione rolls her eyes and left the room.
Draco grabs my hand and walks me to the sofa, we both sit down "Draco what did you exactly say to Goyle?"
"I told him to not bother you anymore since you're mine, and he didn't fight me about it, he seems different, I trust he will listen because he knows the power I have and if he breaks the promise I simply take care of him"
"Take care of him? As in-"
"No not that, I would just kick his ass, but if he touched you, then yes I will kill him, for you" Draco put his hand on my thigh "I don't want you to kill someone for me Draco, I can handle myself" I giggle, playing with his sleeve "I don't care if you could handle yourself, I would do anything for you Rhiannon, I would fight for you, kill for you, die for you, anything"
"I know you would, that is what scares me Draco, I would be happy if you cared about your well-being as much as you do with mine" I grab his hand "I know, but I have nothing to lose anymore, I have lost my family, my home, and my safety, Rhiannon I have risked everything to love you, I will not let the only thing have left go" I feel like crying, I look at him and feel so guilty for him ruining his life for me. I want him to be safe and happy but he really just wants me. Draco has become blinded by love and so have I.

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