First Kiss

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"Draco, wake up" I feel a hand on my shoulder, shaking me
"What the hell do you want" I open my eyes, seeing Severus
"Oh sorry professor, you just startled me" I close my eyes again
"I need you to come with me, Dumbledore needs to speak with you"
"But Rhiannon will be alone"
"She will be...fine" he looks at me confused
"Fine" I stand up, walking with Severus
"Why does Dumbledore want to speak with me?"
"He just wants to get your perspective about the...situation"
"Didn't you tell him"
"Draco stop arguing and just do...what you are...told"
"Whatever" I roll my eyes
"Draco, why were you in the bed with Rhiannon?"
"She woke up crying and screaming from a nightmare and asked me to lay in the bed with her because she was scared"
"I see, what was the...nightmare?"
"She said it was about the men who attacked her, she really cant get over it can she"
"No...she is to traumatized?"
"Only If I was there, I would of stopped it"
"Me too....alright, now...I need to get back to Rhiannon, please tell him...everything" I enter Dumbledore's office as Severus walks away.
"Draco, come to sit"
"What do you need to hear from me?"
"What was your perspective of the events tonight?"
"I knew there was a meeting between the Dark Lord and Rhiannon, there were lots of others there, death eaters, plus my father and me"
"And what else, I need specific details, especially about Rhiannon's behaviour"
"Will she be in trouble?"
"No, of course not"
"Well, when she saw her parents die she snapped, something went off and she was a whole different person, she killed half of the death eaters there and almost my father"
"Anything else?"
"The way she looked, her eyes were black and there were black veins all over her body, I couldn't recognize her"
"Why do you think she stopped before killing your father?"
"I don't know" I did know
"Well Severus told me that she told your father that Draco doesn't deserve to see this, is that right?"
"Well, yeah, she told him that she wanted to kill him but she won't"
"Severus also told me you have been there for mainly everything bad she has gone through, is this a coincidence? or?"
"What do you mean?" I start to get nervous and defensive
"I do understand Severus has asked you to stay by Rhiannon's side most times but other times you were there before anyone"
"I don't know what you're talking about"
"Draco I'm no fool but-"
"You have no idea what you're talking about!"
"Draco I wasn't trying to press you about anything, just simply asking a question"
"Well, I don't like the question"
"Im sorry, anyway, since Rhiannon and your father had an encounter this serious, this is your issue as well"
"What? my issue?"
"Yes, I need you to not be around her until this blows over with your father, because your father is very angry, if you don't stay away from her you will be pulled from this school, do you understand? I need you to promise me you won't go near her"
"I won't promise anything"
"Remember, nothing will happen if it is not seen" Dumbledore winks, I know exactly what he means.


I turn my head, Draco is gone and Severus is not here, it must be morning and they left. I am shocked Draco laid with me, it wasn't anything serious, I simply was just scared and wanted someone with me. I stand up and walk to the lavatory, the scratches are gone, I use the toilet and walk out. "Great you are awake," Madam Pomfrey is standing by my bed "Yes and that lotion stuff worked, they are gone"
"Great, I thought it might not because it was a new brew I made"
Severus walks through the doors "Great you are awake, here is your uniform" he hands it to me "Thank you, Severus"
"Dumbledore...wants to see you after breakfast, I will make sure to give you the...potions homework later this...evening"
"Okay" I get dressed, heading to breakfast, hoping to see Hermione, I have missed her. I walk into the Great Hall, scanning the Gryffindor table for the group, as I get closer,  Hermione shot up from the table and runs toward me, jumping into my arms
"Thank goodness you are alright, I was worried sick about you"
"What do you mean"
"Well, I haven't seen you since yesterday, I asked around and no one knew where you were, I was scared you got taken or something"
"Well I will tell you what happened, you promise you won't tell"
"Yes of course"
"I met the Dark Lord last night"
"What no way, how was it"
"Terrible Hermione, he killed my parents, he had them the whole time and tortured them, and last night he murdered them in front of me"
"Oh Rhiannon i'm so sorry" She hugs me again "It's okay, I miss them but I need to move on"
"Rhiannon it okay to grieve you know"
"I know, but I need to focus on things for the future so stuff like that doesn't happen again to more people I love"
"I understand, but if you need anything I'm here for you okay" she smiles at me "Thank you Hermione" we walk over to the table and eat breakfast. I finish breakfast, getting up to leave to speak with Dumbledore "Rhiannon, where are you going?" Hermione asks
"I need to see Dumbledore, so I won't be in potions today but I'll see you after okay"
"Okay be safe, please"
"I know"  I get to Dumbledore's office, looking down as I walk, thinking about how I am going to explain everything to him, I feel so nervous and scared that I will get in trouble. I look up last second and hit into someone, falling to the ground
"Shit" I gasp "Oh Rhiannon, are you alright" great, it was Cormac
"Yes Cormac, I'm fine" I stand up, rejecting his hand "I wanted to talk to  you, I heard from my quidditch couch that there is a ball coming up"
"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?"
"I don't know Cormac, Im not much of a dancer"
"It's okay, I'm not either, we can practice" he winks "Fine, I'll go with you" Hopefully I won't regret saying yes "Awesome, that is great! I can't wait"
"When is this ball? and where is it?"
"Here in the school, it's in a few days I believe like two days"
"Oh, that's soon"
"Yea sorry I just found out yesterday but I couldn't find you around"
"Well I can't wait," I say nervously  "Yeah it will be fun" he gives me a smirk "I need to go now, see you around," I walk away.
I don't know how I feel about him, he is really cute but Draco told me to stay away from him and so did Hermione, but I just need something to do and a ball sounds great and maybe he changed from trying to get me drunk, I want to give him a second chance. I continue walking down the hall and see Draco walking in my direction "Hey" I smile but he completely walks past me, not even looking at me, what is his problem I thought. I stand in front of Dumbledore's office door and knock on the door "Come in" I hear on the other side "You wanted to see me, headmaster"
"Yes, Rhiannon come in, take a seat"
"Sir, before you say anything, am I in trouble?"
"No, of course not, I just need to speak with you about last night"
I sit down and get ready for the conversation "Before I ask anything, I am so sorry for your loss, truly sorry, if you need any support please reach out"
"Thank you sir, I will be okay" my face stiffens "Now, I need to understand what you were thinking by attacking those death eaters and Draco's father"
"Well, I wanted to save my parents from what was happening, so I threw Bellatrix across the room, that was when the others tried to attack me so I defended myself like I was taught. After that, I killed a few of them then Voldemort grabbed my parents and killed them and the remaining ones vanished"
"What about Draco's father?" I take a deep breath "He was going to kill me when I was down with my dead parents, I stood up and I don't remember what exactly I did, but I remember looking up at Draco and snapping out of whatever I was in and I could tell he didn't like what he was seeing, so I stopped and told his father he deserves to die but Draco doesn't deserve to go through what I'm going through" I start to tear up "I see, why did Draco change your mind?" this question made me question myself, I stop because I care for him "I don't know actually" I do know "I was told Draco has been there with you through most of the chaos you have experienced since being here, is that right?"
"Yes, I suppose that's right"
"I do not want to assume anything so I won't get into that, Draco's father has contacted me through letter, he is a very powerful man and he is not happy, so I told Draco to stay away from you and I expect the same for you or he will be pulled from this school" my heart sank, I know me and Draco have a rough time but I did not want to stay away from him. "But, I will say this, nothing will happen if it's not seen"
"What?" he raises his eyebrow "Thank you Rhiannon for speaking with me, please stay away from trouble and take care of yourself"
"Yes sir" What does he mean by "nothing will happen if it's not seen", I try to think hard about it, he means I could still talk to him I just have to make sure no one is around to see. This will be harder than it looks. He is stubborn, he will never meet me in private. I head to the library instead of going to classes, I know I promised Hermione I would see her after but I just want to clear my head by reading. I sit down on the sofa and begin reading, after some time I see someone standing in front of me, so I look up "what are you doing in here?" Cormac smirks "Oh hey, I just didn't feel like going to class"
"Skipping I see, care if I join you?"
"No not at all, sit" He bit his lip and sat down next to me
"So, I was thinking, since we are going to the ball together, why don't we be together" he put his arm around me
"I don't know Cormac" I smile anxiously  "Come on, I know you want me" I face him "Listen, you are very handsome and have a charm to you, but, I need to know you more you more, plus I need to focus on myself for now"
"I understand, but, you are just so gorgeous, I can't stop thinking about you" he moves closer "Oh, you do?"
"Yes, and I just want you Rhiannon" I don't know what is coming over me, I barely know him, but he just makes me lose focus.
He starts to look at my lips, he moves his head closer and kisses me before I could react, I don't stop him though, I sort of like it.
He pulls away "Was that okay" he asks
"Yea," I reply softly "Do you want me to do it again? or am I a bad kisser?"
"I don't know, you were my first kiss actually"
"No way a pretty girl like you hasn't kissed before"
"No" he grabs y my cheek and kisses me again, slowly this time, he also uses his tongue, and all I can do is widen my eyes when his tongue enters my mouth. I like it, I don't know if I am just desperate or if I actually like it, things are happening so fast. "So, will you take up my offer, me and you being a thing?"
"I uh-"
"I thought that would tell you everything you needed to know"
"I did like it, I just don't know"
"Well, let me know alright," he stood up, winking, leaving the library
I am so shocked at what just happened, this must be a dream or something. I pinch myself and yeah it is real. I am now confused with my feelings about Cormac, then I thought of Draco, how even more confused my feeling are with him. I hope I won't be in some love triangle thing between the two, one is my supposed "enemy" and the other is just stupid and immature, they are both really hot, but I know more about Draco, plus Draco saved my life, I have to chose him in the end.

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