In Order To Kill Him

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Rhiannon and Draco just stood there, they did not know what to do, worried am if Filch saw everything that her and Draco just did. How embarrassing would it be, to be scolded by an adult who saw them almost fuck in the library. "Disgusting children you are! I won't mention this but it does look like a bunch of book thieves!" Filch drug his feet as he walked, he had long grey hair and a huge nose, he also stood with a hunch, he always looked angry and ambitious to ruin someone's day. He walked over to her book bag that had the diary and book hanging out of it "Now, whose bag is this?" He grabbed the bag and gave an evil grin, she looked up at Draco "Mine sir" She walked out from behind him. Draco grabbed her hand "Rhiannon, what are you doing?"
"It's fine, it is my responsibility" She smiled at him "It is not fine missy, looks like a book from the restricted section and this, this you should not have, this will not be looked over. You are coming with me" Filch grabbed her arm "Don't you touch her, it is my bag, not hers, she was just trying to cover for me, take me instead" She shook her head "Draco?" He stepped closer "No, it is my bag. Let her go and take me" Draco demanded to Filch. Filch was hesitant to take Draco, he wanted this thief to be punished, he squinted his nose and let go of her arm "Fine, let's go Malfoy" She was scared his chance of being back would be gone now, he was making a stupid decision by taking the blame. Filch drug Draco out of the library by his arm.


"So, Mr. Malfoy, what brings you back to Hogwarts?" Filch asked "I was having some difficulty at home"
"Of course, your father always has some trouble brewing. I am not shocked I found you stealing are-"
"Just like my father, Is that right?" He finished his sentence "Yes, you are. Heartless and a thief" Filch pushed him toward Dumbledore's office "Now you will confess your wrongdoings to Dumbledore and you will be punished"
"And if I don't?" He raised his chin "I would have Miss. Black interrogated, or even better, locked in the dungeons until I get answers" Flich licked his brown teeth and knocked on the door "I've always hated you" Draco said clenching his jaw "I never liked you either, ever since you were a boy, always snooping around and causing deserve the punishment boy" The door swung open and it was Dumbledore, confused out of his sleep seeing him with Filch "What is It Filch?" Dumbledore asked "I found Malfoy here stealing books in the restricted section" He held up the bag and passed it to Dumbledore, he was shocked by what he saw, the horcrux book and the diary. "Thank you Filch, I will take care of it from here, goodnight" Dumbeldore pulled Draco into his office and shut the door "Sit, now" He walked him to the desk and firmly pointed to the chair across from his "Sir-"
"You do not need to explain, I already know this is not your bag or your doing, this is Rhiannon's correct?" Draco looked down, he just wanted to protect her from trouble "No, it is mine" He lied "Draco, she will not be in trouble. I understand you are protecting her. This is serious stuff and this, this is private" Dumbledore held up the diary "Rhiannon deserves it, she deserves to know about her mother and herself" Dumbledore was writing a note and gave it to the owl that was sitting across the room, sending it through the window to deliver. "I understand the frustration, it is far too much for her right now Draco. She just started to learn how to control her powers. This is not for her eyes, and this book is dark magic that can't be read by students" He was confused about why Rhiannon was forbidden to read the diary and what was Dumbledore trying to hide from her? Was there something in that diary that was serious about her or a secret no one should know that Severus kept? "Sir, it breaks my heart Rhiannon has lived her life this way, I thought maybe the diary would lighten her life up and help her, don't you want that? or is there something in there that you are keeping from her? making her a sheep, clueless about life, controlled and wanting her to bow her head to what is put in front of her?" He stood up and balled his hands in fists, Dumbledore looked down at his hands "Now Draco, don't you be disrespecting me. Remember, I let you back in because of her" He twitched his neck, fighting the urge to jump over the table and slit his throat and get the satisfaction of watching it. He despised Dumbledore sometimes, probably because of how much he kept from Rhiannon in the dark. "I understand," He said through his teeth. Professor McGonagall walked through the doors and stopped "Albus, you wanted to see me?" She stood there, looking at Draco and then at Dumbledore "Yes, Draco I hope our little talk helped. Now, off to bed" He walked out but stayed by the door to listen to what they were about talk about "How does she know?" He heard from McGonagall "The diary. She found it somehow, she must have been reading it and figured out about the horcruxes"
"But she still doesn't know, does she?" McGonagall sat down "I am not sure, I hope not"
"Albus, I told you from the very beginning, that girl is in grave danger because of her mother"
"Ezra had no choice, they would of all been dead years ago. Ezra made a deal with Voldemort. For them to not be killed, Rhiannon would be his when she turned eighteen. He put his soul into her when she was in Ezra's womb. The night Hagrid took Rhiannon to Hogwarts was the night Voldemort came to collect her. Ezra put a strong protection charm on Rhiannon so he could not touch her. So he took them and tortured them" Dumbledore said "But Albus, she must know. She can't be protected forever. She needs to know that she is the last horcrux" He gasped and pressed his back against the wall, his heart dropped, his world came crashing down. Rhiannon was the last horcrux, that kept playing over and over in his head as he walked away. So many emotions were going on, fear, anger, sadness, and heartbreak. One day she would have to die for Voldemort to be killed, he knew she needed to know but he was terrified she would kill herself. He couldn't lose her, he couldn't tell her.


She sat outside the library on the cold stone bench, shaking her leg up and down and biting her fingernails, anxious that Draco was in serious trouble. It felt like hours since Draco was taken away to god knows where. He could already be gone. She looked up and saw Draco walking up to her, he had a very odd look on his face like he had seen a ghost. "So, what happened?" She asked as she stood up "He just took the book and diary, and that was it" That was a lie, Draco tried to not make much eye contact, it was hard to lie to her, she knew when someone lied. "Okay...are you still allowed to stay?" She walked closer to Draco and placed her hand on his arm "Yes" He responded quickly "Draco what is it? did he say something? you are not acting like yourself"
"How exactly do I act then? huh," Draco backed away from her "Excuse me?" Her eyes squinted and she crossed her arms "Nothing alright, just drop it. Nothing happened" He snapped "What has gotten into you" She tried to touch his cheek "IM FINE!" He yelled, grabbing her hand and pushing it away. Her eyes started to water, she just wanted him to tell her what was wrong. Her thoughts started to become dark and hurtful, she felt like she was being annoying or causing these emotions he was portraying. "I understand you don't want to tell me, I know there is something wrong but I won't press you about it. But, I will not stand here and take this from you. Goodnight Draco" She walked away, wiping her tears. Her stomach has a never-ending pit of regret of walking away but also a feeling of heartache, this was their first fight as a couple and it felt worse than before they were together. Why was he acting so harshly? did Dumebldore get under his skin? Was Draco mad at her? Did he regret taking the blame? so many thoughts raced through her head.


Draco screamed for her to come back but the words didn't exit his mouth. He just let her walk away. He felt angry with himself that he lashed out at her like that, she was right, this was not like him. He was just mad at the fact one day she would leave him, leave this world and he would be alone. He just felt so guilty for having to lie to her about what she really was. His eyes followed her as she walked. His eyes leaked tears but he didn't feel sad. He felt nothing.

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