ipso facto

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Lewis would like to be more like the 2022 Kimi sometimes, able to just- race. Not winning, not fighting for podiums, and just— race. Race because he truly enjoys racing, because he's bored, because it's his passion. That not winning and not scoring points doesn't bother him.

He spoke to Seb, who spoke to Kimi— so by proxy they all had a conversation. God knows Kimi only opens up to Seb.

Seb had asked how he'd do it, fighting for nothing with rookies. He had asked when he signed for Aston Martin.

"If you want to retire and ready, you retire. If you're not ready, then you race. As simple as that. Points and championships already secured, let the others take it over."

Seb clearly listened to him, the way he signed with Aston Martin when the car can barely give him points on good weekends. Not only did he sign, he retired afterwards. That fucker.

Lewis hates him a little for leaving him with a bunch of Gen Z and a Fernando Alonso.

It's not that 2021 broke him, not at all. Was he comfortable winning and lapping the other guys? Sure. Did 2021 break him? Ok, maybe a little. In a way that just puts him in an uncomfortable situation where if he does want to retire, he'll be seen as a sore loser who gave up because of one loss.

So no, he won't do that. Even though he was planning on retiring after the 8th, you got to stop when you're at the highest peak, unless you want to be remembered when you're sliding off said peak.

There are just times when racing week feels like a chore, this weekend is one of them. Everything seems to be wrong,  the car, the track, himself, the data that Bono provided— so. many. things.

Not to mention his family who developed covid symptoms and now has to stay, either covid symptoms or just cold. People don't wear masks anymore, so it's just- everything is just wrong. So Lewis will have no one this weekend coming to watch him, not that he always has his family with him. It's just like a regular job, they don't need to come in to see him every time.

He was going to walk and find Angela when he found someone sitting with her laptop open, bags set beside her, eyes so focused on the screen— not caring of the commotion around her. Sure, it's only qualifying. But come on, she can show a bit of interest.

Lewis never saw her before, usually someone who is this comfortable around the paddock are a regular. Well, it's not that they're in Mercedes hospitality so it's a possibility that he just simply never saw her before but she's always been around.

Lewis could see her eyebrows furrowed and nose scrunched in focus. For some reason, without thinking he walks towards her and before he could stop himself, "working hard?"

Yikes, he thought to himself. Surely he can do better than that?

She looked up from her laptop, "something like that." She said.

Lewis nodded. Yikes, what now? He didn't think this one through. "I'm Lewis." Oh my god.

"Yes, I know." She said, smiling. Oh ok, so she does know who he is— Lewis was expecting her to maybe fawn over him a little. This is slightly humbling. "My name is Nora."

"Nora," he repeated, trying out how it sounds from his mouth. "I've never seen you here, though?"

Nora gave him a look, so so cliche— does it usually work? Lewis must've sensed it, he quickly shook his head. "No, no, I mean, I genuinely have never seen you here before."

"Because I usually never have time for these." She gestures to the crowd outside the balcony, "all these is just, so," she gestures again, hands flailing around.

Lewis smiled, "not a fan?"

"Eh-" she started, closing her laptop shut. Lewis would've felt bad for interrupting, but that would be a lie. "I like it enough, just really haven't had a chance. School and work and all that."

"Well paddock passes are not cheap." Lewis said then quickly gave her a look, like he's trying to see if he had offended her. But Nora just- nodded and shrugged.

"Yeah well. I think you should be able to have a say in that, no?" She asked, slightly tilting her head in a way that makes Lewis feel.. slightly cornered. Just slightly— he's a 7 times world champion, get a grip.

"Well I mean, I can probably post something or like— or like, a movement of some sorts."

Nora smiled, opened her laptop again, "I was just joking." She said and Lewis feel dismissed, like she finished the conversation and dismissing him. A-okay. There's also a reason why he's a 7 world champions, the Tik Tok audio George insisted on showing him "never back down never what??" popped in his head and he had to physically shook his head as if it'll work to get rid of the silly sound.

He wanted to continue sitting there and maybe ask her name, or something. But he's not creepy, so he'll take the hint (was that a hint or she's just really a short person?).

"Lewis Hamilton!"

Nora shifted slightly, smiling at the person who yelled out his name— the FIA top guy? The Saudi something? Oil guy? Prime minister? Of Saudi something. Lewis would love to say that he knows and remembers every single important person he's met before, but that'd be a lie.

Nora stood up, shutting her laptop- again. And gave the guy a side hug.

"You've met my daughter! This is Nora, I finally got her to clear her busy schedule to come here." He said jokingly and softly elbowing her like it's an inside joke.

Lewis just kinda stood there like he's trying to figure out whether this is a pivotal moment for him, Angela out of nowhere (bless her heart) stood beside him, "Lewis, you remember Sultan, Saudi's minister of sport!" Like she read his mind that Lewis has no idea who this man was. And like a dumbass, he extended his hand towards her- Nora, towards Nora first and not Sultan. He can just imagine Angela's "seriously? What?"

Sultan also kind of stared at him, and now he just wanted to be swallowed by the earth. Currently wondering if Max is around and he'd like to punt him and his car to the wall, right now.

Oh- but Nora is the daughter of- oh, that's interesting. He'll have to store that information later.


let me know what you guys think! <3

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