a fan

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He watched her drive away, her seat is so close to the steering wheel and she is basically folded, and she smiled sheepishly at him and explained that she hates driving and gets worried if she's so far away from the wheel. Isn't that just adorable, he drives one of the fastest cars in the world, and this girl hates driving.

She is everything that he is not, is this what Angela is trying to tell him? Of course it's not about the driving, but just about everything else. Is Angela trying to tell him that he is undeserving of her?

His whole life, he does things that he wants. He wanted to beat Nico, he did that (of course, Nico beat him first and later retired, that sore loser.) He felt no remorse, no guilt, lapping the other guys when Mercedes was on top, he'd laugh on their faces when he was accused of having an illegal engine. Like the gap wasn't close between the top contenders, now they all shut up when Max pulling 30 seconds ahead of everybody.

He is selfish, he reckons. Nora gave him a want that he hasn't felt for a long time, Abu Dhabi did change something in him. Then, the tractor that they called an F1 car humbled him even more. So he hasn't been wanting. Maybe the girl out there– maybe Nora isn't for him like Angela had said.

He wants her anyway.

He stood there feeling stupid, and while he's sure the restaurant would love to have him come back in. He felt ridiculous, so he opted out and ended up waiting by the parking lot until his driver pulled up, Angela rolled down a window, "Oh my god! Did she bail?" she asked, but with a tone so happy that made Lewis roll his eyes.

"Yeah, she bailed on me after 2.5 hours." he said sarcastically, sitting down. "What are you doing here?"

"Making sure you didn't bring her along." she said so seriously. He would've said something had he not just had a good time, and she's been like that ever since she found out about Nora anyways, so.

"Whatever," he said, then he fully turned into her, who's now fully engaged on her phone. He could see she's scrolling through her camera roll and he could see pictures of the mechanics and her at the bar. Pretty sure he could see Bono as well. He nudged her arm with his elbow, "hey did she asked you if I'm a vegan?" he asked, curiously.

She sighed like answering a single question is such a burden, she locked her phone and put it in her pocket. "Why? Did you get served meat?" she asked but continued without waiting for him to answer, "Hammy, Nora is pretty, smart, and she's the daughter of an important person. Not to mention she's smart, I mean, did she mention she's in school? She's busy, you think she's catering for you–"

"Oh my god, Ange. What is your obsession with her– no! I'm just asking," he said, "can you please just answer, goodness."

Angela rolled her eyes, taking out her phone, "no, she didn't ask me anything."

Oh? She didn't ask Angela? Is someone a bigger fan than he originally thought? 

Lewis couldn't helped but smiled, unlocking his phone to see the new contact is still there. He saved it and add a smiley emoji beside her name, like a loser, and quickly text her another thank you for tonight. 

"Did you get her number?" Angela asked, he didn't even realized the woman is openly lurking. She might as well snatch his phone and openly gawk. 


"you better not send any Hamilton Junior's pictures, or I will delete her number when you're racing." she said, and Lewis gave her a shocked look. 

"Jesus, Ange." is all he said, but couldn't helped but laughed a little. 


a short one! that's why I post it tonight 

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