garage pt.1

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Nora showed up in the garage looking awkward and everything, Lewis had told Angela that he invited her. He told her to mind her own business, when Angela raised an eyebrow at him.

"Hey," he nudged her softly, to get her attention. Not that he needed to, he had her full attention. The way she's standing there in the corner, trying to get herself away from the crowd.

"Hey," she greeted, "AmI in the way?" she asked, and Lewis shook his head quickly.

"Never." he said, and she smiled. "You made it, thank you." he said, hand itching to give her a casual side hug, or– or anything, really. But, he doesn't know what's the line, where is the line. He's waiting for her to draw it.

"Well, I heard that someone is racing alone this weekend. No audience." she said, with a knowing, teasing smile. "So I just had to accept the invitation." she added.

"Yeah, well, it doesn't matter now." he said, cursing himself when he just– could. not. shut. up! Hit the break, honestly, the way he's laying it so thick. Feeling slightly relieved that Nora smiled instead of running away, perhaps.

"How's, uh, the paper?" he asked, and Nora nodded. "I finished it," she said with a smile. "I don't want to lug around everything and get in the way," she added and Lewis noticed she only had a small purse this time.

"Why are you so afraid of getting in the way, you won't." Lewis said, eyebrows raised. Nora shrugged but said nothing, Lewis concluded they're done with this topic.

She shrugged again, "well," she started, "good luck for the race?" she said in a questioning tone. "I'm sure you don't need it." she added.

Oh, good luck is definitely needed the way he keeps getting humbled.

"I'll take it." I'll take every single good luck, and prayers. As a matter of fact, can you pray for me? "Are you comfortable here?" he asked, instead. Because asking someone to pray for him is just absurd.

"Yes, thank you." She said, nodding. They really need to get one of those padded chairs instead of these regular chairs for guests, he thought. She leaned back slightly on the makeshift wall they had that separated the messy stuff and the media approved stuff. "Are you nervous?" she asked softly, and it was so so genuine that his heart ached a little bit.

Nobody ever asked that anymore, it's almost like; once you've hit a certain milestone in racing, people don't think you have normal feelings. Racing is like breathing for him, it's easy and second nature– sure. But the way she asked so genuinely, like he can still be nervous. It's very endearing.

She stares at him, waiting for an answer. He's looking for an answer himself, what is he feeling these days? It's like being asked that one question sent him to a mid (quarter?) life crisis. What is he feeling these days? Happy, sure. Fulfilled, to a certain extent. Something is missing, that's for sure. He is happy and fulfilled to a certain extent, isn't that better than most? That's what he told himself when it feels like something is missing, like there's a missing gap.

"A little bit." he settled on an answer. Technically not a lie, having her here sparks a little bit of nerves. Before he could say anything anymore, Angela appeared with headphones around her neck and a clipboard.

"Nora!" she greeted, gave her a quick side hug. He wanted to be Angela, it's pathetic. "Do you want to grab snacks with me?" she asked, gently ushering her away from Lewis without waiting for her answer.

Nora, the sweet girl she is, just smiles and lets herself be moved. "See you later!" she exclaimed quickly, with a small wave. Angela gave him a look, and Lewis gave her a look as well. Two can play at this game.

Less than ten minutes later, she rushed towards him, who was standing behind Bono looking at his screen. She smacked his arm, Lewis squinted at her and when he noticed Nora was not with her, he ushered her aside– not wanting to disturb Bono.

"where is she?" he asked in a tone that made Angela roll her eyes.

"She's alive, goodness you made it sound like I kidnapped her." she scoffed.

"You might as well have! You snatched her away mid conversation."

She rolled her eyes at him, Lewis starting to think he's being too lenient as a boss. He is still her boss, right? "Conversation? Please, you were just swooning over her." she said.

Lewis just stood there and looked around, making sure no one heard that. When he doesn't say anything, Angela continued, "what are you planning on doing? Get a podium and ask her to come back with you to the hotel?" she asked mockingly and well– any other person, he'd do that. But, it's Nora– and she's, well. He doesn't know much, but he doesn't want to know because then he'd have to ask her, and the chance of getting one night is not worth it if the risk is losing a chance of getting to know her. And his mind is jumbled now.

"Did you leave her alone there?" he asked instead. Angela squinted her eyes at him in a very judgy and non-subtle way, shook her head and walked away.

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