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Being friends with Max is a whole other level of "what, what just happened?"

Max took "we're friends" so seriously that the idea of Max ever disliking her, became so silly and unthinkable. He came out to say hi to Nora when he was told that she's in the garage. He gave her a quick side hug, and smiled like she's never seen before.

"You're in a good mood, excited for the race, then?" Nora asked.

Max shrugged, "something like that." he said, "have you decided where you want to sit?" he asked and this time she shrugged. "You can watch from my room?" he asked, and quickly added "you'll be alone, of course–I'll be racing. But, I have a big screen there. And you can always come out whenever you want." and she smiled.

"That'll be great actually." she said, and he smiled, leading her to his room– his palm on the small of her back.

"How's uh– how's everything?" he asked, and she knew he meant everything with Lewis.

She shrugged, "it's okay, I guess." she said softly, then before Max could say anything, "it's pretty spacey!" she commented. "You don't have any secrets stashed anywhere, huh?" she joked.

Max just smiled, Nora doesn't want to talk about it anymore. He will leave it alone, for now.

"Oh crap– I only have Red Bulls here." he said, looking into his small fridge. "Give me two minutes, I'll get you something else." he added quickly before she could open her mouth.

Max came back a few minutes later with a backpack, he laughed when Nora gave him a look, "I filled my backpack with snacks and all kinds of drinks." he said with a small laugh. Nora giggled, imagining Max raiding Red Bull's pantry.

"Thank you, you don't have to worry about me." she said, but took his backpack anyways and set it on his bed. "Now I won't be hungry," she joked.

She was joking but Max looked concerned, "oh– I forgot to get actual food for you, I–"

She grabbed his forearm, stopping him from walking away. "Max– I was joking. Seriously." she said with a smile. "You should go out there," she said, raising one eyebrow.

Max nodded, he left the room but quickly came back holding his helmet and his gloves. Max stood in front of her, staring right into her eyes. "Wish me luck?" he asked.

Nora laughed, "you don't need it, Max." she said softly. "But, good luck." she added and gently tapped on his helmet, Max smiled.

Nora assumed Max wouldn't mind if she made herself comfortable on his couch, she fully laid herself sideways on his couch– thinking that doing it on his bed would be weird, although he told her to make herself comfortable before.

She was watching the 20 cars going around and around, the commentator, the radios, the buzzing noise, made her yawn. Not to mention the air conditioning that is blasting in his room made her sink herself deeper into the throw pillows.

Before she knew it, she fell asleep. She was jostled awake when someone tried to cover her with a blanket, she sat up quickly. It was Max, he still had his race suit on– halfway undone, sleeves dangling beside his hip. "You can go back to sleep." he said softly, as if he's trying to lull her back to sleep.

"Max," she whispered, smiling shyly when she realised she had fallen asleep "I fell asleep."

She said like Max wasn't there, being greeted by a sleeping Nora, using her hand as a pillow.

"I know." Max said softly, he's crouching down so he's eye level with Nora who sat down, both feet still on the couch.

She dramatically plopped herself back on the sofa, face smushed into the pillow. "I'm sorry." she added, but she doesn't actually sound apologetic with guilt, so he didn't feel the need to tell her not to apologise.

He dragged the blanket that woke her up, covering her again. She turned slightly, so her face isn't against the pillow anymore. She was staring at his sweaty face, and all of a sudden she stood up. Yanked the blanket away from her, "I– Lewis."

Max sighed, "he got P3. probably still doing his media duties." he added, she nodded quickly. She gave Max a big smile while taking out a licorice he had taken earlier, she quickly took a bite. "Congrats." she said, Max raised an eyebrow, couldn't help but smile. "Come on, don't be humble now. I know you won." she said and Max smiled, taking the pinky sized licorice she was holding and popping them in his mouth.

"Thief." she said.

"I deserved it, also, you fall asleep– so, the least you can do." he said. She rolled her eyes.

"I have to go." she said, "I'll see you sometime soon, maybe." she added, she was about to walk away when Max grabbed her wrist.

"Can I have your number?" he asked, and gave her his phone.

She nodded and took his phone, "don't spam me now." she teased.

"No promises," he said.

What is her life right now?

She quickly walked out of Red Bull and met Angela, who's still holding a clipboard. "Hey homie hopper." she said, elbowing her side. Nora lets out a quick laugh and shakes her head.

She can positively say that Angela is one of her friends now, they texted last night until 1 AM, until she had to tell her to go to sleep– since she's actually working. To which she answers, Lewis will live. Angela told her how it was unacceptable that Lewis was annoyed that she went to Red Bull's garage, and they ended up just sending each other Tik Toks links.

"Ha ha, very funny Angela. They're not homies, though." she said, and it's Angela's turn to laugh. "I'm just kidding, we're honestly just friends– I think," she said.

"What do you mean?" she asked, "do you like him?" she asked, slightly serious now. Then Nora realised how she might've misunderstood and thought that she might like Max.

"Oh– no, I meant– I think we're friends, because, well." She considered lying about it, because it felt personal. Not to her, but to Max. Max have met her, he said, even though he didn't elaborate much on it. She doesn't have any memories of it, so it feels like she's taking his memory and his trust. "Don't tell Lewis, but– Max said that we've met." she started.

Angela gave her a confused look, "right. You don't know," Nora continued, when Angela stayed quiet. She had her arm linked in hers still, "I lost some memories when I was younger, from a car accident. Lewis knows this part." she added.

Angela looked at her, she gasped softly. "Max knew you– you don't know him." she whispered to herself.

"I know Max Verstappen." she said, "I don't remember him– him, from before." she added.


I'm having too much fun

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