big bucks

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"No way," Nora said, sitting up. When they arrived at the airport, "no way," she repeated, Lewis smiling at her all amused with a slight hint of smugness.

"Bora Bora?" she said, turning to Lewis. He nodded, extending his hand so he could help Nora getting off the plane.

"Do you like it?" He asked. She jumped to his arm to hug him quickly instead. Squealed out, "I love it!"

She then hugged Angela, he couldn't even be annoyed by it (even though he thought he deserved a longer hug, Angela didn't even plan this).

They got to the hotel after taking a smaller plane to the centre of Bora Bora, they have their own bungalow with three rooms and a huge living room, along with kitchen and dining room.

They agreed to settle in and change into comfier clothes and have dinner together later. Nora quickly took a shower and put on white linen pants and white shirt, complete with a small white crossbody purse. She completed her look with brown Hermes Oran sandals and a brown scarf.

She fixes her gold bracelet stacking— smiling at the two Van Cleef from Lewis, when her phone is ringing.

It was Max, she stares at it for a few seconds, deciding whether to answer or ignore him. She didn't text him the whole time they were on the plane, she was busy trying not to fall asleep— Lewis keeping her awake by forcing her to watch movies and play board games with him.

"Hello?" She answered, after deciding that Max isn't going to give up.

"Hey," greeted Max, "you haven't answered any of my texts, I got worried— almost check if there's any plane crashes on the news." He joked, but Nora can hear the seriousness in his voice.

"Very funny Max," she said, "well no, I'm a bit busy— just got here and actually just changed my clothes."

"Where are you?" Max asked. For a second Nora wasn't sure if she should answer, it was supposed to be a surprise for her.

"Bora Bora." She said, after a minute of silence.

"Hamilton got big bucks." Is all he said, and Nora scoffed. The dick shaking competition is ridiculous.

"How is this my life?" She asked rhetorically, because how is this her life? She was just a normal master student, trying to finish her degree. "Yeah, how is this my life." She repeated when Max made a confused noise.

"You'd go to Ibiza, partying your ass off with Martin Garrix and models– you're telling me that you're on the phone with a random Qatari woman and trying to do this dick shaking competition with Lewis Hamilton?" she asked, took a deep breath. "Oh my god– Max, I'm in Bora Bora with Lewis Hamilton." she hissed.

The line went silent for a few seconds before a facetime request came through, she answered. Max had his eyebrows scrunched in confusion. "I think you're freaking out." He said, and Nora scoffed.

Yeah no shit, Sherlock. "How did you find out?" she asked sarcastically, and Max just laughed softly, "maybe because I've never heard you say something like 'dick shaking competition'" he said and Nora turned red.

"Never repeat that again," she said quickly, then sat down on the bed. She could see Max was doing the same thing, leaning back on his sim's seat. "It's just, so many things have changed. So quick. It's unreal and it's– it's weird." she said.

"Your dad is the minister of sport, he works with the FIA all the time. Why do you think it's so weird that you've crossed paths with us?" Max asked.

Well, it's not that she found crossing paths with Formula 1 drivers weird. It's that she found crossing paths with them, then having them stay in her life, weird. "I'm in Bora Bora with Lewis Hamilton." like I was in Amsterdam with Max Verstappen, she wanted to add.

"Yes." Max said, amused. Like all of these are entertaining for him.

"I'm just– me, you know?" she asked, feeling weird that she's opening up to Max, of all people. She should probably talk about this with Angela. What does Max know?

"He's just Lewis Hamilton." He said easily, no hesitation.

"7 times world champion, a knighted man, and he's well– he's Lewis Hamilton." she hissed, afraid Lewis overheard her freaking out.

"Well, he's just Lewis Hamilton." he repeated, nodded and with a smile on his face. "And you're Nora."

"Just Nora." she said.

Max's smile dropped, he shook his head. "Not just Nora– you're kind, smart, beautiful and you're working on your Masters degree. Does he even have his bachelor degree?" he asked rhetorically, "and guess what, my three champions are yours as much as they're mine." he said seriously, no longer leaning on his seat.

She was about to open her mouth to protest when Max shook his head quickly, "they're yours as much as they are mine. Don't downplay how I feel about that night." Nora nodded, that night as in when they first met in Silverstone. Whatever she did that made him who he is, in his mind.

"You look great, enjoy Bora Bora." he said, hung up after they both said their goodbyes.

She stood in front of the tall mirror, took a deep breath and applied her lip gloss before stepping out. Angela had black shorts and white tank top on, Nora complimented her. "We're matching." she commented, before giving her a quick hug.

She was about to ask where Lewis was when the man walked in from his room with black shirt and tan pants, only a few buttons of his shirt were buttoned– leaving his tattooed chest visible. Nora took a deep breath and squeezed Angela's hand unknowingly, but Angela gave her a look and a smirk like she knew.

"I'm so hungry!" she half-shouted, startled both Angela and Lewis who now looked amused. She walked ahead of them, opening the door and stepping out.

This is so embarrassing, oh my god. Not over his tattoos, she hoped that her face isn't as red as she feels it's burning. She tried to walk ahead of them just to get the fresh air on her face, trying to stop her face from turning red– until Lewis slightly jogged to catch her.

"You know where we're going?" he asked teasingly, and that did not help because she wanted to go back to her room and screamed into the pillow before giggling like a fool in love.

"No," she said, pouting.

"I'll lead the way then," he said, then putting his palm on the small of her back. That is not helping, his hand is burning a hole on her back– it felt like. "You look good, by the way." he said and Nora took a deep breath, trying to be subtle about it.

"You look good as well," she said after thanking him, "I love the tattoos." she said quietly, and gave Angela a dirty look when she let out a quick laugh.

Lewis looked amused, like he knows how his look affected her. "Oh yeah?" he asked teasingly.

Nora scoffed, "oh don't fish for more compliments, you know how you look in that shirt!" she said, with faux annoyance. Lewis just laughed and shook his head. He patted her back softly, "Alright alright. Let's eat, baby."

She is so gone, and this is really really bad. 


I'm back, vote and comments or I'll get lewis Hamilton to hurt Nora 

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