George, man

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She took a quick shower and changed into an evening outfit. Lewis hasn't said where they're going but she felt a satin black skirt with a black blouse is fitting. It is night after all. She was about to text Lewis, when there's a knock. She slipped on her black kitten heels and quickly jogged to the door to open it.

"Hey," greeted him, "you look beautiful," he added.

"Thank you," she said softly. "Where are we going?" she asked.

"I hope you don't mind– but, I thought we should stop by Toto's party before getting dinner?" he said, looking at her.

"Toto's having a party?" she asked, all of a sudden felt very small– going to Lewis' boss' party wasn't on the itinerary.

"Well- not really. Toto will be there, it's more like Merc's party. Someone got P3, you know." he said, raising an eyebrow.

Oh– she tried to push down her anxiety. Tonight wasn't the best time to go to parties, right after she was so close to having a breakdown. But, Lewis did get P3 and she'd feel horrible for saying no. She nodded, "of course, I don't mind. Someone did score P3, after all." she said.

Lewis was telling her all about the race when they're on the way there, Nora listening, once in a while jumping in with questions to keep the conversation going. She loves watching Lewis talk about something he's passionate about, like watching fish swimming. So in tune, and natural.

They arrived at some kind of fancy bar or club, Nora couldn't tell the difference, and they're greeted by people right away. Well, more like Lewis greeted by people right away while Nora trying to get out of the way, making herself small.

Lewis told her that they'll stay for an hour– top. They do have to get dinner, afterwall. To which Nora had said, "no rush."

That's a big mistake, she forgot he's Lewis Hamilton. People wanted to congratulate him, to chat with him. She really doesn't mind, she took a seat on one of the sofas, labelled VIP.

She asked Lewis if she could sit there to which he answered, yeah of course baby.

Every fifteen minutes, Lewis would jog back to where Nora is sitting with some kind of snacks or just to tell her that they'll leave soon. She's having a flashback of waiting for her parents, just one more store, one more minute, one more this and that.

"Drink?" someone asked beside her, George. George Rusell, Lewis' teammate.

"Uh- water?" she asked, and realised the music slightly too loud when George leaned in slightly, "is that water?" she asked again, louder.

"Uh no, it's tequila!" he shouted, and she could tell he was Drunk, capital D- drunk. "It tastes like water if you drink it quick enough." he said, and Nora laughed.

"Oh no, all yours. I don't drink." she said.

He gave her a look, "are you vegan like him?" he asked, then shook his head, "vegans can drink, though." he said to himself, though he shouted it out.

Nora just raised both eyebrows, like she's amused. Drunk people are amusing if they're not puking, she thought. Then regret it, when he basically stared at her mortified, and threw up all over the sofa, inches away from where she's sitting that it splashed on her blouse.

"Fuck, I'm so– I'm so sorry." he said, it sounded like fhuck ahm sorhy while he's still gagging.

Nora wants to take a deep breath so she won't scream, at the same time she doesn't exactly want to take a deep breath in the vomit's scent. "Can you–" she was about to ask him to get away from her, and maybe puke on the floor, because he looks like he's about to puke again, when Lewis came out of nowhere.

"George, man!" he got George in a sitting down position, when did he even slumped so close to her. "Oh–" when he saw the puke that's decorating her blouse.

She's not annoyed at Lewis, because he wasn't the one who puked on her blouse. She's not annoyed at the fact that they're at this random party– and she hasn't even met Toto. But, she could feel annoyance bubbling inside her, and she doesn't want to take it out on Lewis–who deserves to celebrate.

"Lewis, I– I'll just go back to the hotel." she said, and when she saw Lewis' face morphed into guilt, she quickly shook her head. It's the last thing she wants him to feel. "No, no, it's okay. We're okay. I just want to change, and– there's another time. Seriously." she said. Lewis looks conflicted, George is fully slumped on his side now.

He stared at her blouse once more, and nodded. "I'll see you soon, okay?" He said, "I'll call the car for you." He grabbed a bunch of tissues from the table and gave them to her, they're useless. She's going to throw this blouse away, the idea of washing it makes her want to puke herself.

She felt like crying on the way back to the hotel, and she had to open the window a little bit as she felt like she could smell the puke that's sticking on her blouse. She quickly took another shower, and changed into her pyjamas, complete with the fluffy robe and fuzzy socks. She was about to eat the snacks she's been stealing from the hospitality and call it a night when there was a knock, and when she saw it was Lewis, she quickly put her hijab on– just tying it messily.

Lewis changed, he's wearing a comfortable looking Tommy Hilfiger set. "Hey," he greeted, Nora opened the door to let him in. He was holding a big paper bag, and another unmarked bag. "Delivery," he said.

Nora laughed, "I didn't order uber eats." she said.

"You didn't, this is complimentary. It's called, "I'm sorry my teammate puked all over you."" He said, then with an exaggerated pout. "Seriously, I'm sorry."

The shower made her feel better, that she genuinely couldn't even feel a tiny bit of annoyance, "not your fault." is all she said. "What do you have there?" she asked.

Lewis sets everything on the coffee table, he takes out fries, burgers, and onion rings. "I thought we deserve some junk food," he said, Nora nodded excitedly. "I also have something for you," he said and handed her the bag, "you can open it."

Inside, is a long-sleeved satin black dress. with "I had to guess the size." he said, "I also got you a gift card for Harrods, because I don't know if you like the dress." he added.

"Lewis- I, you honestly didn't have to." she started, "but, I really love the dress. Thank you so much." she said.

Lewis nodded, "let me know if it's not enough, okay?" he said and Nora was just sitting there, unsure of what to say. Is he.. Is he her sugar daddy now?

They decide they'll watch Kingsman, Nora dragging the hotel's blanket to the sofa and covering them both. He unwrapped her burger and handed it to her, "eat." he said softly, Nora nodded and took a bite after thanking him. It's so comfortable, better than the deafening music and being puked on by George Russell– that's for sure.

"I didn't see Toto." she said, jokingly. They're facing each other now, their back on the side of the couch, and they're sitting Indian style.

"I'll let him know you're looking for him." Lewis joked, "I'm really sorry tonight is so shitty." he said.

Nora shook her head, "are you kidding? This is fun." she added, "you really didn't have to come back here and stay in, you should stay out and celebrate." she said.

"I am celebrating." he said firmly, nudging his burger with hers.

She is so screwed.


George if u don't apologize!!

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