we're friends

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"Do you remember when you went to Silverstone back in–" Max started and Nora looked at Max quickly, "I've never been to Silverstone." she said.

Max had said nothing, he shuffled closer, millimetres closer.  Studying her face to see if there were any traces of lies, he couldn't find it.

"You've been to silverstone." he said carefully.

She looked confused, and he could see her gear was working. "I– no, I've never been to Silverstone." she tilted her head, and Max wanted to ask a therapist whether a traumatising childhood can lead a person to make fake memories.

"Back in 2014." he said, quietly.

Nora nodded, like a lightbulb going off in her head. "Oh! I got into a car accident in 2015, and lost some of my memories." she said casually, and Max stared at her.

Some memories.

"Nothing much or important, though." she added jokingly.

Max heard his own heart cracked, like a glass being shattered into thousands of pieces.

"We've met before, when I was in F3." That's all he had said.

"Did you win the race?" she asked softly, with a teasing smile.

Max stared at her sadly, throat tightening up suddenly. He shook his head, "no, I DNF'd."

Nora wanted to keep going, but somehow noticed how Max quieted down. It would be easy to just tell him that it's time for her to go inside now, but Max looked so– so defeated like he had lost a person.

"I'm sorry that I don't remember," she said softly, Max smiled and shook his head like he's trying to shake the sadness off. "Did you hate me then, too?" she teased, trying to make light of the situation.

"I didn't hate you then, and I don't hate you now." is what he said with all seriousness, Nora felt silly for trying to make light of the situation.

She whispered a quick 'sorry' and continued, "so we just met at the race?" she asked and Max nodded.

"Look," he started quickly, changing the topic. "Don't go, come watch from my garage. If not, you can hide in the garage, we'll make you a spot."

Nora stares at him, "please?" he asked again. Nora nodded, "okay." she whispered.

"Okay." he added, then quickly turned off the car, "let's go, I'll walk you." he said and Nora couldn't say anything before Max quickly jogged around to get her door.

Before she took another step, she felt her phone buzzing, and this time it was Lewis.

"I'm in front of your room, just let me know if you're okay, please."

She grabbed Max's arm, stopping him from walking further, "I'll just go alone– if that's okay, I–" I don't want to complicate things even more.

Max glanced down on her phone quickly and took a deep breath, "what– what do you see in–" he started, and Nora tightened her grip where she had grabbed him before. She shook her head, stopping him from saying something that would annoy her.

"Were we friends?" she asked hurriedly, "were we?" she asked again, when Max just stood there, looking anywhere but at her.

"I'd like to think so." he said and she nodded quickly with a smile. It wasn't a long answer, but it was enough for her.

"Then we're friends." she said, slowly walking away, "we're friends. I'll see you tomorrow Max." she's walking backwards, eyes still on him– like talking to a spooked animal, making sure it's not going to run after you.

Max just stood there, skin sticking to his race suit, dumbfounded.

She takes her sweet time walking the corridor, towards her room. She doesn't know whether she's hoping Angela is with Lewis, and she could act as a buffer. Or, she's hoping Angela is not here, that way she can talk with him privately.

Lewis was on the phone when she got to her room, he was facing the door but quickly turned around when he heard footsteps. "She's here," said Lewis to the person on the other line, probably Angela.

Nora doesn't say anything, fishing out the card for her room from her small purse. She opened the door, but didn't say anything. Couldn't care less if Lewis followed her, or not.


"Nora," Lewis started, "you can be mad at me, yell at me, or do whatever it is. But, please, please don't ever disappear like that. I was worried– Angela and I were." he said– more like pleading, he's not above begging.

Angela had ripped him a new one, "she's not your trophy, do you get that?"

Nora turned to him, shrugged, "I'm fine."

Lewis wanted to rip his braids out, he was close to driving around Sao Paulo trying to find her, and calling interpol. Seeing her standing in front of him, and just like she said, fine– is just too much. He steps forward and grasps her in a hug, "baby, I'm old." he started, and Nora lets out a small giggle. Lewis couldn't help but smile, "I'm serious, I'm an old man– you can't do that to me. You're going to give me a heart attack." he said.

Nora nodded, then stepped away from his hug. She didn't say anything, waiting for Lewis to continue. "Look, I'm sorry." he started, "I don't know what the fuck that was, but it was all me. I am so sorry," he said, gently taking her hands in his, doing it slowly just in case she wanted to yank them away.

She sat herself on the sofa, setting her purse down on the coffee table. "Lewis, I– I don't care about points." she said, and she fiddled with her fingers.

Lewis nodded quickly, standing in front of her. He knows, he knows, she couldn't care less about points– this is not her life, and for him to accused her going to Red Bull because Max had score pole, was– so fucking stupid of him.

"And I don't care if you start from P4, or– or even if you start from the back of the grid. I don't care, I'd still be here." she said softly, "I went to their garage not because Max scored a pole, but because I promised him I'd stop by." she said.

Before he could say anything, she continued, "even if Max starts from the back of the grid, if I promise him I'd say hi, I'd still go there." she said, and oh– that is slightly humbling that he is on the same level as Verstappen, that he's not her world, and not her priority. Okay.

"I know– honestly, you don't have to explain. I was being– stupid, honestly." he said, and Nora nodded. Silence filled the room.

"Are you leaving?" he asked, remembering how she had told him and Angela that she's going home. Qatar.

"I was going to," she started, and Lewis was ready to beg her to stay, because letting her go means nothing is alright. And the apology wasn't enough. "But, I'm staying." He nodded, relieved.

Before he could say anything, she continued, "I'm watching from Max's garage," she said, staring at him as she said that– studying his expressions and waiting for his response.

Okay, Max, screw you. "If that's what you need," he said, instead. She smiled and nodded.

"We– uh. We're friends." she added, and what? Since when? But he didn't say anything. She's her own person, she can be friends with anyone. Including Max Verstappen, who happened to be his rival.

He walks towards the door, it's time to go back to his own room, he has a race tomorrow. Nora stood up from the sofa, walking him to the door, "also, you're not an old man." she said with a teasing smile, "If this sport hasn't given you any heart attacks, I don't think I'll be able to." she added.

Lewis only laughed, and gave her a side hug, he can hear Angela's voice in his head. "don't push your luck, Hammy."

"So, I'll be at Red Bull tomorrow, but– we can get dinner? To celebrate?" she asked, with a smile. Lewis nodded quickly, "I will wait for you in front of Red Bull," he said jokingly.

I think you have more power than the sport ever has on me, if we're being honest.


How we feeling 🤭
Nora forgave him so quick, girl no :(

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