second- no, third time

633 19 11

Nora puts a hand on her chest and tries to even out her breathing, her hands feel clammy and cold and that's just straight up abnormal in the Qatar heat.

"Okay, okay, you're fine." she said to herself. She walked so quickly that she didn't even see where she was going, she just needed to get away from Lewis. Just for a few minutes, oh god.

Acting all chill, cool and collected when she met the man was– it was the wrong move. Was it the wrong move? Because, now, she couldn't ask him for a selfie or for an autograph.

Well, maybe just a selfie. She doesn't need an autograph, her dad always got her those signed caps. But! She could've asked him to sign her purse or– or something.

Oh she felt lightheaded, as if hanging out in the Mercedes garage wasn't enough, as if getting snacks with Angela wasn't enough, Lewis asked her to get tacos! She crouched down, setting her purse on the ground. The paddock mostly cleared out by now, it's been a while since the race. Guests are now mostly left, mechanics and probably some drivers are still here– so she couldn't care less that now she's on the ground, forehead between her knees.

"Are you– are you alright?" a hoarse voice startled her out of her -mental breakdown in fetal position- moment, she stood up so quick that she almost stepped on her purse on the ground, and if the person hadn't caught her it would've been over for her. Face plant on the ground, kind of over.

She shrieked, and the guy laughed quickly. Hands still holding her waist steady, until she kinda leaped out. "Sorry." she quickly said, like almost ending up face on the ground is such a burden.

"I think you should start paying attention." he said, not unkindly but it got Nora looking at him.

"Okay, sorry." she said quickly.

"Sorry, that's not what I meant." he started, and Nora quickly shook her head. "That's really not– anyways, I'm Max." he said, and she nodded.

"Verstappen." she added. "Max Verstappen."

Max looks at her, amused. Yes, that is my name. But realised, if she's friends with Lewis Hamilton. Does that mean she's one of those people who blame Max or accuse him of stealing the championship? "Max is just fine." he said, instead. Because asking if someone thinks he stole the champion from Lewis is just plain weird.

"Congrats on your win." she said, Max smiled and quickly thanked her.

"Why were you on the ground?" he asked, trying to change the topic. It felt different being congratulated by someone who's not an interviewer or someone who won't ask for your signature. He better make sure she's not his hater first, his brain told him.

"Just, uh, something." she said, shrugging.

Max nodded, not wanting to push her into answering. "Did you get– did you get the pass, by the way?" he asked, scratching the back of his head even though it's not itchy.

Nora looked confused, looking anywhere but at him, then she squinted at his Red Bull polo (it made him kind of want to change, if he's being honest) and then like a light bulb turned on, "oh! That was you?" she asked, "yes, I think it's with Angela– uhm, Lewis' Ang-"

Max nodded quickly, "right." He cut her off and then walked away before she could say anything. But before he could go far, Nora yelled out, "That's rude!"

Excuse me, Max turned around and walked towards her. Nora isn't squirming in regret like he was expecting, she stood there still staring at him. He raised an eyebrow at her, and that's when she slightly lost her composure.

"You've walked away from me twice, and that's just rude." she said, she clutches her small purse like Max is going to rob her, he couldn't help but smile.

"So you're keeping tabs." he said, he can't help it. He's an asshole, like everyone else had said.

He could see her eyes widened slightly, and maybe it's the Qatar heat, but he could see her face slightly reddened. "I'm not keeping tabs."

Max laughed, "are you a fan?" he asked, teasing. Are you a fan of me? Was what he wanted to ask.

"Of you?" she asked, "mayb–" she got cut off by Angela, who stood between them, "you're still here? Do you need a ride?" she asked, ignoring Max. Speaking of rudeness.

Maybe yes? Maybe not? Are you a fan of me? Do you remember me?

Nora smiled, greeted Angela. Ignoring Max for a second, she said something to Angela quickly and when she was about to turn to Max, "Lewis left already by the way," Angela had said, and Nora looked panicked for a second and nodded quickly.

Are they going on a date? Max felt weird for a second, and did what he does best (Esteban Ocon would disagree) and walked away. He couldn't help but smile a little when he heard a, "that's the third time, Verstappen!" but he walked away for good this time.



Did anyone catch something that might be a plot? No? Yes?

Also yes, I can't imagine Nora not knowing and fangirling over Lewis Hamilton so I made her this way🤭

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