Fixing a Crash

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How it all started, flashback.


2024 was one of the worst years of Lewis' life. Losing everything in an instant. When he lost his 8th world championship, he thought it's over. He thought one small thing and his parents would only have Nicholas as their son. Then, seeing Nora with Max.

He asked himself if he was some kind of monster in his past life? That he has to constantly pay the karma.

Nora is not a trophy, he's learned that. But, losing his 8th and the chance of being in love to the same guy has truly sent him spiralling. The worst thing about it was; Max wasn't rubbing it on his face, he wasn't being smug about it, but Lewis would rather have Max mock him than showing up to the paddock looking blissed out.

Looking like he's in love and life is treating him good.

It's fucking unfair, is this his rewards for having a shitty dad? Well, Lewis never asked for a decent and loving father.

Nora never showed up, he loved her even more for that. Lewis never catches her in the RB garage, no matter how hard he lurks when he passes Red Bull. In the back of his mind, he knows it's because she doesn't want to hurt him. Which is more than what he deserves, the way he treated her.

Hurting her was something that Lewis had to take to his grave, the unconsolable guilt that would continue eating him until his very last breath.

He wished she never showed up at the hospital when he crashed, as a punishment. Even though that wouldn't be enough. But, Nora is kind. She's not like him.

Halfway through the season he grovelled to Angela, HARD. They had a talk, they talked for the whole day. Angela had asked him to forgive her, for telling him to go ahead and pursue Nora even knowing she was with Max.

At the time she didn't know Max proposed, Lewis couldn't even be mad at her. Told her he'll forgive her if she comes to work with him again.

"What's meant to be will always find a way," she whispered when they're both lying on the floor of his home gym, after 3 hours work out session where they both pretend the reason why Lewis doing that wasn't to distract himself from the fact that Max get to love Nora in a way he can't. Because it's too late.

He closed his eyes, trying to draw in his tears.

"What if that was my one chance and I missed it?" he whispered and Angela sucked in a breath. They had a talk about how soulmates can miss each other, surely it happens.

"Then in another universe," Angela said softly. In another universe maybe he's brave like Max. In another universe maybe he gets to love Nora loudly. In another universe maybe he can have everything with her.

They both pretend Lewis was breathing loudly from the exercise and not because he was holding back sobs.

Then in 2026, when everything seemed so bleak, Angela stared at him for a few minutes too long. In their 2 weeks break between races, Lewis chose to do training in a warm country. So here they were in Bora Bora (Lewis couldn't hate the place even if memories of Nora are still hurting his very soul.)

"What?" he asked finally because they were laughing a few minutes ago. Now Angela is all quiet, like she's a character who's about to say something life changing in a coming of age movie.

"I'm going to tell you something," she started, "and I'm telling you this because I know you've changed and I think you deserve a second chance, whether or not you can have it."

Lewis nodded, intrigued.

"Nora and Max broke up," She continued when Lewis only stared at her.

Like a wave washing over him, he stared at her. "How—I mean, what?" he stammered, "How did you know?" he asked, he wanted her to be sure. This is not a laughing matter, he sees a flashing chance.

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