Schipol - Heathrow

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Both Aya and Brad were in their room when Max and Nora got back from their walk, it was like they knew something happened and they wanted to avoid them. Nora should go to bed because she has a morning flight to catch, but instead she sat down on the couch, Max sitting beside her right away without saying anything.

They sat there in silence for the longest time, Max turning on the TV as a background noise. Nora was fiddling with her fingers until Max stopped her, as usual. "Are we okay?" Max had asked, breaking the silence.

She didn't say anything, looking at him. Are they okay? Are they? It's hard when there are so many emotions to process but not enough time. She grew up in a family where resolution is a big thing, you're not allowed to go to bed angry. No matter how big or how small it is, you can have the whole day to be mad and ignore the other person– but once it's bedtime, you better make up.

Sitting on emotions and anger is necessary, she thinks. Maybe to a certain extent, you can't let it fester and brew, either. She supposed she is stepping away from Max after this, she's going with Lewis and they're hopefully going to have a nice time together.

There is a lot that she wants to say, but what Max had said before; "And I want to ask her to light a candle for you, so you can find your way to me." kept running in her mind, playing like a broken record.

She hugged him instead, "yeah, we're okay." she whispered, then let him go. She couldn't see his eyes though, so she stood up and went to the guest room. Not once looking back at Max who's still sitting there.

The flight was like her alone time, Aya was sleeping the entire flight which she was glad because she'd like to be alone with her thoughts. She had told both Max and Lewis that she's going to take a nap, an hour nap. Since she can't lie and say that she's going to turn her phone off– there's wifi on the plane.

She just wants an hour of being alone. Max insisted on waking up as early as she was this morning, waiting for her to finish praying to ask if they're okay. She doesn't know what to say, but– they are okay. To a certain extent. Max hugged her before saying goodbye, whispered another "I'm sorry" before he let go.

She nodded as she told Max and Brad that she will see them in Abu Dhabi.

She smiled when she saw a text from Lewis popped in, she had told him that she's going to take a nap, "have a good nap sweetheart, I'll be here waiting." he said.

She decided to freshen her makeup, because she really just wanted to be alone and not actually nap like Aya– although, looking at the way she's comfortably slumped against the window made her want to sleep a little.

What bothers her the most about Max and her memory is that– she couldn't remember exactly what happened. She knows the importance of it, she knows the significance of it– Max was treated poorly that maybe whatever she said clings to him.

Another thing that bothered her, not as much as the first one, was how quick she trusted Max and jeopardised her and Lewis' relationship and that annoyed her. She was quick to defend Max just like she would to any other friends of hers, and maybe she doesn't regret it so much anymore.

"Do I not make you happy?" He does, and that's why the regret is not there. He is a good friend, Max becomes one of her good friends.

Aya woke up and leaned to her, "do you remember Halaa?" she asked, phone in her hand. Nora nodded, her thoughts interrupted. "She asked if I wanted to meet her? Is that alright if I'll meet her? Instead of going with you and Lewis first?" She asked, Halaa is closer to Aya than to Nora, considering Aya used to live with Halaa in London.

Nora nodded quickly, "absolutely, you don't have to ask." she started, "thank you for coming with me." she smiled, she had thanked Aya before, but still– Nora is grateful that she always has Aya in her corner.

Aya smiled teasingly at her, "is this because you and Lewis are going to smooch?" she asked, Nora spluttered and laughed, "you are gross." she said but blushed like crazy.

When they landed, Nora told Aya that she can bring her luggage with her and Lewis so Aya can go ahead and meet Halaa. She squealed happily and thanked her before skipping towards a taxi service.

Nora texted Lewis letting him know that she's still waiting for the luggages, to which Lewis just sent her a gif of dancing Daniel Ricciardo and Nora laughed at that. Lewis texted her that he's meeting her in the parking lot, it makes sense because Lewis is famous– more famous than Max, right?

She tried trying to push down her disappointment and walked quickly to the parking lot. She could see that Lewis was driving, his face still showing in the slightly tinted Range Rover.

She smiled, she does miss him. Lewis smiled happily and quickly got out of the car, "sweetheart!" he greeted, hugging her tightly, slightly picking her off the ground.

She laughed, "hey–" she greeted, stopped when she was lifted off the ground and he swayed her a little, making her laugh.

"Aya is with Halaa already," she explained, she had told him about it but he offered to drop Aya off instead. He nodded with a smile.

He opened the passenger door for her, "oh what is that?" He said in faux surprise, Nora shook her head like she couldn't believe it when she saw a huge bouquet of roses sitting on the seat with a green box nestled in the middle.

"Lewis... What is this?" she asked softly, taking the bouquet and opening the box. Two Van Cleef bracelets shoved in the box and her eyes fluttered, "oh–"

"Sorry, I didn't want to cover the roses with two boxes, so."

Nora smiled fondly at him, "I've been meaning to get a bracelet just like this, thank you so much." she said softly, and hugged him again before quickly getting inside the car, Lewis closing the door gently.

Lewis smiled softly at her as she buckled herself carefully, minding the big bouquet of flowers. "I'll buckle the baby in the back, maybe." he said then gently taking it off her hands, setting it on the back seat.

Nora felt so guilty, nothing had happened– some plans just changed.  Like cancelling the hotel room and staying at Max's house instead. She wasn't going to feel guilty, but after what happened between her and Max, there's a small thought in the back of her mind. That's just screaming at her, Max wasn't your friend and you put him first.

"I have to tell you something." she said, looking at Lewis, who's trying to leave the parking garage. He turned to her with a smile, one hand on the steering wheel.


congrats max for the win and checo..... im so sorry

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