Book 2. Between The Gravel Traps

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I decided to put book 2 here instead of posting it separately. enjoy! 


"So, halfway through the season with Ferrari. How are you feeling?"

Nora sucked in a deep breath, Max was quiet on the other side of the line, waiting for her answer. She smiled at Isaac making cooing noises and grabby hands at her from his crib. "I'm not the one who works for them," she said as she sat down with Isaac on her lap.

"So you're not happy?" Max asked and Nora sighed. Max always seems to know what to say and how to read her, it's annoying.

"I didn't say that." She said quietly, like Max is in front of her. She took another deep breath, studying Isaac's chubby face. She gently card her fingers through his baby hairs, Isaac is the perfect mixture of her and Lewis with his brown eyes and her big eyes.

Max stayed quiet, waiting for her to continue.

She felt like crying all of a sudden, "this team is not for us." She said and quickly wiped the stray tear that fell on her cheek, like she's scared Max will see it.

"You and Lewis?"

"No, it's not for me and Isaac." She said and tightened her hold around Isaac.

Lately, feeling defeated was all Nora ever felt. She had never told Lewis to retire, never asked him to retire– she knows racing is his life. Lewis had told her that he would retire, despite her assurance that he didn't need to, that she could wait.

Living a (somewhat) private life was all she wanted, building a family without the extra spotlight, letting Lewis take all the spotlight while she's doing her own things.

She stood her ground, she didn't want to give up herself and she wanted Lewis to stand his ground as well. If racing was what he wanted, then she wanted him to continue. But Lewis told her that there's more to life than racing, that racing is a part of his life but she is his life too. That sharing a life means compromise, building a life means giving up certain parts, pushing up certain things to make space.

There was no rush to get married and have Isaac, they could go back to how it was before– keeping everything very quiet and private.

Lewis told her that he had paid his due. That was the conversation they had when they decided to build a family, that was what he told her and her parents. That was what he liked to whisper to her when Isaac was still tucked in between her organs.

Ferrari approached him when Isaac was 8 months old, only one season after Lewis was supposedly "retired" and standing for her ground meant nothing afterwards.

Saying no to Lewis a long time ago when he had asked her to move in was done in the name of standing for her ground, to protect herself, her future career, her degree, to shield all of them– just to be told she has to come in full force. To act a certain way to preserve decades of old legacy and history, to be put under Ferrari's scrutiny.

"Fred called," Lewis said that time, setting his key on the fish bowl that was set by the door. He just came back from his morning run, he has a paper bag on his right hand. Nora smiled at that, she knew he got her some sweet pastries.

He quickly toed off his shoes, walking towards her and Isaac who were snuggling on the rocking chair. He kissed both of their foreheads, gently stroking Isaac's cheek.

"Fred?" she gently nudged him, when he clearly was distracted by Isaac.


"Ferrari?" she asked, squinting her eyes trying to think if she got it right.

He nodded, gently taking Isaac from her and sitting himself on the couch across her. He patted the empty space beside him with his right hand that's not cradling Isaac, she immediately goes under his arm not minding that he's a bit sweaty. It's what people call love, she supposed.

"They have a seat for next season,"

She stayed quiet, Lewis stayed quiet and Isaac fluttered his tiny eyelids then yawned.

"Are you.." are you going to take it?  "Are you hungry?" she asked instead.

Lewis stayed quiet for a few seconds but looked at her with a smile, he kissed the side of her head, "why? Do you want to share the pain au chocolat?" he teased.

"No," she said with a pout, "but I can make you some vegan pancakes or something."

"Oh how nice," he said jokingly, wrapping his arm around her even tighter.

"I'm a nice person," she said teasingly, and Lewis nodded seriously at that. "You are, you married me." He said on a serious note and Nora had to fight the blush creeping in on her face. She loves him so much.

Later that night when they got Isaac to sleep in his nursery, they brushed their teeth and changed to comfortable pyjamas, Lewis took her hands in his. "I think I'll say yes," he said and he doesn't need to say more for her to understand.

She nodded, "that sounds good, my love." She whispered, then faked a yawn.

Lewis let go of her hands and brought her to his arm, "you're so sleepy, huh? Your eyes watery."

She could only nod.

Then when everything was set in stone, Ferrari PR manager told them that they needed to come in for a meeting in Maranello. Nora had asked Lewis to confirm with them if they really meant Lewis and Nora.

"Yes, baby. It's normal though," he said, for the hundredth time that day, though there's not even a hint of annoyance in his voice. She loves him so very much.

"Did Mercedes made you take everyone for a PR meeting?" she asked when they're inside the plane, still feeling unsettled.

He chuckled, took her hand in his. "Well no," he started and before she could say anything he continued, "but I didn't have a wife then." He said with a teasing smile.

She nodded, "I miss Isa already," she said with a pout.

"Me too," Lewis said, squeezing her hand. "He's fine though, my mom was so excited to hang out with him."

"Well, he's a cool baby." She said and Lewis laughed at that. They spend the rest of the flight talking about Isaac, how sometimes they couldn't believe that they're actual parents.

Everything went so fast and like a blur, one moment she was admiring the modern building with the big prancing horse logo, the next she was walking out of the room in a rush muttering a quick "please excuse me".

Lewis trailing behind her, "baby–"

"What was that?" she cut him off, "did you know about that?" she asked.

"No! Of course not,"

She scoffed, "how– how could they even–" she covered her mouth in disbelief.

There were a lot of things happening, a lot of words being thrown, but only "You are required to keep up appearances during the season, to show up at every race with your son. This is necessary to avoid any unwanted rumours of our driver." stuck in her head.

"I'm sorry, we can call Mark and–" Mark is their lawyer, "ask if I can back down now," he said and she shook her head quickly.

"No, no– I just." Just– what are you signing for? What am I signing up for?

You are signing with a ruthless team, she had wanted to say. "Our driver"? You're my husband and Isaac's dad.

They left Italy the very same day, her signature carved on the paper agreeing to protect "Ferrari's driver" from unwanted rumours, and signing away the very same ground she fought and stood for.


ladies and gentlemen, Ferrari Lewis x Nora

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