4 times Max trying to figure out, 1+ they finally found out

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Thank you for 500 votes, here's a bonus chapter. Marriage life and an additional family member. 




Max keeps watching Nora anxiously, she's been chewing on a dill pickle that she drizzled with sugar and olive oil. He thought and sure she was about to throw up from the weird combination but he smiled when she chewed on it happily, humming a little.

He has to ask her. He has to, right?

He actually asked Vic's opinion a few days ago since she's had some experiences with it. Well, he could've asked his mom but the thought of his mom knowing what they did that led them to this point is very... odd. Doesn't matter if they're married or the fact that Max is a 34 year old man.

"Well, does she have any symptoms?" She asked.

"Like what? She doesn't have covid." He said, incredulously.

"Like nausea, dumbass." She said quickly, sighing. "Well, either look it up or ask her."

After that Max has been on high alert, watching her every movement. The moment she woke up and until she closed her eyes– not that it's difficult, his life is very Nora centred.

She was complaining about Max's green smoothies, and said the smell is getting to her. He nodded dumbly and threw out the content of the glass down the drain.

"Max! Why did you throw it out?" She asked, looking confused but her one hand still holding onto her stomach and Max was hyper focusing on it and he just shrugged.

"You said the smell is getting to you,"

She just shook her head with a smile on her face. "You gotta explain to Brad why you're under calorie intake," she joked.

Before he could say anything funny (he loves making her laugh, sue him) she yawned. "Sleepy?" He asked, looking down at his Patek quickly, realising it's only 9 in the morning. Also realised he should switch his watch to a Tag Heuer one since he's going to the gym and to film some PR videos.

"I've been so tired," she said through a yawn. Max scrunched his nose because that's one of the symptoms he read. Tiredness is very common since your body is producing extra hormones, that's what he read.

But— "well," he started, "you've been staying late, schatje." This could also be a reason, two nights ago they were in bed together and Max got rudely woken up by Sassy who jumped on their footbed, then his eyes were greeted by a tired looking Nora on his chest, bright phone shining on her face. He took her phone and hugged her tightly so she can fall asleep, which she did (not before loudly protesting and laughing like it was the funniest thing ever).

She nodded with a tired giggle, "yeah I've been on tik tok a lot."

He squeezed her cheek gently and gave her a kiss on top of her head, "head back to bed, hmm? And maybe tonight we can go to bed early." He said we, like they're not always in bed by 9:30 PM (but often only one of them falls asleep.)

She nodded, "aye aye captain," she said and squeezed Max's hands.


The next day he wakes up and she's not beside him, which is unusual since she likes to sprawl like an octopus when she sleeps and Max often wakes up earlier than her.

He yawned and checked the time, it's 5:30 AM and he's going on a run in a little bit. Why is Nora up, that's the question. Usually he has to leave a note for her when he's leaving for a run, not wanting to wake her up.

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