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They didn't talk about it at all, Lewis was telling her how he couldn't care less about the asshole in the car and Nora didn't say anything to that, Max deserved to be called an asshole for outrightly accusing him of abusing her. Thinking about it made her scoff, it was ridiculous. Then, she remembered all those articles she read about Max's dad and mom– and she felt bad.

They didn't feel like going out for dinner, since it's race day tomorrow anyways. Nora proposed in the car that maybe they all can just order room service, Angela told them they should and that she's going out anyways. Lewis winked at her, and Nora just laughed. Angela recently had told her that she's talking to one of the mechanics from a different team. She wouldn't tell her which team, but she has a feeling it's Red Bull. The way Angela is always so eager "dropping" her off at Red Bull whenever she has to meet Max.

"Do you want this?" Lewis asked in the car, handed her a small wrapper. "It's a chocolate covered date, one of the media guys did the whole fist bump thing."

"Fist bump thing?" she asked, but taking it from him anyways, "oh! I love these!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah if you give him a fist bump, there's like something in his hand. Something like that," Angela explained instead, Lewis just smiling looking at her being so excited over a date.

She nodded, happily unwrapping the date. "You don't want it? Have you had some?" she asked. Lewis shook his head, "you have it baby," he said. Nora is fighting the urge to leap out of the car. Who knows being called 'baby' by Lewis Hamilton has this effect on her?

She took a bite and smiled happily, then pushed it in front of him, "have a bite, it's really good!" then when Lewis did take a bite, "it's really good right? I can have like, 20 of these in one sitting." she said, Lewis just engulfed her in a quick hug like he's so fond of her and that made her chest beating so fast. "There's one that has some sea salt on it, and it's really good." she added, not knowing what to say when her heart was beating out of her chest.

When they arrived at the hotel, Lewis went back to his own room to change and shower and got back to Nora's room like he had promised.

"I brought the menu, I wasn't sure if your room had it." He said, Nora made a non-commital noise. She has a face mask on, the Abu Dhabi heat really getting on her that she feels like she has to hydrate her skin a bit more. "Looking good, baby." He teased.

"I'm thinking of getting the vegan 'duck' and some sweet potato fries. I think I deserve it," he said, patting the menu with a decisive nod. "What do you want?" he asked, handing her the menu.

"Can I just maybe get the sweet potato fries, I don't feel like anything else." Feeling absolutely sick thinking about what happened with Max.

Lewis looked at her hesitantly but nodded and picked up the phone anyways to order, "and can I have those chocolate covered dates?" Nora perked up at that and looked over at him, "can you put some sea salts on it?" he added and she's still staring at him, he winked at her quickly before looking down again.

She's fighting the urge to get up and give him a hug, seriously? They're just dates.

"Can I have twenty of those?" he asked, smiling. They exchanged a few words and Lewis thanked them quickly before hanging up. "Ten minutes." He said casually, as if Nora isn't trying to fight a giggle over what he did.

"Chocolate covered dates?" she asked, when he's walking over to the sofa, where she is sitting. "Twenty?" she teased.

"I know this girl," he started as he sat down facing her, who's comfortably slumped on the sofa, "she can eat twenty of those in one sitting." He said with a wink.

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