between races

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Lewis spent the one month gap that they had between Qatar and Austin, talking to Nora. Then spend another month, between Austin and Brazil talking to her. It's easy, he finds. It's fresh, and he definitely hasn't done things that he usually had done by now. 

For example, he would simply fly a girl out for a quick night out (or night in). He hasn't done that, there are times where he is so close to just– asked her to come over. It would be easier, talking while being in the same time zone. 

Granted, Nora is only 2 hours ahead of where he is, but when it's only 10 o'clock at night and Lewis would like to chat after a long day at the factory, she would be asleep.

Other than that, it has been easy. Sometimes they'd FaceTime, and it's like he knew her forever. He wasn't bothered by the age gap (and hoped Nora also isn't bothered by that.)

Sometimes they'd have super light conversation, or heavy ones, or just silly games like 2 lies one truth. "I got into a car accident when I was 16, and lost my memory. I have 5 cats. Aaand, I hate strawberries." Nora said, tapping her pen on the table.

Lewis squint his eyes dramatically like he's trying to read her, "I know you have 2 cats, and I heard you talk about strawberries at least once a week. No way! And here I thought I'm the racing driver." 

It's so easy, that's the problem. There are voices (Angela's to be specific) that told him he really should not keep this going if he doesn't even know what he wants, but, Nora.

Nora is like a plant that strives by itself, and maybe it's time for him to go to bed, since he just compared Nora to a plant.

But, Nora has her own thing, sometimes they'd facetime while they both are working on something. Occasionally stares at each other, and Angela would call them disgusting. Nora would just laugh. She never asked for more, or for less, and maybe Lewis should be worried that maybe he's reading into this differently than her. But, he's so caught up in whatever this is. He's enjoying life.

For the first time in a while, he felt giddy. He feels like something is pushing his insides, and it's no longer empty.

Funny how that works.

Tonight is one of the nights where they just facetime each other while doing other things, Nora has her scarf messily wrapped around her head, and he could see the serious frown forming on her forehead.

"Hey," he said, pushing his Ipad away from him, his eyes watered from how long he had been staring at the screen. "Look up for a second," he said, with a smile when she just let out a "mmm?"

"Hey," he said again, and Nora smiled. Frowning lines gone. "It's race weekend," he said. He actually has to leave tomorrow, and arrive there by Wednesday evening. 

She nodded, and he could see the motion of her hands closing down her laptop. "Don't worry, I saved it already." she said, it's something she does after one time she forgot to save her document and lost 12 pages of her paper. She had been close to crying until Lewis told her he'd stay with her until she typed up those 12 pages again.

"Yes, Brazil. Are you excited?" she asked, and he nodded quickly. He doesn't want to talk about racing, well, he does. He doesn't want to talk about what he's feeling.

"Yes, I am. I love Brazil." He said, rubbing the back of his neck like it's cold. It's not. "So, listen, I was wondering if you want to come watch the race?" he asked quickly, like he's scared that he'll chicken out.

Nora kind of froze, if it's not for her blinking, he would've thought his internet is acting up again. Brackley is still a small town, it doesn't matter that Mercedes garage is there. "I can get Angela to arrange everything for you, of course. I know you're busy, so you don't have to worry about that." he added, thinking that it's what is bothering her.

"I- it's just that." she started, and stopped talking but Lewis waited for her to continue. Sometimes Nora says something and stops herself like she knows whatever she says will get shot down, or finished. Lewis tries to always let her continue. Not finishing her sentence for her. "I'd love to, I just have to make sure that I can actually go to a different country, you know?" she said.

Lewis understands completely, they've talked about it. Everything Nora does has to be run through her parents first, and he made a mistake once by commenting how that's weird and she's an adult. Nora wasn't afraid to shoot that idea real quick, telling him that "I don't feel oppressed, if that's what you're getting at. I respect my parents and have no problem with that, I live with them and I follow their rules. There's nothing wrong with that."

And oh, alright, and as they talked, Lewis knows that Nora is loved and taken care of. Isn't that what's important?

But, he knows that she has to speak to her parents first, and although he wants so much from her. He couldn't push her, "no worries. I know it's a long flight as well, but maybe I can send a private?" he asked, "that'll cut down the flight by at least a few hours?" he said.

She shook her head, "no way." she said, "if I can go, I definitely don't want to fly private. That's a waste." she added.

Sebastian would love her. That weird environmentalist.

"But, I will let you know." Just like always, she said it in such a genuine way that Lewis could only smile and nodded.

It's not until 2 hours after they hung up, he got a message;

"See you in Sau Paulo."

And if he lets out a big whoop, like a loser, and immediately calls Angela– who called him a loser. That's a secret between him, Angela, and god. Maybe Roscoe as well, who lets out a little yelp when he disturbed his sleeping beauty. 

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