Two Birds, One Stone

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So Max won his third title, nobody batted an eye at that anymore. He's been absolutely destroying every single driver and being celebrated at the last race in the season was just a formality, at this point.

Nora had told him that she couldn't watch from Red Bull, not when Mercedes was fighting for P2 in the constructorship. She did promise him that she'll come over to his party, since Lewis told her that usually almost everyone is there.

"Not me," he added quickly and before Nora could say anything, "I usually don't go, especially not now after he accused me of hurting you. Sorry, baby."

She understood, though she told him she'll make a quick appearance. Say hi and go back to the hotel afterwards, Lewis nodded without hesitation. Her previous theory of Angela seeing someone from Red Bull might as well be confirmed the way Angela volunteered to accompany her to the party, eagerly.

There were so many well known faces and names that she actually felt somewhat overwhelmed, she wanted to do a quick in and out of the party, maybe tell Angela she can stay and she'll go back. Since, she's nowhere to be found anyways.

She's not usually one that's starstrucked by celebrity, but standing in front of her was Sebastian Vettel and she clutched her purse tightly because all of a sudden her fingers felt cold and clammy. This is the same driver that she watched and knew growing up, when she was still coming to races with her dad. Watching him from the big screen.

"Sebastian Vettel, hi–" she said, and looked around to make sure people were seeing the same thing as her. Why is everyone else being so very nonchalant about Sebastian Vettel?!

"Nora," he greeted and, and– what! Sebastian Vettel knows her name! For some reason she looked down on her chest, like making sure if there's a name tag attached that she's not aware of. "Lewis," he said with a smile, like 'Lewis' is an explanation. "He told me about you," he continued when Nora just kind of stood there with her mouth slightly gaped.

Oh? Oh, yeah. Lewis and Sebastian Vettel are friends, she supposed. So, can she get a selfie? Or is that embarrassing for her– and Lewis?

"Are you here alone then? I know Lewis never comes to Red Bull parties," he said smiling fondly, then walking away but looking back at her like he's expecting her to follow him, which she did.

Walking closely behind him, "I came with Angela," she said, slightly raising her voice since the DJ decided to start playing some obnoxious loud song.

"I saw Angela somewhere," he said, gesturing around the room. They made a stop at the drink station and he handed her a bottle of water. "You should get some of these, they're actually good." He nodded towards a table of hors d'oeuvres and Nora shook her head, unsure which snack he meant and not feeling like eating while being forced to listen to these club songs. Then Seb walked in front of her again, giving her a 'follow me' gesture with his head and oh, okay.

They ended up sitting on one of the sofas, and Nora had to clutch the bottled water to stop herself from whipping out her phone and snapping a quick picture. It's Sebastian Vettel!

"I always go to one of these," he started, "Red Bull is my home, truly. So I always try to celebrate with them." He continues, eyes scanning the entire room like he's reminiscing, Nora nodded.

She doesn't know how he could do it, stepping away from something that you truly love is surely one of the hardest things in life. Then to walk away when you're not at the peak anymore, that's hard. From winning, then having to swallow disappointment for not being able to beat Lewis, then having to fight for crumbs of points with the rookies. Taking disappointment weekends after weekends. She had sobbed reading his retirement statement, how are you supposed to feel okay living your regular life after constantly being so great?

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