make his pocket hurts

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"Did you have fun in Amsterdam?" he asked, instead. Nora scowled a little, she's trying to tell him something!

She nodded, "yeah I did have a good time, listen, I–"

"Sweetheart, I think we should just focus on us– now. London and our vacation, right?" he started, and Nora stared at him all confused.

"But I–" she started then Lewis shook his head.

"If you can tell me that nothing happened between you and Max, romantically or sexuall–" he couldn't finish the sentence and Nora stopped him, "Oh my god! Of course not, I– he's my friend!" she said, appalled.

Then Lewis nodded, "that's all I need to know. You can tell me anything else about the good times you had." he said.

Nora looked at him like he just snorted cocaine in front of her, she took a deep breath. Trying to push down her annoyance. "Okay," she said with a soft smile.

They exchange stories of what they did when Nora was in Amsterdam and Lewis was stuck at home, "I've been cleaning my house." he said.

Nora raised her eyebrows, "yeah?" she asked, "so I'm not going to die from dust mites or anything like that?" she teased.

Lewis laughed, "definitely no dust mites." he said.

They pulled up to a decent sized house that looks expensive in a quiet neighbourhood, she knows Kensington holds many luxurious homes and Lewis' looked like one of them. "It's pretty." she commented, "I like it." She said and she couldn't help lowering her voice.

"Bought this baby with my first Mercedes contract, thought it's fitting." he said with a smile, gesturing to Nora to follow. "I have a surprise for you inside." He added and Nora couldn't help but smile widely.

Lewis is holding the two luggages and Nora is holding the big bouquet with both of her arms– he definitely made the bouquet look lighter. Lewis pushed his door open and a blonde woman was standing there with a smile.

"Angela!" Nora squealed happily, gently putting the bouquet on the floor before wrapping her in a big hug. "I missed you so much!" she said, Angela was still hugging her tight.

"I see I'm a chopped liver," Lewis commented, but he's not actually upset, he's smiling. "Hey Ange, I delivered her in one piece," he said.

Nora turned to Angela with a giggle, "he drove alright, it's almost like he does it professionally, you know?" she teased.

Angela shook her head, "come on, I'm cooking. It's almost done, and we all can have lunch." she said, then told Lewis he probably should show where Nora is sleeping. He nodded and gestured to her to follow him.

His house is spacious despite the exterior looking like it's decent sized, it's very organised. She could tell that the house barely lived in, however. It doesn't feel homey, and warm, she could tell that an interior decorator probably did it– she couldn't see Lewis in the accents.

"I don't really stay in this house." he said, like reading her mind. "My parents sometimes stop by if they can, to make sure it's still standing. But, other than that." he said, shrugging.

"That's too bad, it's a beautiful place." she said. "You spend most of the time in Monaco, I suppose." she commented.

Lewis made some non-committal noises, "there are only four bedroom, you can have this one." he said and pushed the door, "yeah, I spent most of my time..." he started, standing in front of the king sized bed and looking around the room like he's looking for an answer. "I was going to say Monaco, but I spent a lot of time on the road." he said, Nora nodded.

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