Aya and Paris

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So it turned out, when Aya said she wanted to go to Paris– she meant the very same night. That she and Halaa will only stop by Lewis' house to get her luggage, she has to awkwardly tell Lewis the change of plan. She wanted to be upset, she really really does. At the same time, she's not sure if she is allowed to be upset regarding this. She had asked Aya for a favour, afterall.

They spoke on the phone, which wasn't what Nora thought how it'd go down. She thought she'll come to Lewis' and they'll have a conversation– it wasn't that she's going to tell her 'no' because she's well aware she doesn't have a right.

She looked over Angela, who awkwardly sat there after Nora hung up. She was glad that Lewis was still out, because, really– she's not in the mood to explain things and she wants to be upset. She has a few hours until Aya and Halaa turn up for their luggages.

"I'm not even upset that I'll be alone, because I have you guys– I just." she said, unable to find the right words. Angela nodded, understanding– and it's enough reassurance for her to breathe slightly better.

She slumped back onto the couch, feeling annoyed but trying to feel that way– so she felt even more annoyed. The front door opened, Lewis walked in with a paper bag and a smile.

"I bought so many flavours because you sent me with no list," he said, "sweetheart, I got you some strawberries." he said, and that– that made Nora want to cry. He remembered she likes strawberries, and it's, well it's normal– Nora was just feeling soft and fragile. So she pouted instead, softly thanked him.

"What's wrong?" he asked, walking around so he can go to where they're sitting.

She wasn't going to cry or even acknowledge that she was upset– but, Lewis was there and he was looking at her with such concern that it made her want to cry. Almost like a kid who fell, looking over their shoulders to see how their parents' react.

No questions asked, he put the paper bag on the coffee table. Then grasp her in his arm, so she's leaning on him instead of the couch– solid warmth embracing her like a hot bath in the middle of January.

"It's stupid." she said, almost in a whine. Trying to stop herself being so upset over this.

"It's not stupid." Angela said, at the same time as Lewis, "it's not stupid if it makes you upset, sweetheart." he sighed, not in annoyance. "Angela, could you put the ice cream in the freezer?" he asked, arms still wrapped around Nora like a solid anchor holding her.

Angela picked up the paper bag, grumbling under her breath how Aya shouldn't just cancel plans like that. Lewis scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, clearly hearing Angela.

"Aya cancelled?" he asked, letting her go so he could see her face. "What happened?" he asked.

"It's okay– honestly, I shouldn't even be upset." she said, putting her face in both of her palms. "She doesn't have to be with me." she said.

Lewis stayed quiet, letting Nora rant. "She said that she's going to Paris with Halaa." she said, wiggling closer to him like she's cold, even though the heater is on.

"Are you upset because you want to go with them?" Lewis asked carefully, when she stayed quiet.

She shook her head, "I don't even know Halaa like that." she said, and Lewis nodded. Trying to understand where this is going, but letting her process it. "It's just that–" she started again, then stopped herself.

"Baby, if you want to go to Paris, we can go." he said, when Nora bit her fingernails, Lewis gently removed her fingers from her mouth by wrapping her wrist. "We can go tonight," he added.

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