Melted ice cream

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 After what must've felt like forever, she was almost giving up before going to the bathroom and being greeted by Angela and– Brad. Brad.

Nora shrieked and ran away, like finding your parents having sex. Ew. she couldn't stop laughing, shaking her head trying to get the image of Brad's tucked in Angela's neck like a vampire out of her brain, she almost jogged away from the bathroom. She grabbed Max's hand and dragged him, "Max, Max, Max" she chanted like that's all she could do.

Max shot her a concerned look once they're in a quiet corner, Nora crouched down trying to stop herself from laughing. "Are you okay? Did something–" he asked, voice full of possessiveness and worry, looking around ready to fight anyone and that made her laugh even harder.

"Angela and Brad," that's all she could say before bursting into a giggle fit. Max stared at her confused, Nora repeated the same thing and realisation dawned on him. "No. way." He said, and crouched down with her on the floor.

They both got into a giggling mess, Max repeating "no way, no way," and Nora just nodded while gasping for air. They must've stayed like that for a solid 10 minutes, because Angela found them and a few minutes later Brad came.

"What's going on?" Brad asked Angela, who's looking at them with a confused look. Nora and Max looked at Brad and Angela, then at each other before laughing so hard Max lost his crouching balance and fully sat on the ground.

"Are you drunk?" Angela asked Nora, and she shook her head, "no, just–"

"Drunk in love like Brad," Max answered and laughed so hard he grabbed Brad's arm who was trying to help him up.

"Well, I'm not drunk." She said, "him– he's drunk." she said, laughing. She accepted Angela's hand, and got up.

"I'm going to call Lewis," she announced to no one and called him. Lewis had told her to give him a call once they're done since he wants to go to the Merc party together, the three of them.

"Why are you smiling?" she asked later, when they're both waiting for Lewis by the front door like they're waiting for Uber, Nora giggled a little at that. Nora looked at her. "I don't–" and before she answered, she yelled out "Lewis is here!" Angela shot her a look.

Angela stopped her from walking, "did you see–" Angela started and did a weird hand gesture that made Nora barked out a laugh.

"Did I see you and Brad sucking each other's faces?" she asked, teasingly. Angela gasped and covered her mouth, Nora giggled and naturally, licked her palm so Angela let her go.

"Please don't tell Lewis!" she hissed, "not yet, at least."

Nora nodded while giggling, "I promise. I just wasn't expecting Brad." She added and Angela pinched her side.

They both got into the car, "hi, hi, hi," she greeted, feeling giddy that Lewis is here.

"Hi sweetheart," Lewis greeted looking at her amused, "good night?" he asked genuinely.

She nodded, "but not as fun as Mercedes party, I bet." she teased, "thank you for getting us." she added, Lewis nodded with a smile.

Before they got in, she whispered, "Is it okay if I don't stay the whole time?" she asked. Making sure Lewis knows she's okay if he wants to stay for the whole night, she just doesn't want to.

"Yeah, sweetheart. We can just stay a little bit," he said then she shook her head quickly, "no, no, you should stay. I don't want you to leave early, I can leave alone." She said, and Lewis just made a little "pssh" gesture with his hand.

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