yes, I've been to Amsterdam

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Las Vegas was over as soon as it started— it felt so fast for some reason, maybe because she wasn't there to witness the absolute chaos of it all. Max had win the race, of course. Lewis got P3, he wasn't upset at all about that since P2 was scored by Lando— a fellow Brit. Lewis had told her that it felt good, the car felt good, and he's excited for their trip.

Max told her as soon as he's done with media duties, that he's excited for Amsterdam.

She's excited as well, for Amsterdam and London— and whichever place Lewis decided for them to visit.

Max picked her up and Aya from the airport, he has a plain white shirt on and a plain black cap on. She wanted to tease him how he's not very subtle looking like that, when she realised Max is holding two huge balloons that says willkommen like an absolute dork.

She laughed from afar and Max smiled when he spotted her, "hey!" he gave Nora a quick hug and nodded at Aya. "Hey Aya, my name is Max." he said, handing her a balloon. Aya barked out a laugh and thanked him, "I know who you are, this one here talked about you." she said and Max just smiled fondly.

Max handed Nora her balloon and took her carry on from her, "we'll trade." he said when Nora was about to protest, Aya watching the whole thing with a smile like it's so amusing. 

"I have Brad waiting in the car, let's go." Max said, both Aya and Nora nodded, following him. Naturally, Aya slows down so she's walking behind them and Nora is walking beside Max.

"I told Brad to tag along so that way, Aya won't be like a third wheel." he said, Nora scrunched her nose in confusion but nodded anyway. "Hope you don't mind."

"The more the merrier, right?" she said, then she could see Max's face slightly changed but ignored it. "Oh my god! Is that!" she said, when she opened the door and there's a basket full of stroopwafel on the seat, Max was looking at her with a faux shock like he didn't prepare them.

Nora lets a little screech, and holds the basket. "Max! Thank you!" she exclaimed. Max nodded, opening the door for her and Aya before getting in. Sitting next to Brad who's driving. Nora quickly greeted Brad and asked how he was doing to be polite.

They had a conversation about the short trip before Nora flying in, as everything needs to be perfect and well planned since they're only meeting for two days, before Nora has to fly out again to London.

"Oh Brad, I'll give you the name of our hotel." Nora said, as she scrolls through her phone trying to find the booking confirmation that Lewis had forwarded to her. Max beside her was staring dagger and she realised that– that wasn't what was planned.

"I thought you're going to stay in my place– all of us, going to stay in my place? In the city?" Max said, tried to sound casual about it but Nora can feel Brad was staring at him, the car fully parked and not moving yet.

Aya beside her clearly looked like she's caught in something she doesn't want to, and Brad was also waiting for Nora to say something. Like there's only the two of them in the car.

"I– I'm sorry, I forgot, honestly." she said, and Max sighed.

Which was slightly a lie, Lewis went ahead and booked her and Aya hotel rooms in Amsterdam centre– talking about he always has access because of the Marriott Bonvoy sponsor and he looked so excited that Nora felt bad and didn't have the heart to tell him they're staying with Max.

There is no way she's mentioning the fact that Lewis got her and Aya the rooms, she sighed when Max was still quiet, and the car was quiet. "Look, why don't I stay in the hotel tonight, and we'll stay tomorrow with you. I'll cancel the hotel." she said, looking at Max hopeful.

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