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"Oh." Angela whispered. "Poor boy." she said softly, and Nora turned to her with a questioning look.


"The whole thing about his dad, but– just, it's not for us to talk about." she said, "at least not here," she added and winked at her.

Nora gave her a look, but didn't say anything. They're walking towards Mercedes, "hey, did Lewis say anything?" she asked.

"About you and Red Bull?" she asked, more like clarifying. "Not really, I would've texted you right away, he doesn't have any rights complaining about that. Especially not now, when I know Max knows you."

Nora smiled, tightening their linked arms. "You know that he's your boss, right?" she teased.

"I'll just ask Toto to hire me if Lewis fires me." she said and laughed.

They got to Mercedes, and Angela told her to have a seat while she went and got to Lewis. She sat down and took out her phone from her purse when it buzzed.

Max: Hey, this is Max.

She smiled, Max is weird, in a good way.  He's intense, she thought. But so is Lewis, she reckons intensity is a part of their lives.

Nora: Max Verstappen. Is all she answered.

Max: Just Max, remember?

Nora: Okay, just Max.

Max: Will you be at the race next time?

Nora: I don't know yet.

She answered, almost asking if he'll be at the race. Duh, he's a driver.

Max: Will you let me know?

Nora stares at her phone, then tucking it back in her purse. There's only so many times she can tell Lewis, she'll be at Red Bull's garage. She didn't answer him. Before she could overthink it, Lewis walked in with Angela– a big smile on his face. She instantly smiled, matching the big one on his face.

"Congratulations," she said, and Lewis jogged to her and grasped her in a tight hug. "P3." she said. She could feel her eyes twinkle from excitement. She is excited, despite everything Lewis is– he's been a dream.

"Thank you, sweetheart." he said, and Nora wanted to run away, go home to Qatar and hide under her blanket. Just from a single 'sweetheart'. A reminder that he also called her 'baby' last night gave her heart a little squeeze. Get a grip seriously, not over a little endearment.

Nora just kept smiling, her face heating up from the fact that she could still feel Lewis' arm on her back. "Dinner?" she whispered– losing her voice.

Lewis smiled, squeezed her waist for a split second and nodded. "I'll meet you back in the hotel?" he asked.

She nodded. She might as well change, they said a quick goodbye then Nora promised Angela that she'll text her when she arrived at the hotel. As she was leaving the paddock, Max was walking in front of her and towards her. She smiled, then remembered the last text Max had sent her was left unanswered.

"Hey you." she greeted, because Max stood in front of her. "Not leaving yet?" she asked.

He shook his head, "almost. Do you need a ride?" he asked casually, and– she supposed they're friends. She shook her head, "no, I have a ride."

"Oh I think I just saw your ride in front of Mercedes." he said, chin tilted up gesturing to Mercedes hospitality. Lewis was talking to someone, Angela beside him.

"I don't see Toto." she answered, instead. Max barked out a quick laugh, clearly wasn't expecting her answer. "Lewis is not my ride," she added with a smile when Max's laugh died down.

"So if it's not Lewis, I can drive you?" he asked. Nora smiled and shook her head, "bye, bestie." she said and giggled when Max gave her a look.

"Don't say that." Max said but laughed, then before Nora could walk away, he stopped her. "Hey– are you– are you coming to Vegas?" he asked.

Nora's brows furrowed like she's thinking, "probably not– no." she said, sadly. "I have too many things to do." she added.

"Like what?" he asked, and Nora gave him a look.

"Like what?" she said in a mocking tone, "ooh, my name is Max Verstappen, I'm the busiest man on earth. Nobody else can be busy." she said mockingly, and Max just laughed and stared at her like he's so fond of her.

"Come on– that's not what I meant. I just mean, what are the things that you can do in Qatar that you can't do here?" he said, Nora shrugged.

"We'll see." she said, "but, I'll probably watch in Mercedes garage." she added, then when she noticed Max's face changed, "to support Toto, of course." she said quickly, then laughed.

She felt slightly bad that she had to do that, it felt like she's taking her feelings for Lewis lightly. But at the same time, she had the biggest urge to protect Max's feelings, like she could sense he doesn't like Lewis– so she'll minimise mentioning Lewis in his presence. 

But– she shouldn't have to do that, if they're friends. Right?  "And for Lewis, of course." she added quickly, because guilt was eating her alive.

Max, surprisingly, just nodded. "Well." he started, "can I invite you for Zandvoort?" he asked.

"Next year?" she asked.

Max nodded, "yes." he said, "but, you know, winter break as well. You can visit me anytime in Belgium, and we're only two hours away from Amsterdam. I can be a tour guide." he said, smiling.

For some reason, Nora's heart is aching. Hearing plans about next year, it feels so far away. The unknown. So many variables. Between her and Lewis. It's only been a few months but, it felt like she's floating– in happiness and floating in a sea of uncertainty.

Max must've noticed she zoned out a little, he lightly squeezed her arm. "Let me know, I have to go now," he said. Nora nodded with a smile, and couldn't say anything else.

She was staring outside the window the whole ride to the hotel, anxiety building in her stomach.

"I feel like I'm constantly running out of time," was what she told Aya once. It feels like she's running out of time, because she knows her days are numbered. She knows how this story ends. While she's hoping for a better ending, she knows expecting a better ending from Lewis Hamilton is like setting fire in a room doused with gas– there's only one outcome. She's just trying to walk away from the room without too much pain.

The fight they had last night was like a preview of what the burning room could look like, could feel like. And she's not looking forward to being burned.



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