Have you ever been to Amsterdam

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There's three weeks between Las Vegas and Abu Dhabi, and as suspected, Nora skipped Las Vegas. She knew from the beginning she wasn't going to even try to make it to Las Vegas.

"I just don't like," she started, trying to find the right word.

"The crowd?" Lewis tried to supply.

"Something like that," she said, leaning into him a little more. They were at the airport, Lewis leaving for England– going back to the factory. While Nora is going back to Qatar.

Angela is sitting across them, on her phone. They have a few hours together, Nora had told him that he doesn't actually have to wait for her since he's flying back with Toto and the others, and Nora is flying commercial (and that required her to actually show up early.) But Lewis simply told her that he wants to wait with her.

"Hey," he started, Nora looked up, slightly tilting her head waiting for him to continue. You are so beautiful when you listen, he thought. "The three weeks break, will you be free?" he asked, remembering when Angela told him to ask her first since "she's not a groupie, she's not just going to follow you everywhere, weirdo." Okay, Angela, Jesus.

Nora's brows furrowed slightly, he could see the gears in her head moving. "Well, maybe not the whole three weeks. And I'm sure you'd like some free time from me, right?" she said with a teasing smile.

You have no idea what I want, Lewis has been wanting like crazy. She took up so much space in his life, that it is insane. He's a man of intensity, and that's in every aspect of his life. Nora telling her that she's not going to Las Vegas is probably for the best, the way he has the biggest urge to just drag her and– stop it, jesus.

"I'll take however many days you have." he said, and Nora smiled, slightly flustered. He decided he likes doing that, saying something that makes her flustered. She always has this thing like she cannot be broken, like she cannot be swayed. Always trying to recover quickly whenever she's flustered, like scolding her expression back to normal.

He's done this enough times, to know. When he calls her sweetheart or baby, she would always look like she's holding back a smile but her cheeks are slightly tinted, flushed with red. One of these days he'll have to make her comfortable enough that she won't have to hide.

She nodded, "I'll let you know." Then she sits up straight, and turns sideways, one leg on top of the chair. Her whole body is turned to him now, she nudged his knee with hers. "Max invited me to Belgium," she said. "Well– Netherlands." she added.

Fucking Max Verstappen, "oh?" he said, because really he doesn't want to say the wrong thing when they're both about to be stuck on the air for hours.

"Yeah." she said, and Lewis sighed when she didn't continue, he was hoping she'd go on and elaborate.

"You're going alone?" he asked, are you going alone? Are you going to be stuck with Max Verstappen, the same guy who stole his 8th? He didn't say any of that, scolding his thoughts as soon as he could hear Angela's voice creeping in his head.

"No, I was thinking of maybe taking Aya with me. But, honestly it's just probably a few days, we'll just go to Amsterdam. Maybe?" she said, eyes still staring at him. Sometimes he forgot this is the same woman who sat there and told Lewis that he can do something about the paddock pass' prices. "What do you think?" she asked, and although annoyed, his possessive side was slightly happy that Nora actually asked what he thinks.

You're stupid, Hammy. He could hear Angela's voice in his head. Is Angela becoming the voice of his moral compass? What the fuck.

Don't ask me what I think, because I think you shouldn't even touch Max with a ten foot pole.

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