Day 2

371 13 13

buckle up, it's a long one


"Hello?" Nora answered, it's Max. "Max, it's 5 AM, why are you calling so early?" she asked, then yawned.

"Oh– did I wake you up?" he asked, and Nora scrunched her nose. "Well, no. I had to–"

"Pray, yeah I know. You've told me." Max said and Nora was stunned, Max remembered something that she mentioned lightly. A-okay.

"Why are you up?" she asked. Folding her prayer mat, Aya gave her a look to which she shrugged.

"Just wanted to let you know, we'll pick you up at 7, if that's okay?" Max started, "since it's your last day, and then we'll drop your luggage at my place. Then do the stuff I've planned?" he said, slightly asking.

"Okay, how about 7:30, though? I think I'm going to sleep a little bit." she said, then Max agreed and they said their goodbye. She plugged her phone, then went under the cover. Aya laughed. "What?" she asked, when Aya couldn't stop giggling like something so funny.

"He likes you, huh." Aya said. Nora jolted, sitting down and looking at Aya like she had said something offensive.

"No, he doesn't." She said, Aya kept smiling like Nora is joking, then her smile fades. "Oh my god– are you serious?" she asked, and Nora looked at her incredulously.

"Nora, that man called you at 5 AM, to let you know about the plan he's made!" she said, and Nora shrugged, still not understanding. "Oh my god, I forgot how much I hate oblivious Nora." she added, then covered her face with the duvet.

Nora lightly smacked her stomach, "hey! Why are you even here? Lewis got you a room as well, you know." she said.

Aya uncovered her face, "ah yeah, I forgot about the other athlete that happened to be so whipped for you as well." she said, at that Nora smiled.

"I mean, you think so?" she asked, giggling.

Aya gave her a disgusted look, "oh she clearly has a preference." Aya said, then laughed when Nora just giggled like a school girl having a crush. "I like Max more." Aya said, then Nora stopped laughing.


"Well, the obvious reason would be that he's younger. I mean no offence to the great sir Lewis Hamilton– what's his middle name?" she asked, "but he is so old." she added then laughed like she just made the funniest joke.

Nora smacked her again, harder this time, "but, he's hot. So." Nora had said.

This time, it's Aya's turn to bolt out of her laying down position to sit beside her, "Nora! Have you and Sir Lewis done the nasty?" she asked.

Nora took her pillow and smacked Aya with it, she dramatically fell back to her own pillow. "Of course not! But– you know–" she started, face looking red as ever, "I've seen edits on tik tok." she added, and at that they both started laughing.

They ended up not sleeping, watching edits of Lewis Hamilton, and Max Verstappen since "you have to compare them!" Aya had said.

At 6 AM, Lewis had texted her asking if she's awake still– Lewis knew sometimes she'd go back to bed. She didn't bother answering his text, instead just calling him. The phone didn't even ring for too long, he picked it right up. "Hey baby," he greeted, voice still raspy. "One sec, let me just have a sip of my water, my voice is still so raspy." he said.

Nora smiled, wanting to tell him that she likes his voice but decided against it. "What is the plan for today?" Lewis asked.

"Max is going to pick us up in an hour or so, then we're going to get breakfast. I think we have a few museums to go to, and we're going on this cruise tour tonight." she said, she's fully awake now, getting ready with her airpods still in her ears.

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