a garage

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"Angela," Lewis said, out of breath. Q3 is over, he's starting P4 and he couldn't be too angry about it, when the two Red Bulls did 1-2 and Carlos got P3. He still has a chance of a podium tomorrow, knowing Ferrari and their strategy. Angela handed him his bottle and a small towel. "Nora in the garage?" He asked, and Angela gave him a look. "What?" he asked, confused.

"She is in a garage," she started, he gave her a weird look. Is she having an aneurysm? Should he call a medic? "She's in Red Bull's garage." she added and he wanted to yank off his balaclava, to be able to hear better, only realising that he had taken it off and he did hear it right the first time. Nora is in Red Bull's garage.

"What– what the fuck is she doing there?" he slipped out, he didn't mean to be that harsh towards Angela, or just to talk like that about Nora, feels wrong.

"Hammy– please, don't say that to her." Angela pleaded and, and he really wanted to ask what is it with Angela and protecting Nora like she's her kid. Seriously.

"What is she doing there?" he asked again, ignoring her. Angela sighed.

"Max gave her a pass." she said quietly, like she knows saying it will turn something in him. "She told me, and she even asked if it's okay! Look– she's not doing it–"

Lewis gave her a look, "and you told her it was okay?" he asked– more like stated, because clearly Angela had told Nora that it is ok, that's why she is anywhere but at Mercedes.

They're walking back towards the garage, "She's not our prisoner, Lewis. Of course I told her it's okay."

He had to maintain his face because there are a lot of fans with cameras, and the last thing he wanted was to be seen being cross with Angela. So he kept quiet, smiling when some fans waved to him with a camera. Once they're inside, he keeps going to his driver's room, Angela following him.

Before they reached his room though, Nora stopped them with a smile. "P4! Congrats!" she had said, and gave him a quick hug. If this was any other day, he'd grab her for a longer one, or simply pull her closer. But, the way she was just at Max's garage, who got pole position, his brain, unhelpfully supplied.

He couldn't even be happy that he got a hug from her, what is wrong with him? Is Max and Red Bull really bothered him like that?

Nora seemed to catch on to the mood when Lewis, not only he didn't return her hug, he stood there like a deer caught in headlights. "Are you okay?" she asked softly, looking worried. Turning to Angela who quickly shakes her head, telling Nora to leave it alone.

Nora nodded, getting it, maybe not really since the next thing she said, "sorry, I was just at Red Bull, Max–" Angela closed her eyes, like she's bracing herself.

Lewis would never claim he is the smartest man, maybe he doesn't have a Bachelor and Master degree like Nora does. He never had a problem with it, he never felt like he's lacking. It's pretty normal to leave university unfinished among athletes, he's no different. He never felt like he made stupid moves until now, when hearing her say that– lit a fire inside him that was already flickering. He really really should leave, maybe take a shower, and have a good night sleep. "I see, a pole sitter invited you– so you had to go." he said, and immediately regretted it the way Nora's smile fell and her face lost its color.

Angela lets out a small gasp, and really Angela, so unhelpful. She moved from Lewis' side to Nora's side within seconds, like standing beside him burns. 


a short one, sorry I have to make Nora suffer a little LOL 

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