Vodka RedBull

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After an amazing seafood dinner, Angela proposed they all go and check out the bar. Nora could see that Lewis wanted to but a bit hesitant, she shook her head quickly. "We can go, I don't have to drink." she said, wrapping her arm around Angela's leading the way to the bar.

Nora quickly regrets her decision, agreeing to go to the bar, finding out it's a beach club where everyone seemed to be drunk or some kind of tipsy– they're all on vacation, away from others, in Bora Bora (of course, they're all going to be drunk.) She's trying not to feel visible out of place since Lewis and Angela seemed to enjoy their surroundings right away.

Lewis smiled at her and she couldn't help but smile, he deserved to have fun because it's his break. She shouldn't say anything.

"Baby, do you want to leave?" he asked, hand on her back and he leaned close to her so she could hear. She shook her head quickly and told him to go get some drinks for Angela and himself.

She saw Lewis speaking to someone and pointing at her, Angela is nowhere to be found but Nora did hear she told them she'll mingle around. Lewis winked at her, and went to the bar. The guy who Lewis spoke with was walked towards her, "I will take you to the lounge,"

He said and gestured for her to follow him.

She was immediately handed a menu, and was told to get comfortable. She looked around trying to take in the scenery, the lounges are set up beautifully all facing the water, lit up by string lights. She smiled when she spotted a mosquito spray on the table, and sprayed herself.

When the guy came back, she ordered a mocktail that she couldn't even remember the name of and thought sounded delicious. Lewis came back with two drinks in his hands but no Angela.

"Where's Angela?" she asked, Lewis laughed. "Probably trying to chat up some guy," he said. Nora giggled and repeated "chat up" like it's the funniest thing ever.

He asked what she got and nodded when she told him, "the bar was actually insane, they have all kinds of stuff I wanted." he said, Nora patted his arm quickly.

"Enjoying your break then?" she teased, quickly thanking the server who brought her drink.

"Because you're here, yes." he said easily, matter of factly.

Breath, breath, breath, don't even! "That's nice." she said, trying to hide her smile. "So you're not going to get bored then? Stuck with me here for a week." she teased.

He shook his head quickly and Nora almost told him to stop so that he won't get dizzy, "never, I want to stay here with you for months, if I can." he said, the way he said it with no teasing, so honest– made her feel warm all over.

"I don't think my school will like that." she said with a giggle.

He laughed, "you just have to be a nerd, don't you baby?" he teased and Nora only giggled but inside, she wanted to run away.

They chatted just the both of them since Angela was still mingling around, they saw her at some point sitting with a guy and they laughed and gave her a tiny wave– which she ignored.

"Do you want another one?" he asked, gesturing to her empty glass, the ice almost all melted and the mint leaves sadly crushed on the bottom.

She saw he's all done with his drinks as well and had a feeling he wanted another one and he wanted to stay longer. "I'll go get them, can you text me what you want?" she asked, standing up so Lewis won't change his mind.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

Nora nodded, "text me!" she asked again and walked away. She chuckled when she got a text from Lewis.

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