why can't I stay?

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"No problem, schatje."

Schatje, schatje, schatje. She's heard it before, at least twice. Never thought of asking him, until now, the stuffed lion staring at her. "What is that word? What is- what does it mean?" She asked.

Max looked sheepish, scratching the back of his head. "Huahh, don't worry about it." He said quickly, but not unkindly. It made her smile. "Anyways, I won't be back until Monday, or Tuesday. But, Max the lion is there." He said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh, so you've decided his name for me?" Nora asked jokingly.


"I'll have to decide, I'll let you know."

Max smiled widely, "okay, I gotta go. Don't forget to have lunch." He said and then said their goodbye.

She holds the stuffed lion in front of her, staring at his face. She frowned, then she set the plushie on the kitchen counter, she was about to discard the box when she found a piece of paper. She thought it was a receipt of some sort, except it was a request paper.

"Please please deliver it ASAP, you can charge me double or triple, it's fine. Request it at maximusemilianus@yahoo.com or just charge it however much and I'll pay in person."

Nora barked out a laugh and decided to keep the paper, and discard the box. Maximus Emilianus, Max is so silly.

That night before she goes to bed, she texted Max.

"I think his name is Maximus." She attached a picture of Maximus tucked in between Jimmy and Sassy.


Jimmy, Sassy and Maximus. Sounds great, really.

Then, a blurry picture of a plate.


I'm having lunch.

Oh yeah, time zone.


What did you have for dinner?

Another text came in. Nora stared at it, she didn't have anything for dinner— or lunch. She was busy deep cleaning Max's kitchen and going through her stuff. Trying to grasp a sense of control.

When she's not answering, another text comes in.

"Do you want me to order something for you?"

She abandoned her phone and wrapped the duvet cover tighter around her, unsure what to answer and not sure if there's a right answer.

She'll do better tomorrow.

After that, everyday without missing a beat there would be food delivered to Max's house. Sometimes it's light food like sandwiches, other times it's something that she has to actually cook and prepare.

Max had called her whenever he got the chance, giving her the rundown of what happened throughout free practices and qualifying. Saying things like, "it's boring really, you're not missing anything." Like reassuring her even more that she doesn't have to watch the race— and she's not. She'd rather not.

Angela had checked in with her from time to time, throughout the day. She's somewhere in London, that's what she gathered.

She had told her that she should talk to Lewis, to work with him again. Nora doesn't want to be the reason why their friendship is over, to which Angela just sent her a shrugging emoji. Then explained how it's too soon, and she's enjoying her extended vacation.

She told her that she doesn't mean for any of these to happen, especially causing Angela to lose her job. To which Angela told her that Toto already promised her a position, either with a reserve or even with Susie.

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