Up in the air

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Lewis had told her to pack for somewhere warm, then told her it would be a surprise. She hates surprises, but Lewis had looked so excited by it that she couldn't help but go along with it.

Aya texted her that they've landed in Paris and Nora is not even lying when she said she's not bothered by it anymore. They had a good time together last night, and Angela had taken care of Aya's luggage, letting Nora know that she managed not to curse Aya out.

Lewis told her that they should just fly tomorrow, instead of the day after. Nora agreed, deciding that London is only special because Lewis and Angela are in it. Nora made sure that she packed everything, glad that she hadn't taken everything out of the suitcase.

"I think we both need to be somewhere warm, right?" he said, they're in the plane now. Lewis opted to fly privately, and when Nora asked him why, he teasingly said so that the surprise is not spoiled.

They sat next to each other even though there were other seats, Angela sat a little bit further, not before she teased them both for being disgusting. Lewis had told her the reason why he wanted them to fly privately is because it's easier, they won't have long layovers.

"It's going to be 16 hours," he said, and Nora scrunched her eyebrows.

"Where are we going?" she asked casually, trying to trick Lewis into answering. Lewis just smiled, crinkled in his eyes.

"Nice try baby," he said, shaking his head. "Do you want to nap? Or we can watch a movie." he said, "actually, let's watch a movie. I'll help you not be jet lagged later." he said.

Nora nodded, they settled on watching the newest fast and furious for shits and giggles. Giggling when Dominic Toretto said something cringy. They're sharing a blanket, Nora doubted the warmth is caused by the blanket.

When the movie is halfway playing, her phone lights up from where she set it on the table. It was Max, wondering where she was.

"Can I ask you about him?" Lewis, from beside her– peering into her phone, asked.

Nora bit her lips, "I have to tell you something first." she said, nothing like talking about important stuff when they're stuck on the air for the next 14 hours. No going back now, when Lewis stayed silent after he nodded.

"We cancelled the hotel room for the second night." she started, waiting for his reaction. But, she could barely see any changes. "The plan was for all of us to stay in Max's house, and you booked us those rooms and I felt bad for not mentioning it to you. But, I also feel bad that Max had made the plan. So I thought I could do one night in the hotel you booked, and one night at Max's–" she didn't realise she was rambling until Lewis squeezed her hands, "baby, breath." he said, tone still fond and soft.

"Anyways, I'm sorry." she said, wincing. Waiting for his reaction.

Lewis smiled, "baby, I knew." he said, and– huh? Confusion must've shown on her face, "here," he said, taking out his phone and scrolling quickly. It's a conversation. Nora tried to be respectful and focused on the picture he was going to show, but before he zoomed in he caught the text message the other person sent.

Your girl?

And attached was a picture of her, leaving Max's house. Nora was slightly ahead of Max, walking into his car that's parked on the driveway. Another picture was her getting into the car, Max's hand on the small of her back– not romantically, it looks more like he was helping her into the car. Aya and Brad were not far behind them.

She scrunched her eyebrows in confusion.

"The hotel called me," he said, amused. Winked at her like it's a joke, okay, so he's not upset?

"And he sent me that," gesturing to his phone.

"Someone took a picture of us?" she asked, holding his phone. "That's so weird."

Lewis shook his head, a smile still on his face. "He's the current world champion, it's a big deal in this sport, you know?" he said, teasingly. Nora leaned back on her seat, handing back his phone. She followed the sport, she enjoyed it to a certain extent. But, she doesn't follow the drivers like.. Like that. To the point where she thought they're irrelevant to the world. It's like, if you don't follow them you wouldn't think that.

She thought that they're only relevant during race weekends, as harsh as that sound is. But she genuinely had thought that. She believed that Lewis is more relevant since his connection to the rest of the industry; music, fashion and so on– makes him more famous than the rest of them.

"Your friend saw us?" she asked, trying to find answers.

"Well, he's not my friend. He's a contact, more like. Most of the paparazzi in Europe pass their pictures through him and his guys, to see if they're worth posting." Lewis explained, "It's good to befriend these people, you know?" he said, and Nora nodded. Not understanding, but also not knowing what she doesn't understand.

"How come he knows to text you?" she asked. He knows I'm your girl, was what she wanted to ask.

Lewis scratched his neck, a nervous gesture more like. "I showed him your picture, told him to keep an eye out." he said, smiling nervously. Unsure how she'll react. "We've never talked about the public, and I didn't know how to bring it up. I don't want you to think I'm pressuring you, but worse, I don't want you to think that I want to hide this." he said, then gestured to them. He's taking Nora's hand in his.

What exactly is this?

She nodded, understanding. The public was something she hadn't been thinking, not once. Okay, that might be a lie. She thought of it once, but she thought that she's not relevant. Lewis would sooner be rumoured with any random models who breathed towards his direction than with her, at most– they'd just linked her back to her dad. Who happened to work with the sport.

"Are you angry?" he asked, and Nora shook her head quickly. It was sweet, if she's honest.

"Are you upset?" she asked him instead, "that I stayed with Max." she added when Lewis looked at her in confusion.

Lewis shook his head, squeezing her hand. "You know, I mean it yesterday when I told you it's about us. You didn't even have to tell me– but I appreciated it." he said, smiling.

Well, I might be stupidly in... L word.

"Then, we're okay?" she asked.

"More than okay." he said. "Dominic Toretto time?" he asked and smiled when Nora barked out a laugh.

They both forgot that Lewis was going to ask her something about Max, that's a conversation for another day.


Sorry for the late update, Brazil was a disappointment

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