Just Max

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Maybe Nora is way over her head, way, way over her head.

Lewis Hamilton flew her out from Qatar to Brazil, and she had told her closest friend that they're just– what, acquaintance? That's laughable. "You're lying to yourself, if you think he doesn't want you. Not one bit?" Aya, her best friend, had said. Nora gave her a look.

"I'd give him a few months, before he realised I can't just put out, and he'd run away. They always do, right?" she said, jokingly. But Aya could hear a slight crack in her voice.

She never got annoyed, when men eventually realise she's not a challenge. It's not how long you can stay with her until she puts out, because she never will. Not just for any men.

This time, she does feel a slight longing, and losing. It's only been a little bit over two months, and she can already taste that disappointment of realising she can't have someone. Only Lewis Hamilton.

He had always told her how she's different, that she's a breath of fresh air, and she'll always brush those compliments aside. Knowing at some point, those differences he claimed to be a breath of fresh air, are just materials for a bridge that they eventually will have to burn.

Everything about Lewis is also different than anyone she had ever met before. They're both entering a territory with a new kind of air, but they're unknown, she's aware of this. She's on an alert mode, trying to brace for impact. An English F1 driver and a Qatari woman, they just don't have an ending. There just shouldn't be a complete story, and Nora is waiting for this story to end.

Asking permission from her parents wasn't hard, her parents have never been those parents that are overly protective, though she'd understand how from the outside perspective they can be seen as overbearing. At this age, her parents know that she knows what is expected of herself, what she needs to do, to maintain her belief. It's not always black and white, but she knows herself and her relationship with god. That's all she needed to know, and her parents needed to feel reassured.

She changed into something comfortable once she settled in her hotel that Angela arranged for her, sent her parents a quick text message. Ignoring Aya's text message because it's just hit too close to home.

"You wouldn't fly 20 hours for nobody." it's all she had said but it's just a crappy reminder that she is, in fact, catching feelings. In this story, she simply cannot afford to catch feelings.

She stood in front of a big mirror, Brazil's sun reminds her of home, minus the extreme heat. She's wearing a white dress with a soft pink outer, and pink sandals. Lewis had told her to send him a text when she's ready to come over to the circuit, today is qualifying and it's starting in about 4 hours. She had told him that she can only show up for the qualifying and the race, using school as an excuse– but really, it made her feel slightly less defeated.

Like she stood her ground, like she's helping her case of not trying to fall for him.

She promised him that she'll text him once she's ready to go. But, instead she ordered herself uber and texted Angela instead. Angela waited for her by the paddock entrance with her pass, she gave her a big hug and it lessened the ache in her heart that she didn't even know was there.

It's like knowing something is about to turn bad, but you're too stupid to walk away. What is she doing?

"I bet you're sleepy," Angela had said, she linked their arms together and Nora felt less lonely, they're the same height, so she dropped her head on Angela's shoulder. "Very sleepy." she said, while smiling.

"Do you want to go to Lewis or get snacks?" she had asked, and Nora just adored her.

She shook her head quickly, "Lewis actually doesn't know that I'm here yet, don't bother him." Nora said, Angela gave her a look. Non-judgemental, just a look.

"I just don't want to bother him." Nora said, when Angela's eyes still linger on her. Angela nodded, not saying anything like she believed her, Nora knows better.

They both got some finger food, and Nora was about to tell Angela that she doesn't have to accompany her, until Angela's phone rings and it was Lewis asking where she is. Angela glanced at her for a second, before telling him that she'll go to him instead.

Bless her.

So she sat there, food set in front of her, untouched. She's racking her brain on how to answer Aya, "Nora." A voice made her look up, and it's Max. Max Verstappen.

"Max," she greeted, "Verstappen." she added, smiling but it doesn't quite reach her eyes.

"Just Max." he answered with his raspy voice, slight lisp.

Nora couldn't help but shake her head, getting deja vu of their last interaction. "What are you doing here?" she asked, not unkindly. She moved her purse from the chair across from her, welcoming him to sit, if he wants to. He didn't, he stood beside her instead, making her looking up to him to maintain eye contacts.

He frowned, "last time I checked, this isn't Mercedes' hospitality, this is just the hospitality." he said, still frowning, accent thickened from annoyance.

Nora frowned as well, "I meant– you know what, why do you come to me if you hate me?" she asked, and realised that using the word "hate" is very strong, Max doesn't know her. It's just that, she's getting weirded out and definitely getting a whiplash from his odd behaviour.

"What–" Max looked taken aback.

"You clearly dislike me,"

"I don't dislike you, I just–" Max started, and he pinched his nose bridge like talking to Nora is physically hurt. Way to make a girl feel special. "It doesn't matter, I just wanted to give you this." He pushed Red Bull passes, "you technically don't need it, seeing as you're already in the paddock and I've told everyone that you might stop by, but this is just in case you do need it or I'm not there. " He said, very quickly, accent thickened and she could see Brazil's heat catch up on him a little bit, the way there's a red tinge on his cheeks.

Without letting her say anything, he continues, "just in case anybody gives you trouble. Of course, you come to me if anyone gives you trouble–" 

"Max!" she stopped him, "Max," she said again when he stopped, closing his mouth very abruptly like he's embarrassed. "Thank you, really I– I mean, the mercedes garag–"

Max frowned and Nora could see he's about to walk away, honestly, what is his problem that makes him think he can just walk away from people like that. "I'll stop by to say hi. If that's okay." She said quickly. 

His jaw is still clenched in a way that Nora knows require at least a few dental appointments, but he no longer has the frown he was sporting before. "More than okay." he said, then walked away.

When she no longer could see his figure getting smaller and smaller, he picked up the paddock pass. Then realised what he had said before, I've told everyone that you might stop by.

That is not weird, at all. 


max max super max oopses 

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