Max = Sherlock

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After the whole incident (inchident, as George would explain to him) they decided to go home early. Nora was telling him that they don't have to, that she's not in pain or anything, but what she doesn't know was Angela giving him a dagger stare every chance she got for the whole thing that happened.

They had a talk about it, when Nora was asleep knocked out from all the medications. He asked her to just give him some time, "for what? To continue stringing her along. The poor girl likes you, Lewis."

He stayed quiet and they left it at that, Angela helping Nora pack her stuff as Lewis made sure his own things were packed.

Just like any other breaks, this break also felt too fast for his liking. He's on the phone with Nora, facetiming. She's showing him some of her outfits for Abu Dhabi, he asked her too. A tiny bit reassurance that she's coming and she's excited– Lewis can't explain.

"So, it's going to be hot, I'll just bring a few different dresses. What do you think?"

I think if you ask me, I'd crash my car for you. That's why this is scary, and I don't think Angela understands. "I love that, sweetheart." he said instead, "listen, are you sure you don't need a ride?" he asked.

Asking for at least the third time, well excuse him for not wanting her to end up getting the Max Taxis experience. "All of us are flying together anyways, so we can stop by and get you." he said, actually unsure if he can do that since they're using the team's plane. But– oh well. Details.

"Yeah. I'm sure," she started, setting her phone in front of her. She's sitting on her bed, laptop opened in front of her. "So, I can fly on Saturday. Get there right before quali, I'll take a taxi or something." she said, typing.

Lewis shook his head, "stop, stop, I'll get you the ticket." He said, sitting up straight patting his pocket– he really should memorise his credit card.

Nora gave him a look, "no, no, I can pay." She insisted, "it's just an hour flight, it's fine." she said, scrunching her eyebrows.

Call him old fashioned, or ego so big it won't fit the door, but the thought of Max successfully getting her plane tickets set something ugly inside of him. He just wanted to use his money on her, making sure Max's money wasn't running in her blood– or whatever.. "I'm not that nice baby, I have my own agenda– I want the points, of course." he said, he couldn't care less about the points. He knows Nora knew that, too, but she indulged him anyway and lets out a little 'fine'.

"How's your nose?" he asked, guilt still eating him alive. There's still bruising under her eyes and although her nose is free from any type of splint or casts, it's still slightly red. Her left eye is also red, though not as bad as it was a few days ago where it was visible that she popped a blood vessel.

"It's okay, I might have to wear thick makeup to cover it for the weekend." she said, and giggled. "Or not, I have a battle wound now. I'm going to tell people I fought someone, defending you." She said giggling, Lewis smiled at that.

They spoke about that a few more minutes before Lewis remembered, "is your dad coming?" he asked. Nora nodded, looking at him expectantly, waiting for him to continue. "Just would like to say hi," he said, leaving the fact that he also would want to know if her dad would say something to the fact that her daughter came back from a vacation with a banged up face.

"Yeah, he'll probably be around. He's been there since yesterday actually." she added.

They talked a bit more, sending each other links to funny videos and they'd laugh together. They said their goodbyes when Nora was yawning, he promised her that he'll send her flights details and she promised to text him when she received the tickets.

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