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"I should probably go home," Nora said a week after Max came back from the first race of the season.

Max frowned, Sassy on his lap also stared at her as if she understood what was happening. "Why?" he asked, then realised it's not like Nora should live with him– even though he wants to. He didn't voice that part out.

Nora only smiled at that, "Because I have a home," she said quietly, "and Monaco isn't my home." She added and Max wanted to tell her that this could be her home. Not necessarily his place in Monaco– anywhere.

"I don't think you should be alone," Max ended up saying, watching every inch of her face trying to read her expressions, trying to decipher them.

Nora smiled, sat herself on the sofa, Sassy being the barrier between them. His heart ached (in a good way) when Sassy extended her paws so they touched her thighs. "I won't be alone, I have my parents." She said and they left it at that.

Watching Nora pack her stuff is difficult, it's like watching her slip away.

Max is selfish, there are no better words to explain that. He's selfish and he can be unkind, and if Nora knows– if Nora truly knows what happened, he'd lose her. There was always a tiny spark of hope whenever he saw her being sad over Hamilton, he's an asshole and he's admitting it. Then whenever she's happy, he'd be happy for her– but it hurt like a son of a bitch. He wants her, there's no way around it.

It's the next night when Max stood by the guest bedroom's door, leaning on the door frame. She smiled softly at him and he– "please stay," he blurted it out.

Her smile turned into a thin line, "Max–" she started but Max shook his head, walking closer to her. She's standing by the bed, luggage opened on the bed.

It's not that he's afraid he'll lose her once she no longer stays with him, it's that he's afraid that he won't be there once she's better enough to speak to Lewis and it's– it scared him. Will she forgive him? Will they get back together?

Max is selfish and maybe a bit biassed, but she shouldn't be with Lewis. The guy made her cry more than he could count.

"Come to Brazil, you don't have to watch the race. Just–" just give me some time to convince you that you don't need him, just– "stay for a little bit,"

She put one of her fingers in her mouth and started chewing on it, Max gently pulled her wrist away, "please?" he added.

That's how they found themselves in Brazil. As promised, she didn't attend any part of the race. Not practice, not qualifying, and probably not the race itself. Max promised they would explore Brazil before letting her go back to Qatar.

"Sorry, it will be really quick– I promise," Max said to Nora with a grimace, he totally forgot that he had to make some appearance to please the stakeholder and sponsors at a random club in Brazil.

He could have her stay at the hotel, but someone he knew texted him something important and he– he stupidly wanted Nora to come out and see. He never claimed he always made the most sane decisions.

Max planned an entire outing for them after qualifying, knowing he's needed right away after the race back in Milton Keynes. They were supposed to have dinner and go to an art museum, Max had managed to grovel (paid a lot of money) to have the museum open two hours after their closing time. But Christian had reminded him that he needed to show his face along with him, so there they were in the middle of the club. Max's hand is nestled on the small of her back, guiding her.

He leaned down so she could hear him, "do you want to have a seat or come with me? It'll be quick," he assured her for the twentieth time it felt like.

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