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A scrapbook to introduce everyone

A scrapbook to introduce everyone

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Name: Chain Aniroot Siralet.

Nickname: Chain

Friends call me: In, Hamspter, Dumpling.

Age: 18

Secondary gender: Omega. 

Pack: Snow moon pack

Uni. year: Freshman.

Hobbies: Finding new eateries, Trying new food, partying, dancing.

Family: my cousin and his parents.

Friends: I am a social person, so I  have a lot of friends. But my cousin is the only person who can actually enter my best friend list.

Love: I don't believe in love. I have been single my whole life and I plan on remaining so for the rest of my life.

Best friend: as I said before, my cousin Warm.


Food: Anything that can be eaten. {Perks of being a foodie}

Song: Depends on my mood. But I am not into romantic ones.

Movie genre: Anything other than romance.

Timepass: Playing video game matches with friends or going out partying.

Describe yourself: anti-romantic, outgoing, food lover.

Describe yourself: anti-romantic, outgoing, food lover

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Name: Gym Chaowat Kolimart.

Nickname: Gym

Friends call me: Wat, King, Master.

Age: 21

Secondary gender: Enigma. 

Pack: Crimson Heart Pack

Uni. year: Senior year.

Hobbies: Partying, spending money, bikes.

Family: A group of very supportive people.

Friends: I don't have friends, only followers.

Love: Not interested.

Best friend: None to mention.


Food: non-spicy food prepared and served in a clean environment

Song: I love EDMs and phonk music. Those can get me grooving.

Movie genre: I don't watch movies. It's too boring to spend two to three hours watching something so stupid.

Timepass: Finding people to satisfy my physical needs.

Describe yourself: handsome, rich, hot, casanova

Describe yourself: handsome, rich, hot, casanova

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Name: Warm Anek Siralet

Nickname: Warm

Friends call me: Smiley, Cutiepie.

Age: 18

Secondary gender: Omega. [Unmated]

Pack: Snow moon pack

Uni. year: Freshman.

Hobbies: cooking, studying, reading books, designing

Family: my parents and my cousin.

Friends: I am an introvert. I don't have friends other than my Cousin, Chain.

Love: I don't think that I am built for love. I was left unmated by the Moon goddess and I don't think that I am capable of finding love on my own given my introverted personality. I have already accepted my fate of being the sorceress of the pack which means that I am not allowed to mate with anyone.

Best friend: Chain.


Food: I love sweets. Also tangy flavoured ones.

Song: I love listening to melodies, they are so soothing.

Movie genre: Anything other than Paranormal. [I get nightmares when I watch them]

Timepass: Trying out new recipes and making Chain my lab rat.

Describe yourself: Studious, loyal and introverted.

Describe yourself: Studious, loyal and introverted

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Name: Terk Pawis Karntip.

Nickname: Terk

Friends call: Wis, Bear.

Age: 21

Secondary gender: Enigma

Pack: Crimson Heart Pack

Uni. year: Senior year.

Hobbies: Adventure sports, bikes, camping.

Family:  doesn't exist for me.

Friends: I don't think my friends list will fit into this page. Anyone who is not Gym Chaowat and his followers can be my friend.

Love: I don't give a shit about it.

Best friend: Safe, Eve


Food: home-cooked food

Song: pop music.

Movie genre: action, thriller.

Timepass: going out for new adventures.

Describe yourself: Good-looking, witty, adaptable.

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