2. Scent

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Gym Pov


I am sure that the alluring milky vanilla scent is not coming from the female omega lying beneath me. Suddenly I lost all interest in the curvy girl I had chosen for the night. 

The scent is so delicious, so inviting, that I can't think straight. All I can think about at the moment is that I want the owner of the scent no matter what. 

I am in a hurry, pulling on the clothes I discarded a few minutes early when I brought the female omega into the room. I want to get to the omega as soon as I can before any other alpha could. I don't want my prey to be touched by anyone else.

The female omega is showing her protest at the sudden change of mind, but I have no interest in paying any attention to her. I have no plans on entertaining her any further for the night.

I take huge strides as I walk out of the place. I just noticed that the farmhouse next door was hosting a party and I know for sure that the omega is one of the attendees of the party.

I start to wonder if the omega is already engaging herself with someone else from the amount of pheromones she is releasing. If so, I will have to kill the alpha or beta who is with her so that I can have her to myself.

As an enigma, I have the ability to crush any other variety of werewolves. If the omega doesn't willingly submit to me, then I will have to use force. She should be thankful that I am interested in her scent. There are hundreds of werewolves who come begging me to sleep with them yet, I got so interested in her scent that I turned others down and went looking for her.

Even if she gets pregnant tonight with my baby, she should count her blessings. Not every omega gets the opportunity to carry the child of an enigma.

I follow the scent and climb the stairs. 

The human came running to me. "Khun Gym, I didn't know you were coming over"

Of course, he didn't know. He would have known if he had invited me over in the first place. I still don't understand why my dad let a mere human get ownership of one of our farmhouses. These creatures aren't even worth keeping as pets as they tend to bite the hands that feed them.

I try not to show my displeasure. I don't want to waste my time dealing with him. I give him a small nod of acknowledgement and walk in the direction of the scent.

He is following behind me quietly.

I could see a group of alphas lingering around the door from which the scent was coming. I know that all of them are also attracted by the scent as I am.

Without much thought, I release my enigma aura. I couldn't hide my smirk seeing the fear in those alphas' eyes.

"Open this door" I said looking at the human.

The human looked a bit reluctant but followed my orders.

The overwhelming scent burst out as the door opened. The alphas whom I scared away earlier were looking over. I turn my head to them and all of them scatter away.

"You don't have to follow me in," I said to the human, realising that the omega inside was alone and in heat.

As a human, he had no idea about werewolves much less about the varieties and heat of omegas.  

I walk into the room to find the omega.

I could hear noises coming from the bathroom. I head over towards the bathroom. I could guess that the omega was trying to cool herself down without a mate. But I am not going to let her do that. I want to make her mine tonight.

If she manages to impress me tonight, I might consider keeping her company through her heat.

I enter the bathroom anticipating a beautiful omega and am taken by surprise. The omega inside is more beautiful than I expected. What surprised me was that the omega wasn't a 'she' but a 'he'. 

A male omega! A beautiful male omega!

I have heard of male omegas before but this is my first time seeing one myself.

The male omega is still in his human form, wearing a white tee that is wet from the shower and has turned transparent, displaying his smooth white skin.

Smelling my scent the omega turns towards me. 

I swear to god. I have never seen a more alluring omega in my life. His face looks just like a ripe juicy peach that I want to take a bite of. His wet hair cascades his forehead and his eyes... his crystal clear eyes alternate between the black human one and the blue omega one, clearly indicating that he is on the verge of losing his sanity.

Before I knew it, my leg took me towards him.

The excited omega didn't waste a second and pulled me into a kiss as soon as I got close. The omega is kissing me furiously, nibbling and licking.

I swear, I haven't been kissed this good in a long time. How am I supposed to hold back now? Well, I had no intentions of holding back anyway.

I slide my hand into his tee. His skin is burning hot.

After the smouldering hot kiss, the omega is moving to my neck and to my chest. I couldn't take it any more. 

I am taking this omega away for I know that there are so many alphas waiting outside to prey on him as soon as I leave. I don't want to share this omega with anyone. I am going to accompany this one through the heat.

Having made up my mind, I scooped the omega up from the floor, enveloping my enigma aura around him so that other alphas wouldn't dare to eye him. 

The omega is busy raining kisses on the neck. 

"Keep patience little one. I promise you that you won't be disappointed tonight." I whisper to him and see that the omega is smiling. He wrapped his hand around my neck and burrowed into my chest sniffing my scent.

I walk out carrying him in my arms.

"Oh my god, Chain! What happened to you?" The human owner who had no idea how to read the room ran over to us.

So, his name is Chain. 

Seeing how the owner called him by name, I can already guess that they are friends.

"He is not feeling well. I am taking him away." I reply as the omega was too horny at the moment to answer his friend.

"Oh? Okay," the human moves away letting our walkthrough.

I carry him over to my farmhouse. My staff have already gotten rid of the female omega from earlier. I carry him to the master bedroom that I usually occupy. 

I know I am going to ravish him and that I am in for a treat tonight.

I just hope this male omega doesn't disappoint me and pass out like those female omegas who won't even last a few rounds with me.



Please leave your opinions. I am really clueless about writing a POV-style story. I wanted to try writing one after I read a few of them. This one is my first and I seriously need your help.

And don't forget to vote😁

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