35. Brother's argument

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Terk Pov

"What?" Warm frowns.

"Don't try to act innocent with me, Warm. You know your pheromones are not in your control and yet, you let him get close to you. If you weren't trying to seduce him, what were you trying to do?" Chain's face is red in anger.

Warm is so shocked by the accusations that he is frozen. His eyes are turning watery.

Damn it, Chain! Warm hasn't even been stepping out of his room since the doctor told him about the pheromones and their effects, in fear that it might affect others. He finally had some courage to step out and you said something like this. God! This kid has a toxic tongue.

His pheromones are indeed out of control, but the situation is not half as bad as it was. Now the fetus is somewhat developed. So, the structure of the pheromones has also changed accordingly. His pheromones would no longer attract others, it would actually repel them. The only person it would attract is me. 

I have kept a shield on him so that others wouldn't be too repelled by him, and he can be back to his normal life. There wouldn't be a problem even if he interacts with Gym.

" I- Is t- that how you see m- me, In?" Warm is trembling.

"You got knocked up by a stranger. What else do you expect?"

Did Chain hit his head too hard when Gym attacked him? Does he even hear himself? Why is he talking like that to Warm? Is he out of his damn mind? Does he not know how much these words are going to impact Warm? 

"I- I d- didn't..." Warm clenches the hem of his t-shirt. "I w- would never" Huge pearls of tears roll down his eyes. "I w- would n- never do t-that" He sniffles the snot. "I would n- never try to m- make a m- move on y- your mate."

"But you did, Warm! Why did you have to get close to him? If you are feeling horny then go find someone else. Why does it have to be my mate?" 

It's all my fault. It was me who had taken Chain to the doctor who was attending Warm's pregnancy to let him know more about the difficulties that Warm might face during the pregnancy. Since Warm was not letting me get close to him, I thought it would be best if Chain could be by his side.

The doctor had explained everything better than I ever could. One of the things she mentioned was that Warm might feel horny during the period of pregnancy and that his body might crave companionship since he was unmated. It was a topic that I needed to take care of but Warm never let me.

I never thought that this matter would create trouble between the two of them.

"I didn't, Chain, I- I swear I didn't," Warm looks at Chain with pleading eyes.

Woah. This is getting out of hand. Warm never addresses Chain by his full name when it's just the two of them. It's always In for Warm. Now Warm is calling him by his full name. This is not a good sign.

Chain's gaze on Warm is filled with distrust. 

"I am s- sorry if I m- made you feel that way. I- I promise that I would n- never go near him. I would always keep my distance."

I walk to the room and knock on the door. I had to. I can't let this conversation go on. 

Warm hides his face and immediately gathers everything, including the first aid kit. "I have dressed your wound. It's just a surface wound. It would heal in a day or two. Just don't let the wound touch water." He is trying his best to make himself sound normal, but I can still hear the crack in his voice.

With that, he flees the room.

I don't know if I should follow him or not. He had been extra sensitive due to the pregnancy and hormonal changes. I know that he is completely distraught after hearing everything Chain said, and I am sure that he would never want me to learn anything about it. He would never show any emotion to me. 

I just hope that this incident doesn't make him hate me more or make those walls he had built between us thicker.

"P' Terk," Chain calls out just as I was contemplating.

I turn to him.

"How is he, phi?" He asks.

I know he is asking about Gym. I can see the lines of worry on his face. "He is fine. I just sedated him. He would wake up around tomorrow noon."

Chain nods and notices me staring at him. "Is there something that you want to say to me, phi?"

"In, you shouldn't have talked to him like that," I speak.

He opens his mouth to say something, but I cut him off. "I don't know much about him, but I know that he loves you and he treats you as his own Nong." I pause.

I need to compose myself as I am pretty angry right now. I know better than to shower my anger on Chain who himself is in an emotional turmoil.

"And about the matter of his pregnancy... He didn't get pregnant because he was a slut or because he was characterless as you said. He got pregnant because I lost control during my rut. He tried to resist me, with all his power. He even used his sorceress powers on me. But my enigma was too powerful for him to defeat..."

"He was raped, Chain. I forced myself on him. That's how he got pregnant." I didn't want to say all these, but I guess I have to. "He lost everything he held close to him because of me, Chain and I don't know how to make it up for that."

"P' Terk,I~"

"Chain, please, please don't push him away like that. He won't be able to take it if you do." I say and leave to look for Warm.

I didn't want to take sides between my Nong and my pup's mother. But I think that Warm needs my support more in the current scenario.

I stand outside Warm's room. The door is thoroughly locked. I can hear the muffled sound of Warm's crying. I feel that he is trying not to make any sounds knowing my hearing ability.

I sit outside the door, deciding to wait for him to calm down. I can feel his emotional instability via the change in the scent of the pheromones. He is deeply hurt.

Almost two hours had passed and now his cries had died down. He must be exhausted from all the crying.

I had prepared food for everyone. But I think Warm wouldn't be joining others at the dining table. So, I fill a plate for him and take it to his room.

I knock on his door.

The door opens with a creek, and he peeks out. His eyes are red and puffy, so evident that he had been crying even though he had wiped off all the tear stains.

"Your food," I hand him the tray.

"Thank you," He takes the tray without a word. 

I want to talk to him, but I don't know how to start the conversation. "Warm~"

"Let's leave tomorrow morning." 


He raises his gaze and looks at me. "Didn't you say you want to go back to your pack urgently? Let's leave tomorrow morning itself." He repeats.

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