13. Enhanced abilities

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Warm POV

"What do you mean enigmas aren't supposed to mark omegas?" Chain is getting worked up.

"That... In, do you remember what we studied about destined mates back in school?" 

We went to a werewolf school of our pack where all of us were educated on everything one should know about being a werewolf along with the normal curriculum.

"What, about destined mates?" He asks.

"Do you remember studying about how one's destined mate will be in great pain if they get sexually involved?"

"Yeah," Chain nods unsurely.

"It's the same in enigma mating. If you are marked by an enigma and he gets sexually involved with someone, you will be in great pain. Omegas can't take that much pain and might end up dying of it." I can see the change in color on his face. 

"What kind of bullshit is that!?" Chain yells in rage. "Why should I bear the pain when he gets to have fun!?" Chain asks grounding his teeth.

I wish there was something I can do to help him. But I know there is no way I can be of any use to him in this matter.

"Wait a minute" He turns to me. "Is it applicable for all the werewolves he marks? Irrespective of whether they are alphas, betas, or omegas? "

I nod "Yes. No matter who he marks, they will have to bear the same amount of pain everything he mates with someone else."

"Fuck!" He curses. "Then, why do those werewolves throw themselves at the enigma?"

"Being an enigma's mate has its own benefits, In."

"Benefits? What benefits?"

"Benefits like enhanced abilities and stuff. Plus, if you can conceive a child from an enigma who would be an enigma when he grows up, your body will undergo major changes during pregnancy, and you will be even more powerful than ordinary alphas."

"These people are mad, right?" He says in disbelief. "Why do they need these abilities?"

"How am I supposed to know?" I really didn't know what those people thought while wanting to be an enigma mate. "By the way, did you experience some change in yourself in the past few days? I mean, after getting marked."

There will obviously be changes in his body if one gets marked by an enigma.

Chain takes his time to think if he found any change within him.

I say, my Nong can be very oblivious sometimes.

His face changes as if he remembered something.

"What is it?" I am curious to see the pink tint on his cheeks.

"That... I lasted longer"

"What?" I don't understand.

"I said I lasted longer!" He repeats.

I look at him in confusion. What the heck does he mean by 'lasted longer?'. Is it some kind of game or something, that he had to stay alive for a longer period? 

"Aww. My innocent little baby" He coos at me.

I squat his hand that is pinching my cheeks.

"Don't get angry, na." He coaxes me. "What I meant was that the other day, I was jerking myself off while bathing, but it took me longer... you know... to cum."

I finally realized what he said. You can't blame me for not knowing all that. I am a future sorceress. I am supposed to follow celibacy. I don't have much knowledge on this subject.

"That means your stamina increased?" I conclude.

"I think so." He scratches his neck which was now a shade of pink from embarrassment. "One more thing. Two days ago, when I went out to get groceries, my scooter lost control and hit an electric post. That day, I hit my knee on the road and it was badly bruised."

"Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?" This little prick. How could he hide something like that? "Come, let's go to the hospital and get you checked out." I stand up.

Chain pulls me back. "There is no need for that."

"Why is there no need for that, In? Don't you remember how that plumber's uncle said that it was alright when he hit his knee in that accident and was later found with a broken tendon? Don't argue with me and get up. We are going to the hospital!"

"There is seriously no need for that, Warm" He rolls up his trousers to expose his knee. "See the bruise is all gone. There is no pain at all."

I touch his knee. There is no sign of injury. The knee looked normal. 

Chain had a very pale skin. We just have to exert a little bit of force and it would leave purplish bruises on it. Yet, the knee isn't showing any color difference.

"Does that mean that your self-healing capacity increased?" I ask examining the knee.

"I guess?"

I turn to him with interest "How about we hit the gym and find out more about your enhanced abilities?"

"Sure" He agrees readily. "Oh, by the way, his name is Gym." He happily skips away to his room.

I tsk at his back. I really can't comprehend this kid. A minute ago, he was cursing at the enigma and now he is blushing. I don't know what is going on inside that little head of his.

But there is one thing I can say for sure. That is, he likes that enigma.

Maybe, if that guy hadn't been an enigma, things would have worked out between them.

Sigh, I don't know if the interest In is showing towards the enigma is for good or bad. All I can do is pray to the Moon Goddess to keep my Nong from harm. I don't want him to be hurt in this relationship.

He had already been through a lot in the short twenty-year spell. I don't want him to experience any more pain.

In a few minutes, Chain is here dressed in his gym clothes with his duffel bag that he usually takes to the gym.

I hand him an energy drink. "Keep this in your bag. Just in case you faint."

"I have never fainted before, darling." He says with a smug look on his face.

"Today, we are trying to find the extent of enhancement of your ability. You might need to work out more than usual. So, just shut up and put this in your bag."

He pouts but takes the bottle from me and puts it in his bag. "Ready to go?"

I nodded and took a step forward when I suddenly heard him groan. I turn around and see Chain on the floor, crying in pain.

The mating mark on his neck was glowing in a deep shade of red.

"ARGH" Chain is screaming. The red color radiates from his collarbone to the rest of his body.

"Chain, what is happening to you?" I ask squatting next to him.

He is rolling on the ground in pain and is unable to answer me.

I watch helplessly. There is only one possible conclusion I can come up with about what is happening. That is- His mate, the enigma who marked him, is copulating with someone else.

Suddenly an idea enters my mind.

I try to cast the sleeping spell on him. In the beginning, it seemed like it was of no use. But after I continued to do so for more than ten minutes, he fell asleep. But that doesn't mean that the pain is gone. It just means that his brain is put to rest for a while, and he can't sense the pain.

I know I need to get Aunt Lita's help. Chain's condition is worse than I imagined it would be.

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