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Warm POV

I really wish that someone told me that an enigma in the rut was staying in this estate before I came over. I shouldn't have come over here at this time. I should have tried to find those herbs elsewhere. 

I have read that an enigma's physical strength heightens during his rut. But now, I am witnessing it firsthand. I am really terrified now.

My sorceress powers seem to be completely useless against it. At the most, I can use my powers to slow down the enigma from getting to me by obstructing his path. Other than that, there is nothing I can do.

My other spells aren't affecting him at all. The binding spell had kept him bonded for a minute but he broke free from it with ease.

I can see very clearly that the enigma is being controlled by his wolf and he is not in his senses. There is no way he is going to let me go if he caught me.

I am starting to turn weaker as well, due to my heat. My wolf is fighting against me. My wolf is being attracted to the enigma's pheromones. He is being controlled.

The enigma is drawing closer.

Somebody, save me! Somebody, help! Please!!!

There is not a single soul around other than the enigma. Even if there is someone, there is no guarantee that the person can help me get away from the enigma.

 "AWOO!!! " I hear the enigma howl. It's so loud that my legs are turning weak.


The enigma leaps and lands right in front of me. He stares at me with those golden eyes. My breath hitches. 

I feel like a prey who got caught by the predator.

Before I can retreat, he pins me down on the ground. Since both of us are in our wolf forms, all my four limbs are pinned with his huge limbs. I can't move.

Sniff sniff. The enigma inhales my smell and growls in satisfaction.

I know others might be happy if an enigma sniffed that and gave this growl. But not me.

The growl meant that the enigma wanted to mate with me, which isn't a piece of good news for me.

I am the next sorceress of my pack. I am not supposed to mate. I have to retain my virginity.

I struggle my best, trying to get out of the enigma's grip. But he is too strong, I can barely move a muscle.

The enigma licks me as if trying to coax me into mating with him. For us werewolves, or any other canine species, licking is a way of expressing affection.

But I know that the enigma is not licking me out of affection, but it is because of desperation. He can't help it as he is in a rut.

I whimper, hoping that the enigma can be merciful to me and let me go. But unfortunately, the enigma took my whimper as a sign of consent.

I can feel a hard rod-like thing poking my back. I might not be experienced with things like this nor do I have much knowledge of this. But I know basic werewolf biology to know what that hard thing was.

My hole is already dripping wet as I am in heat. 

What should I do now? I know there is no use in panicking like this. But what else am I supposed to do in a situation like this? Should I give in and accept my fate?

Moon Goddess, please save me. Please save me somehow.

His rod is touching the entrance of my hole. Its tip is being lubricated by the juices oozing out of my hole.

I gasp out loud as the majestic rod enter me. I feel like I am being split in half. The difference in sizes is so apparent. It is so painful. I let out a yelp of pain.

The enigma slowly withdraws himself from me and I let out a sigh of relief. But I didn't know that I was relieved too soon as the enigma reentered me, this time with more ease.

I can feel that the enigma is trying his best to be gentle with me, but it still hurts. It is my first time after all.

The enigma keeps repeating the same while licking my neck and ears. The licks are really a great distraction from the feeling of pain.

Slowly I am starting to like whatever the enigma is doing to me. Maybe it is my hormones making me do this or my untimely heat, but I don't want the enigma to stop. 

This feeling, the feeling of having my insides drilled by an enigma is surprisingly pleasant.  The friction between my walls and his member is sending electrifying sensations all over my body. 

The enigma starts picking up pace. His member is hitting my prostrate. The thing inside me is growing bigger and bigger, pushing against my walls.

I pant and moan to the alien experience. My member, who is significantly smaller than the enigma is also activated. As someone who had never had any sexual thoughts or even masturbated, seeing my member stand up like that makes me feel shameful.

I don't understand why I am feeling like this and why my body is reacting like this. Why is my body craving for more? Why am I enjoying this?

The Enigma growls near my ear as if sensing how tensed I am. The growl does make me ease up a bit.

My wolf is thoroughly enjoying this. 

The enigma's pheromones are covering me, making me lose my last bet of resistance against him. Boasted with the fact that I am in heat, I can't reject him anymore. I let him have his way with me.

His member twitches and enlarges within me with each thrust.

He moans loudly. He is getting closer to his climax.

The base of his member is swelling up and forms a knot. He pushes it into my uterus, locking us together in the time being.

His blood is flowing towards the knot and merging with my blood at the knot.

The enigma is knotting with me! This not supposed to happen! No!

The enigma growls loudly as he cums, emptying himself into the knot inside my uterus. The warm thick fluid is filling my uterus.

The enigma remains in the same position till the knot is unknotted, before removing himself from me.

I fall to the floor, losing all strength as the remains of the enigma's fluid flows out of my throbbing hole.

My eyes fall on the enigma's member that is still erect and intact. This means that he is not done with me. Fear engulfs me at the realization. I don't think I will be able to do another round.

But the enigma seems to think other wise. He bites my neck and picks me up, just the way my mom used to pick me up when I was a pup who just started assuming my wolf form.

He takes me to an area with much thicker grass. The enigma's intentions are way too obvious. I don't think I can hold on anymore. I am letting my wolf take over my consciousness.

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