23. Jealous

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Gym Pov

I was wrong. I was terribly wrong. The omega hasn't forgiven me. He doesn't want to accept me.

I can see it in his eyes. I hate this feeling. I hate it so much.

Why is he so prejudiced against me? I know I was in the wrong for marking him just like that and having him go through so much pain. But haven't I explained to him what happened?

Why can't he give me a chance? Give us a chance?

This is so unfair!

Is it my fault that everyone keeps swamping at me? I never asked them to. They did it voluntarily. It's not like I like being touched by any passerby.

I am an enigma and I have gotten used to situations like this a long time ago.

For example, that one female alpha. She was very handsy with me to the point that she was making me uncomfortable.

Truth be told, my skin is really sensitive and some spots in my body are extra sensitive to me. That alpha touched my sensitive spot and my body responded involuntarily.

Is it my fault? I couldn't help it.

To make things worse, Aunt Lita's tea is giving me a hard time. I don't know how many times I have run to the washroom. It is really embarrassing.

What I don't understand is Chain's reaction to the whole situation. Why isn't he stopping others from touching me?

I know, he can't mark me and claim me as his mate. Still, I have marked him, right? Why didn't he push those people away from me?

Does he even care about our bond? I used to think he did. But today he proved that he didn't.

When he asked me to come along to look for his twin, I agreed without missing a beat because he seemed distressed. I am not used to dirt and mud, still, I am sticking together with him so that I can ensure his safety.

Why can't he see any of that? Why am I labelled a douchebag?

Seeing him talking and laughing with those kids made me realize that I was the problem.

I couldn't even move when I saw him eat all those things that those villagers gave him, but he refused to eat something I brought for him.

Even though the dessert was made by that perverted female alpha, it's delicious. I really wanted to share it with him. But he lied to me that he was full. Now while eating those disgusting worms with those villagers, he seems to have a lot of appetite.

He looks at me and ignores me to talk to the people around him.

I walk away. I want to be alone.

I really don't know what to do so that he would keep his heart open towards me.

I like him. I like him a lot. I just don't have any idea how to convey that.

I want to see the same look in his eyes as the one he had on the night we mated for the first time. The look of wanting, the look of acceptance.

"Take it easy kid," I hear Aunt Lita's voice and I turn around. I wasn't expecting her to follow me here.

She pats my shoulder and sits next to me. "Give him some time na."

I don't know what is happening to me that I am hugging her right now. Maybe it is because this is the first time someone has been so warm to me.

"But he hates me, Aunt," I am wailing like a kid. I am starting to lose hope.

"He doesn't hate you, kid," She says rubbing my back.

"He does," I insist. "He didn't want to sit with me. He didn't even eat the dessert I gave him."

Aunt Lita had told me earlier that Chain loves sweets and has an ultimate sweet tooth. That was why I brought the dessert over for him. Yet, he pushed me and the dessert away.

"No, silly" She draws away from the hug. "He does not hate you. He is just jealous."

"Huh," I am surprised. "Jealous?"

"Of course he is jealous. Can't you see how he is glaring at those people approaching you?" She asks while wiping my face with her handkerchief.

"Then, why didn't he push them away?" I sniffle.

"Because he can't. Those people were alphas and betas. In maybe a dominant omega. But he is still an omega na" Aunt Lita says softly.

Really? Was it really because of that reason that he didn't react?

"All omegas are possessive of their mates na. No omega would want others to be around their mates. The same goes for In. He doesn't want anyone around you. But he can't do anything."

"Why, Aunt? I am his mate, right? Can't omegas claim their mates?"

"They can. But Gym, you are an enigma. It is the law of nature that you should have multiple mates. Me casting that enchantment was actually going against nature. I could do that because I am a sorceress. But In is an ordinary omega. He can't fight the nature. That too for your half bond mating" She explains to me.

"Does that mean that I have a chance?" I feel excited.

"That would depend on your own performance," She smiles at me.

"Great Sorceress, great sorceress," I hear someone calling out for her.

"I will go and take a look." She stands up and leaves.

I follow her.

The village chief is standing with a group of people.

"What happened chief?" Aunt Lita asks as she gets there.

"Great Sorceress, this is San. He is the security guard of the estate you are going to" The village chief introduced the alpha next to him.

We wai at each other.

"Great Sorceress, I don't think that kid had come over to the estate. I know him. He never came there" San says respectfully.

"What do you mean he hasn't come? He had left home days ago!" I can see how frantic Chain is being at the news.

"None of us had seen him there, Nong" San says.

"But Dad, what if P' Warm went there when Khun Terk was there?" The little kid standing next to San, asks while tugging his clothes.

"Khun Terk? Is he an enigma?" I have a bad feeling about it.

"Khrab. Khun Terk is the owner of the estate. He had stayed there for over a week," San answers to me.

"What happened, Gym? Is he someone you know?" Aunt Lita asks me.

"Khrab. He is my cousin." I answer and turn to San. "Wasn't he supposed to be on rut?"

I know he isolates himself during his ruts due to his violent tendencies.

"Khrab. He was in rut. He had set all of us home before the onset of his rut. He~" San pauses. "Khun Terk mentioned that someone had broken into the estate during his rut. It might me N' Warm."

"If Warm had actually been there at the time of his rut then..." I don't have the guts to finish my sentence. I can see the horror in Chain's and Aunt Lita's eyes. Do they know how dangerous Terk can be during his rut?

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