19. Tea 2

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Gym Pov

"This tea was specially made by me after I saw Chain's condition. It contains Chain's blood as well. Didn't you find it rather enjoyable? It's because these leaves were dipped in your mate's blood." Aunt Lida puts down her cup. Her tea is untouched.

"Chain's blood?" I suddenly feel revolted. Did I drink my baby's blood? Did she think that I was a disgusting vampire or something?

"The tea's effect is simple. It makes your bond grow deeper. That is, it creates a pseudo-bond between him and you. You will only be able to mate with him." She crosses her legs and sits more confidently. "If you try to mate with someone else, you will have to suffer consequences."

I stare blankly at the lady for a few seconds. "What consequences?" I ask out of curiosity.

"If you try to get intimate with anyone other than Chain, you will be embarrassing yourself." She shrugs.

"Embarrassing myself?"

"Yes. Either, you will not be able to get hard or will have a loose bowel at that time. Or maybe both at the same time. Since I didn't know your body type, I didn't make it specified." She giggles like a kid.

I look at the strange lady in horror. I am terrified beyond words. Why didn't she just castrate me?

Not that I had any problem with the plan. But how am I supposed to explain this to my Dad? He would definitely find out about my omega and hunt him down.

"Oh, other than being Chain's aunt, I am also the Great Sorceress of the Snow Moon pack. Have you heard of the term 'Sorceresses'?" She asks.

I shake my head. I have no freaking idea what 'sorceress' mean. Does it mean that she is a witch? Does she do black magic or something?

"We sorceresses are omegas who had been bestowed with powers from the Moon goddess. It is something sacred and is passed down through generations." She smiles. "Our duty is to protect our packmen."

The information wasn't helpful. Why did I even follow her here?

"What happened, son? You look pale," She asks with a concerned look on her face. "Are you worried that you won't be able to mate with others?"

"No Khrab." I immediately deny it. "I am just worried about Chain."

She hums in agreement. "That is indeed something that you have to worry about. Knowing his temper, it won't be easy to pacify him."

Slow breeze blows and I can smell the faint milky vanilla scent in them. I subconsciously jump up from my seat.

"What happened? Is he nearby?" She asks as she stares at the road.

Just then, I see my baby walking over from the junction, talking to some other guy. He looks so adorable wearing that casual t-shirt and shorts with slippers. It looks so different from the way he was dressed the other day (Not that I remember him with clothes on, still...)

"In" Aunt Lida calls out making him look over.

Our eyes meet and I see him clenching his fists. He ignores me and walks to his house.

"What are you doing? Go after him!" Aunt Lida urges me.

I wai at her runs off after my baby.

I must say that my omega is pretty quick. He looked the gate before I catch up with him. My omega seems to have forgotten that his mate is an enigma.

I leap over the compound wall and enter the premises.

He looks at me in surprise for a second and rushes into the house. I follow him in quickly.

"Baby" I call out as I reach out to hold his wrist.


I receive the well-deserved slap from my baby.

I look up and see my baby staring at me with eyes that were brimming with tears, threatening to fall any moment. He is clearly very angry.

"Baby..." I call out softly.


His tears start rolling down.

"I am sorry, baby. I really didn't know." I try to explain.

"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE! LEAVE!" He screams, trying to push me out of the door.

As an enigma, his strength is nothing to me. But I am not resisting him strongly. I know I am in the wrong and that I deserve the treatment he is giving me.

"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU HAVE TO MARK ME, HUH? I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" My baby's face is all red from crying.

"I am really sorry, baby. I didn't mean to hurt you" I grab his hand that keeps pushing me out and pull him into an embrace. "I missed you so much." I mumble softly.

He breaks down into tears. "I know you didn't. You were having fun with others. I could feel it. I could feel it through the mark you gifted me. You are an asshole."

I hug him and keep apologizing to him. He has his nose buried against my scent gland. He is taking in my smell to calm himself down.

Once he became somewhat stable, I sat him down and began explaining my situation to him.

"Since you knew that your dad would accept me, an omega, as your mate, why did you mark me?" He asks after listening to everything I had to say.

I gulp, but I don't want to lie to him. "I was being selfish. I couldn't bring myself to even think of letting someone else be your mate. I had to steal the chance."

"Do you even have an idea how much pain I had to go through in the past few days?" He starts sobbing again. "It was so painful that Warm had to go to that place to find herbs for my medicine."

"Warm? Who is that?" I had seen that name in his phone. That kid had been calling and texting him constantly during his last day of heat.

I remember having commanded the hypnotized Chain to reply to him that he was on a trip.

"Warm. He is my twin. Mom and Dad are on a business trip. So, it was just me and him here. He couldn't bare to see me in pain. He went to the estate all alone."

As relieved as I am to hear that my baby has such caring people around him, I can't bare to see my baby in distress like this.

"Is that estate far away? How about we go there and pick him up?" I suggest.

"I don't know where that estate is. It is somewhere in the jungle. It's said that there is some enchantments set on the boundaries of the estate that it cuts contact with the outside world. He has been gone for days and I am unable to reach him." He confides in me.

"Haven't you told Aunt Lita?"

"I did. She tried too. But she couldn't connect either. She told me that it was normal to lose contact inside that estate and I shouldn't be worried because he is also a powerful sorceress."

Wow! I am screwed. Chain's twin is a sorceress too? I just hope that he is not a psycho like his aunt.

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