18. Tea

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Gym pov


Finally, I managed to get out of my dad's radar!!!

It wasn't an easy job, you know, with all of Dad's henchmen keeping their eyes on me.

You must be wondering why I have to escape my dad's radar. The reason is that I marked an omega as my first mate. Marking an omega is something unacceptable in his eyes. If he found out about it, not only would I be punished, but my omega would also have to suffer consequences.

I am taking a cab to the address, my omega gave me the other day. The cab enters the territory of the Snow Moon pack. 

I am really nervous now. My omega might be really mad at me right now as I had marked him without his consent. I know that was a very lowly act but I couldn't help myself. 

Just from the way his face changed after he found out that I was an enigma, I could say that he wouldn't even want to meet me once his heat was over. I didn't want to let him go just like that.

In the past few days, my dad had been sending alphas and betas to me (He wants me to impregnate at least one of them). None of them felt half as good as my omega. It had been a humongous task to get away from them.

I wonder if my little omega is mad at me. I know calling him little isn't actually right. But he is so cute that I can't help it. 

If he is mad, I have no idea of how to appease him. Literally speaking, I know very little of him. I just hope that I will be able to find a way around it.

"We are here" The cab stops in front of a two-storied house.

"Thank you," I say as I get out of the cab, making the payment.

I press the doorbell next to the gate, but there is no reply. I repeat my actions, but still no answer.

It looks like no one is home.

I look around and see a woman walking over from far away. I walk up to her. "Swadee Khrab" I greet her.

The lady looks up "Gym?"

"H- How do you know me?" I ask in surprise.

"Chain told me that the name of the asshole enigma who marked him is Gym," The lady smiles harmlessly.

I smile in embarrassment. What else could I do? I could see from how she looks at me that she don't have a good impression of me.

"Are you here to see Chain?" She probes.


"He has gone to the market and no one is home. He will be back in an hour." She eyes my luggage. "How about waiting in my place till he arrives?"

I had my luggage with me as I had come here directly from the airport. I was dying to meet my omega.

I hesitate a bit. I don't see any mating mark on her. She is an unmated omega. It doesn't feel right to follow her.

 "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Lita. I am Chain's aunt." She says as if sensing my hesitation.

I mask my embarrassment and follow her to her house. The house is not far from Chain's.

"You can wait here. He will be passing by this road when he comes back." She says as she points to the spacious lounge.

 I thank her and she goes into the kitchen. I sit fidgeting to myself when she returns with tea ware and other things that are required to make tea.

She takes a seat opposite me with a smile and starts warming the teaware with warm water. "So, tell me Gym, how was your flight?"

"It was good Khrab."

"Chain told me you are his senior in university. Which faculty are you in?"

"Business Administration, Khrab."

"Which pack are you from?"

"Crimson Heart Pack Khrab."

"The one led by Enigma Ron?"

"Khrab. He is my Dad." I am not surprised that she knows my dad. After all, our pack is the most powerful one in the nation.

"Your surname is Kolimart?"


She goes silent after my reply, concentrating fully on brewing the tea. Once the tea is done, she pours it into two cups and hands one of them to me.

I am not a big fan of teas. But since the lady is Chain's elder, I have to show her some respect. 

I take the tea cup from her and the soothing smell of the tea wafts into my nostrils.

"How many marked mates do you have, son?" She asks, inhaling the smell of the tea.

"Only one, Khrab. Chain is my first mate." I answer her and I can see the look of relief on her face. I am sure that she was worried about me having other mates. 

"Didn't your Dad allow you to have basic training on being an enigma?" She gestures to me to drink the tea.

 "How did you know that Khrab?" I am once again surprised by the lady. I take a sip of the tea in admiration for the lady. The tea is really calming my nerves.

"I guessed it. I had heard rumors that your dad is very cautious about his power. He must be worried that you will usurp his power as the enigma of the clan if you get trained." She scoffs.

I can't believe that outsiders know about this as well. I take another sip of the tea. I am starting to like its bittersweet taste.

"If you had gotten the training, then you wouldn't have marked Chain after all." She adds.

This made be freeze. I look up questioningly.

"It's a basic deal, Gym. Enigmas are not supposed to mark omegas." She explains.

"W- Why?" I didn't know. I really didn't know.

"Because, enigmas are polygamous. Each time you mate with another werewolf, all your marked mates will have to go through pain and omegas doesn't have the threshold to withstand such pain."

I am thunderstruck by the new information.

"I am sure that you were engaging with some other werewolves in the past few days before coming here. Chain had been in great pain because of that. As a newly mated omega, this is a especially sensitive time. The pain was so antagonizing that we had to feed him medicines and put him to sleep."

I feel like killing myself. I hurt my omega. I only touched those werewolves so that my movements wouldn't look suspicious to Dad. If I had known that it would hurt my omega so much, I wouldn't have done that.

"Don't worry. I have found a solution to that problem." She smiles at me.

Her smile is sending cold shivers down my spine. "What solution?"

"The tea you just drunk. It is the solution." Her smile turns even more wicked.

I look down at the empty tea cup in my hand. I have already finished the tea.

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