4. Mark

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I don't know what's going on but the omega beneath me is being weird now. He is not responding to my advances anymore. What the heck is going on?

Let me explain my current situation to you. The male omega beneath me is the one with whom I have spent the past three days. And I must tell you that it's the first.

First, as in the sense that I personally have never spent so much time together with anyone else I have slept with.

I am accompanying through his heat and definitely not disliking it at all. This omega is good. I mean great. As someone who had been with a fair share of alphas, betas and omegas, I know my stuff and I can guarantee you that the time I spent with this omega was amazing. So amazing that I didn't hesitate to tell him who I am.

 It really came to me as a surprise when the omega didn't react to my name. I am not bragging but I am the most popular student in our university. Given my looks, my strength and my powerful family background, it is not a surprise that I am popular.

Yet, this omega didn't seem like he had heard my name before. Even though it irked me a bit, I kind of found it refreshing. It was the first time a werewolf was coming to me not because of me being an enigma or because I am the son of the richest man in the country.

Anyways, now what happened was that the omega told me that if we were in our hometown we could have changed into our wolf forms and made out in the wild. The problem is that we are in the city and have many humans surrounding us that we can only satisfy each other in our human form. The wolf forms would be enormous in size and scare humans easily.

Just the idea sparked an interest in me. It had been long since I made out in my wolf form and truth be told, I missed it. The human form kind of restricts my performance and energy exertion levels.

I unknowingly let my enigma eyes come out. It turned golden yellow without me realising it. As soon as I realised I did turn it back. But I am sure that the omega saw my golden eyes.

And he had an unreadable expression on his face. The expression looked a lot like the one of repulsion and fear? I am not really sure.

I must have read it wrong. I mean, those two reactions wouldn't make sense.

Normally, any werewolf would be delighted to get associated with an enigma as it brought in endless benefits. But this omega started acting weird after that.

He wasn't responding properly to my kisses or moaning out loud to my thrusts like he did in the past few days. I feel something is wrong here.

It is as if someone had pressed the off button on the omega and he had stopped enjoying himself.

I am really frustrated at the sudden change and I want to know what is going on. So, I am taking out my last weapon, my enigma eyes.

Don't think that I am just going to show it to him but I am going to use it on him.

We enigmas have some abilities that other varieties of werewolves don't have. These special abilities make us far superior to the rest of the crowd.

Now, I am going to use my hypnotizing ability on him. I haven't really trained my abilities so I am not expecting to hypnotize him to the extent that he would obey me like a puppet. But I can surely make him tell me what he is thinking right now and what made him upset.

As a beginner in the use of my abilities, I don't know how long he will be hypnotised for. Anyway, I am giving it a go.

I close my eyes and open them again to stare right at the omega's eyes. His eyes go blank and I know that he is under my control now.

"What happened, baby? Why is there a sudden change in behaviour towards me? You don't like me?" I ask.

"I liked you. But you are an enigma. So I don't like you anymore." the omega replies like a puppet.

Just as I expected. Me, being an enigma is the problem here.

"Why can't you like me if I am an enigma?" I am curious about the reason why he said so.

"Enigmas are cruel, selfish and arrogant. They only know how to use others for their own needs and discard them once they are done. Enigmas are total jerks. Douchebags who only care about themselves. I hate enigmas" The omega spills out his thoughts.

I swear the moment I heard the term 'hate' escape the omega's lips, my blood started boiling.

First of all the enigmas that he is talking about are either my father, me or my stupid cousin, as we are the only enigmas in the whole damn country. I don't know what gave him the idea like that.

I know that he hadn't come across any of us before. Because, if he had come across my dad, my dad would have definitely scented him and kept him by his side. Knowing my dad well, I am sure that he will not let a beautiful omega like this one pass.

And as for my cousin, Terk. Well... we are not that close. But know for sure that he hasn't either, as he is the 'responsible' kind and would never leave behind such a bad impression even if he did.

I can only conclude that the omega has such an image of enigmas because of a rumour or because of an imposter, who pretended to be an enigma.

"Don't believe in the rumours. Enigmas are not bad people." I don't even know why I am trying to convince this omega that enigmas aren't like the way he thought.

"It's not the rumours. I am saying it from my experience!" The omega agitates. 

Damn! It is indeed an imposter!

I am going to hunt down that imposter and kill him. Not just because he shimmered dirt on the name of enigmas but also because he had slept with this omega before me.

Shit! Even the thought of someone touching this omega is making me angry.

No. I am not going to let this happen. I can't do anything about what happened in the past but I can surely prevent it from happening in the future.

The overwhelming amount of possessiveness that I am currently feeling towards this omega feels weird. But I know. This omega should be mine. I have to make him mine.

My sharp canines bite down on the scent gland on his collarbone. I am scenting him with my scent so that no other werewolf would dare to covet him from now on. My scent is being mixed with him as I taste his blood for the first time via the bite wound.

I pull out my teeth and look at the bloody mark on his neck. It looks beautiful. It suits him perfectly.

I marked him. I marked the omega in front of me. My first mate.

Don't get me wrong. Enigmas have multiple mates both marked ones and unmarked ones.

Well, I can't call him a mate but a partial mate because due to the need to have multiple partners, an enigma can never get marked by anyone, even the werewolves that they mark themselves.

So the omega is my first partial mate as I haven't marked anyone else before this. I know marking is done with mutual consent even in the case of fated mates. But I don't think that the omega will have any opposition to it after knowing the benefits of being marked by an enigma. 

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