6. Hijack

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Terk Pov

I am travelling to Lamphun with my friends, Safe and Eve. It has been years since I last visited that place and am a little excited.

Both Safe and Eve are from Phayao. So, they would be taking another bus from Lamphun to go back home for the sem break. I, however, am planning to stay in Lamphun for the break. My father owned an estate there. I had long wanted to check it out but never got time. 

The bus is supposed to leave by twelve at midnight. But three of us had arrived early and gotten settled down an hour earlier. 

It is nearly twelve when the person who will be sitting next to me arrives. Let me tell you, that guy looks so tiny. I mean, he is wearing an oversized hoodie t-shirt and cargo pants. But it really looks like a kid had worn his father's clothes. Adorable!

I can't help but get up and help the little guy put his luggage on the luggage rack as I see him stand on his tippy toes trying to put it up there. The guy thanks me and settles down in his seat.

This gesture is enough for my stupid friends to start teasing me.

"Ahem, ahem!" Eve fake coughed wiggling her eyebrows.

"Shut up. I don't do humans" I don't really have the habit of hooking up but if I find someone who suits my taste, I would definitely try my luck.

The little guy next to me fills in all the criteria I look for in the people I sleep with and my friends know it well. That's why all the teasing is up. It's a shame that the little guy is a human or else I could have tried to get to know him.

"If he wasn't a human, you would have hit on him?" Safe asks me with a mischievous smirk.

I would. I definitely would. But I am not going to admit that. "Just keep your mouth shut and try to sleep!" I push his nasty face away, hoping that my neighbour didn't hear what he just said.

But from the looks of it, he did. The little guy was cuddling closer to the window, creating a space between us. He seems scared of me and has a wary expression in his eyes as he sneaks peeks at me.

This is making me feel like a pervert for real. Am I a pervert? Maybe I am. Because I am getting intrusive thoughts about the little neighbour of mine now. I mean, you should take a look at him. I feel like kidnapping him and keeping him inside my pocket. He is so tiny and cute that... Argh! I don't know what is going on with me.

I try chanting those mantras that the monk of the temple I last visited taught me to stop those stupid thoughts.

The bus starts moving and all the lights are turned off as most of the passengers would be sleeping through the overnight travel. 

I too try to get some sleep. But to no veil. I can't sleep at all.

I open my eyes and I see everyone else has already fallen asleep. Even my nosy friends. They are cuddling with each other and I strongly suspect that there is something going on between those two. 

I sigh and turn to the other side. I can see that my little neighbour has also fallen asleep. All curled up in a fluffy blanket, he looks even more adorable now.

This is the first time I am hating my night vision ability as an enigma. I can see his face pretty clearly even in the dark and this is driving me crazy.

Maybe it's because my rut is nearing and I don't actually have anyone to mate with that I am feeling horny right now. I had been sexually inactive for a long time now. Maybe that's it. 

Should I try my luck with the little human? I had never actually been with a human before and I am not really sure if I can be. You know, as an enigma, even werewolves find it hard to take me, I really doubt if a human could. I really don't want to wreck up the little guy. Just kidding I do want to wreck him up but I don't want him to be injured. You know what I mean right?

On second thought, I don't think there would be a problem. Because I have heard my cousin Gym, who also happens to be an enigma getting involved with humans. I haven't heard of any news of those human's death or about them being gravely injured after sleeping with him. Then I think it will be alright for me to try my luck.

But unfortunately, my rut is near and it is really dangerous for me to be around him.

Let me explain, unlike alphas, we enigmas can be pretty rough with sex and there are several incidents where the other party died or fainted during the intercourse. We just have too much energy and others might not be able to keep up with us.

This is also the reason why enigmas are allowed to have multiple spouses. One spouse alone might not be able to fulfil our needs. Even if they do, it would be sheer torture for them.

I am brought back to reality when the driver suddenly slams the break and everyone inside the bus jerks forward in inertia.

 "What's going on?" Safe asks half asleep.

"Don't know. Let me go and check." I stand up and peek.


The front glass of the bus is shattered and a bunch of people enter the bus and pin the driver down. 

The passengers are screaming in fear. Those people were hijacking the bus. 

By people, I mean those werewolves. They seem to be a bunch of pack-less werewolves who rely on illegal activities to gain resources.

Among the passengers that were left only I and my two friends were werewolves. The rest of them were human including women, elderly and even toddlers.

The other werewolves who were travelling with us turned out to be accomplices of the hijackers. They join the hijackers and start threatening the other passengers.

The humans were trembling in fear. Even my little neighbour.

As someone who travels a lot, this is not the first time I have had an encounter with these kinds of hijacks.

When werewolves and humans started living together in harmony, all the werewolf packs uniformly agreed to the condition that they would keep peace and wouldn't disrupt human livelihoods. 

But these pack-less werewolves clearly don't adhere to that agreement. They are even exposing the existence of werewolves to these humans by changing into their wolf forms.

We are in the middle of a jungle or something. So there is no range or anything. We can't even call for help. Maybe this is why these lawless wolves selected this spot.

As an enigma, it is not difficult for me to take down this bunch of alphas and betas. But the problem is that there were so many of them, like about fifty or sixty of them. They have completely covered the bus.

Adding to the fact that I have so many humans beside me, that need my protection, I have to think of some other way. I can't take out my enigma form in front of these humans. It would be a violation of agreement between humans and werewolves.

Neither Safe nor Eve had any real-life fighting experience as werewolves. I don't know if they would be any help here. If they are not, then asking them to help me fight would be  putting their lives in danger.

I know I am the only one who can get us out of the situation.

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